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[日期:2008-07-23]   [字体: ]

Come to sunny Colombia

到阳光明媚的哥伦比亚来吧!(陈继龙 编译)

From The Economist print edition

MENTION Colombia, and most people think of cocaine, kidnappings and guerrilla violence.(1)These have served to keep all but the most danger-loving tourists away for decades.But under Álvaro Uribe, Colombia's president since 2002, violence has fallen steadily and many parts of the country have become safe. Now the government is trying tor_______①conventional images of Colombia with different ones: white-sand beaches, colonial cities, jungle-clad mountains and placid coffee farms.


The tourism campaign has begun at home. This month, during the mid-year school holidays, thousands of Colombians have enjoyed the newly-recovered freedom to travel, using specially policed routes from major cities to favourite holiday spots.________________________(就现在来看,此举旨在打消外国游客的顾虑。)With a promotionalb_______②of just $4m this year, the tourism agency is concentrating its efforts on tour operators andcruise[1]and airline executives. This spring, it invited 130 of them to see the country's beaches, its coffee farms and the Amazon region.

Mr Uribe has himselfl_______③bosses of cruise-ship firms.(2)This seems to have paid off.In May, Royal Caribbean announced that from next year some of its ships would call at Cartagena, a colonial walled port on the north coast. The Florida Caribbean Cruise Association held its annual meeting in the city last week.
乌利比总统本人也已游说了游船公司的老板,结果看来是一帆风顺。(译者注:根据LONGMAN,“if something you do pays off, it is successful or has a good result”,因此文中的“pay off”是指游说成功,因为其与船有关,故引申为“一帆风顺”。)今年5月,皇家加勒比海公司宣布,明年起其部分船只将停靠卡塔赫纳(位于哥伦比亚北海岸、殖民时期建造的港口城市)。佛罗里达加勒比海游船协会上周还在该市召开了年会。

Tourism officials expect 1.5m foreign visitors this year, more than 50% up from the 925,000 in 2005. (Mexico, Latin America's top tourist destination,a_______④20m foreigners a year.) Lonely Planet, a travel publisher, has chosen Colombia as one of its top ten travel hotspots for 2006, in large part because of the improvement in safety.

But care is still needed. Lonely Planet advises tourists to steerclear of[2]Chocó on the Pacific coast, Putumayo in the far south and “anywhere east of the Andes”, where there are still guerrillas. America's State Department and the British Foreign Office alsow________⑤travellers against wandering into rural areas.

Even so, groups of foreignh________⑥have recently taken to visiting Ciudad Perdida, one of the largest and oldest pre-Columbian settlements in the Americas, in the jungles of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The area is still home toleftist[3]guerrillas and remnants of theirarch-enemies[4],the right-wing paramilitary militias. (3)But the fact that many other parts of what is a large and physically beautiful country are now safe to visit amounts to proGREss.
1. 根据首字母以及括号内的词性提示和英文释义填入单词(注意复数、时态形式变化等):
①r________(v. to put something new in the place of something old, damaged, or broken)
②b________(n. the money that is available to an organization or person)
③l________(v. to try to persuade the government or someone with political power)
④a________(v. to make someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in something)
⑤w________ (v. to tell someone about something before it happens so that they are not worried or surprised by it)
⑥h_________ (n. someone who walks long distances in the mountains or country for pleasure)
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