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[日期:2008-05-25]   [字体: ]





Suzhou City, the torch relay starting point in the Suzhou park, the end of the industrial park located in the new century square, the middle section of the city after quite scenic characteristics of the disc door. This fully demonstrates the design of the road historic city of Suzhou and a perfect fusion of modern city characteristics.
     Suzhou park is located in the Suzhou New District Centre, planning area of 94 hectares, to Mingwenxiaer based on the Lion Rock, domestic investment is the largest and most complete the project, the most advanced modern water playgrounds. Suzhou City to here as the torch relay will appeal to the natural starting point. The middle section of the disc door area, located in the southwest extremity of the ancient city, north Wugong Sheraton Hotel and Xinshi Road, Southern Cross-River around the city, a famous scenic spot in the three-door King: surface Shing Mun, Ruiguang tower and Wu Bridge . This section fully reflects the characteristics of the ancient city of Suzhou. As the end of the New Century Plaza, located in the Suzhou Industrial Park, there is no doubt that the modern symbol of the opening up of the Suzhou region, in this end of the torch relay will continue to Suzhou implication high-speed flourish.

     After the transfer station in Suzhou, Nantong, located in the changeover has created a number of the world most of the Sutong Bridge, to use this communication in the region of southern Jiangsu and Su-important link to the landmark building as the handover is a matter of course. Sutong Bridge in the torch pass two kilometers, will begin transmission in the city of Nantong.

     Nantong port city of the torch relay will be the starting point located in the downtown sports and cultural Square, where close to the Haohe Nantong famous scenic spot, held a brief ceremony, the torch will be here after starting middle youth, workers and peasants into the South Nantong University, Block stands in the Jianghuai plain on the institutions of higher learning in the region for the development of the Soviet Union has provided numerous high-level personnel.

     Nantong end of the torch relay in a new urban area located in Nantong City Sports Convention and Exhibition Center here has successfully held the 16th Sheng Yunhui,堪称Nantong new landmark building.
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