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[日期:2008-07-11]   [字体: ]

 大赦国际 (Amnesty International -- AI) 于1961年5月28日在伦敦成立。其宗旨是“动员公众舆论,促使国际机构保障人权宣言中提出的言论和宗教自由”;“致力于为释放由于信仰而被监禁的人以及给他们的家庭发放救济等方面的工作。”大赦组织的作法是公开一国藐视人权的案例,然后诉诸于全球的舆论压力;有别于其他组织的是,为维持中立、公正与完整的独立性,该组织在每一地区的分会都不能对本身的“个案”表达关切。其活动是“为良心犯寻求释放,即那些在各地因个人的信仰、肤色、性别、种族、语言和宗教在没有使用或鼓吹暴力的情况下而被拘禁的人;为所有政治犯争取公平迅速的审判,并为那些被指控有罪或审判而被拘禁的人代言;反对对任何囚犯实施死刑和酷刑,或其他残忍、不人道或侮辱性的待遇或惩罚。”每年召开一次理事会会议。其资金来源于个人捐款、会费和当地筹款。


Amnesty International (Amnesty International - AI) on May 28, 1961 in London to set up. Its purpose is to "mobilize public opinion, to international institutions to protect human rights in the Declaration of speech and freedom of religion" and "committed to the release of imprisoned because of their beliefs of the people and to their families, and other aspects of the relief work." Amnesty The practice is an open defiance of a country's human rights case, and then resort to the world public opinion pressure is different from other organizations, in order to maintain neutrality, impartiality and integrity of the independence of the organization in each region are not on the Branch Their "individual cases" expression of concern. Its activities is "to seek the release of prisoners of conscience, that is, those who in various places because of personal beliefs, colour, sex, race, language and religion in the absence of the use or advocacy of violence and the circumstances of prisoners and detainees in order to fight for fair and expeditious all political prisoners The trial for those accused and convicted or trial detention of people speak; opposed to any application of the death penalty and torture of prisoners, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. "Meetings of the Council once a year. Its funding comes from individual donations, contributions and local fund-raising.

     By the end of 1996, Amnesty International organizations in 150 countries and regions with more than 1.1 million members and more than 80 countries in the 4349 regional organizations, members and 54 member countries. The organization of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" at the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Human Rights Award, the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize.
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