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[日期:2008-05-31]   [字体: ]



很多人都以为S.O.S.是由一些单字的首字母缩写而成,如Save Our Souls(拯救我们的生命!),Save Our Ship(拯救我们的船只!),Stop Other Signals(停止发送任何其他信号!),Sure Of Sinking(船就要沉了!)等。


SOS is the international Morse code signal rescuers, the acronym is not any word. Given the disaster at that time there have been frequent reports, often not timely issue distress signals and fastest-rescue organizations, resulting in significant casualties and property losses, the International Convention on the radio organizations in 1908 it formally established as an international common maritime distress signals. This combination of three letters of no practical significance, because it is only the code ...---...( three dots, three dashes, three dots and plus) in the telegraph transmitters, is the most Easy issue, reported the most easily identify the code.

Mayday signals
Many people think that SOS by some words from the first initials, such as Save Our Souls (save our lives!), Save Our Ship (save our ship!), Stop Other Signals (stop sending any signals!) Sure Of Sinking (ship to Shen!).

But in fact, SOS is the international Morse code signal rescuers, the acronym is not any word. Given the disaster at that time there have been frequent reports, often not timely issue distress signals and fastest-rescue organizations, resulting in significant casualties and property losses, the International Convention on the radio organizations in 1908 it formally established as an international common maritime distress signals. This combination of three letters of no practical significance, because it is only the code ...---...( three dots, three dashes, three dots and plus) in the telegraph transmitters, is the most Easy issue, reported the most easily identify the code.
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