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Which cities hold Olympic Games twice?-奥运知识

[日期:2008-07-28]   [字体: ]


Through many years' effort, on July 13th, 2001, Beijing finally got the opportunity to hold the 29th Olympic games. People all over the world are looking forward to it.

There are always beautiful stories about the cities hold the Olympic Games. Some cities even held the Olympic games more than once. Do you know what are they?

The first city need to mention is Athens, the place where the first Olympic Games took place in 1896. And this city has a long history of ancient Olympics since 776BC. Athens chose olive branch as symbolization of peace and friendship in the first modern Olympic Games. In the new Millennium Athens held the Olympic games again; this symbolizes for the Olympic cycle and also the hope of peace and Happiness in the world during the new century.

In 1900, the World Fair and Olympic games both held in Paris. Women attended the Olympics for the first time. They attended the performing event. In 1924, Paris held the Olympics again.

The 30th Olympic Games is going to be held in London. This city have already held the Olympic Games twice. In 1908, because the Vesuvius erupted, the Olympic games was transfered to be held in London. In 1948 right after the World WarⅡ, it was controversial whether to hold sports event or not for a while. The 1948 London Olympics went popular and comforted people's hearts suffered from the war. Now London is going to be the city holding the Olympic games most times.

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