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[日期:2008-02-07]   [字体: ]
We Chun Wan is a bit tired, but they are so dependent on it, contradictions, all right, all right happy, I look at the commentary while watching 08 Chunwan.
     Carp Yuelongmen opening animation, EMUs, blessing her with such strong ethnic style, the evening started.

1 and into the spring (dance): gorgeous, stirring, a large-scale quality dance, host fall from the sky, is also familiar faces, the general opening lines will not draw away, we still very reassuring. Message neat and fluent, CCTV Tower location also very special lens tensile vibrant, passionate music powerful. Lens little bland and the audience, not like before any specialized prominent figures. Sure enough Zhu Jun Shan snow started things, if not mention this matter, really Meiliangxin the CCTV. General comments: highlights.
2, China全家福(dance): A group of actors into the middle, basically second-tier artists. Very happy background animation, puppetry to design novel enough, the singing actor did not design special circumstances and movements, standing there with the wooden pickets almost. General comments: cliche programmes and the new environment.
3, the streets Guardian (comedy, full stop, etc.): Moderator LI Yong Juandaban or that he is really the first line of the change Fleeting fame. Pieces should be the promotion of this theme, a little meaning, but police treat the performance of drunken untrue, and were told drunken fun, although art from life than life, but people watched or uncomfortable. Drink driving should be punishable by detention, fines, such as hanging as punishment, is a very serious offence than that lesbians speeding to more serious, but the police also helped him to drive home, legal unreasonable, and women The were punished, drunkenness, but no later, also failed. General comments: the failure of a coincidence, the circumstances do not meet reasonable.
4, the spring field (Songjieyang): Song finally see new things there, songs and songs are part of the United States, CCTV-floor location again, it is rarely seen before, the dancers are props holding Butterfly novelty. General comments: elegant arts model.
5, passion-climbing (acrobatics): Zhou really beautiful clothes, I do not know who helped her election. The program is not new, N years ago we all read, CCTV may be a new tree is to spend it. Acrobatics complex content than in the past, this program is the inheritance and development of good, after all, real skills. General comments: can see from time to read, especially for These cadres, the only son in my family Dahexiaojiao, because he did not really seen.
6, dream homes (comedy, Guo, Cai Ming): foreign congratulate the old routines, the commentary Chunwan program participation, although old-fashioned, but it is necessary, we will not mind or become. Cai Mingzhao opening Errenzhuan obvious imitation of the actor on the northeast Shenyang mantra: Why? Small Shenyang is: Why is this? They basically the same tone. Cai style has not changed, she dealt with a special voice, we are familiar with, but this line is very new, or rather music. Grateful to the two veteran actors for their brilliant performance. General comments: Despite the criticism, but profound skill is an indisputable fact that, comedy content fair, Guo was quoted dance film scenes of the United States, Cai Ming dance dance art also derives from the network, rather a color. Cai Mingzhao: Why is this? Lines from here: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cj00XNTM0Mjc0OA==.html
7, Tiannu:sanhua (Zhang Ziyi): Qingniang, that is a separate program Huangmeixi there, although I know that this is by no means possible, but I still excited for a while. Do not understand, a very good actor, why Chunwan Lulu their weaknesses singing? It seems if I were a celebrity, and can fully Chunwan on the entire section of the Star-ah! Fortunately, Wu Mei Zhang Ziyi stage design to help cover up a lot of shortcomings. General comments: rigid, Bawanggengshanggong feeling.
8, crazy fans Unit (crosstalk): rarely use headset that crosstalk, but this time, the use of the actors costumes are not unified, typical crosstalk under the banner of his pieces. Crosstalk as most people can appreciate, non-investors, professionals or not read, can not understand the art inside points. General comments: narrow scope of the audience, you Qiazhao clips it out on their own, you do not have to Guodegang, Chunwan really is a loss.
9, Chinese (SHE): At this time Zhou and other clothing, beautiful ah, we were proud to Anhui. SHE can, Chun Wan is a Aspect, but if they did not sung "Chinese" This song, I would like to be on Chunwan the probability or low. "Let the world look forward to 2008..." Is the word to be replaced, my son to help me point out the spot. General comments: after RTHK singers must learn 1-2 patriotic songs, otherwise, not Chunwanbieguai anyone.
10, Junsao on the island (comedy, Huangxiaojuan, etc.): This comedy strong sense of the scene, with the promotion of the theme of comedy, the guardian of the color than the street more than a lot of fun "and the theme of good, quite drama style, almost Flow Tears. General comments: Since there must be the main theme of comedy, why the performance of the theme such a big difference on the night diploma? Not only is the original sketch comedy, more people may be crying, non-winners of the programme.
11, Dear (songs, Yan peacekeeping text): Military sing songs in recent years do not common. 1980s "Moon 15", "Wang Xing Kong," "Recipe style" and today I have heard similar duet, a really long time. General comments: This song is willing to pop up quickly, amen!
12, mimicry (Yang Guang): China's too much Senator, whether you are able-bodied or disabled people, as long as you strive to life as usual sunshine. This program is an exciting one and is the most content of a novel, refueling, Yang Guang, to GREet you! General comments: do not understand why Yang Guang sing, like the hardware with a sore stand in front? Letting a hundred flowers bloom, meritocratic purpose of the event is more capable personnel.
13, warm 2008 (poetry recitation): China's Shan Bai Yansong snowstorm began, CCTV sure how this emergency has been inserted into the programming of forming the minds of a lot, worked hard. In fact, CCTV and other media of any program should have the awareness of this emergency modifications, take into account aging, social. General comments: very good, very spent, it is moved.
14, no snow lovers love (songs, Wei Wei, etc.): The snow test of the Chinese nation, the test of the party and the government a condensate, and in the face of danger, we will at all costs. Premier Wen three times the disaster areas, warm their hearts. General comments: unwittingly, almost into the middle of evening performance, the Disaster Relief.
15, bus Concerto (crosstalk show, Feng Gong, etc.): In fact, crosstalk is a comedy or drama is suitable to the changed practices crosstalk performance is not grotesquely innovation, is a step backwards. However, the crosstalk good drama presentation, language humor, civility, politeness with 08 Olympic publicity is appropriate. General comments: In addition to Biejiao crosstalk show, everything can be readily.
16, migrant workers (songs, Wang Baoqiang): migrant workers has never been disadvantaged, this program will get in-depth the purpose of equality, at least we can arouse the attention of migrant workers, it is practical. General comments: CCTV policy or the balance over the place.
17, Hand Shadow Play (civil): Moderator such programmes we have not seen that it is very realistic, Qu Yuan the previous programmes are miscellaneous shells, but on Chun Wan is the first time we have not really new , but performance is very exciting. General comments: such skills more, Chunwan content will be enriched.
18, the flight of (dance): classical, aestheticism, the dance Chunwan always have a bright spot, like the former Thousand-hand Bodhisattva. This programme superb performances, such as Wonderland-like feeling in his side claimed pretty. General comments: This award-winning program is in the affirmative, really Dunhuang.
19, the subject of (comedy, Dongfa provisional): Dongfa A good at my little guy, who last year will drink his living, so he normally does not show the ability to big mistakes, the general theme of this essay, but laughter continued, the performances of the Quan Zhang Guo. General comments: Pieces repetitive, identical (Bolaopo out) is Chunwan found it hard to break the bottleneck.
20, thousands of miles away (songs): This a very broad popular songs, suddenly appeared in Chunwan stage, directing their well-intentioned ah, but if Jay-Fei Yu-ching and will be more likely to sing with fire, son expressed his deep reGREt, and good background Jay separate program. General comments: In the past, is popular only in the evening, it is now popular to a Wanwan as before - the whole.
21, artistic basketball (acrobatics): acrobatics true integration of the modern factor, particularly Yao Ming into the NBA, the Chinese basketball on the rise with unprecedented enthusiasm, seize the group of directing preferences with romance in the form of interpreted this program, very innovative. General comments: video broadcast should not be used in slow motion, or live feel more stimulated.
22-Song (musical): I like this program, all of a sudden I will be back to the ancient times that actually show you can bring a recollection, without losing aesthetics. General comments: Banwu breathtaking national songs, the old concert Bujiandangnian artists, such programmes have been rare in Chunwan.
23, the lock (comedy, Andrew WONG, etc.): Andrew WONG year copied Chow film, it is estimated that this year has not. This is a combination of three old, the theme of comedy or good, ordinary people can encounter things than before Andrew WONG works to a certain extent the development and proGREss.总评:黄宏喳喳呼呼的戏路改成了更有内涵的东西了,此小品很多新笑料,都是第一次听。
24, a hundred years of Dreams (poetry recitation): 08, and if the Austrian Chunwan less dynamic genre, the director will not be so mentally handicapped, but there were two evening to recite poetry (before a snowstorm is), although very touching, But it is repeated. General comments: moving to the deep, the other people proud.
25, with a dream: It should be a continuation of poetry recitation, songs and beautiful melodies, especially from foreign friends Wuzhou performances, the event more international, in line with the Olympic spirit. General comments:-blooded.
26, the big stage of China (Yanxiumei): Now that evening, folk songs make up a large proportion do not know is a good thing or a bad thing, I think the modern nation evenly distributed better. However, these folk songs are good, and also scored a pity. General comments: If the director finds reasonable attention to the allocation of a more perfect.
27, the torch (Zhao Benshan's TV, SONG Dan-dan): finally to focus everyone's expectations Zhao Benshan's TV, for himself and his director pressure certainly not small, but Zhao, Song or comedy series did not escape the shackles of that next year come to the new comedy series. This really is an exciting pieces of Zhao and Song performances should not accept the verdict, and to estimate N class couple years no one can reGREt moving, it was too Talented, a national treasure, his school and more carefully by the Baiyun your parents will be taken away, Hei hei. Summary: But Zhao's speech with the words of his disciples, the Internet is very popular art Errenzhuan speech, resulting from here, see: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cj00XMTMwOTg2MDQ=.html

28, Liyuanchun Mingjiamingduan: finally see the opera program, as a fans, and indeed the spirit of spirits, the same opera Lianchang, but has been moved to 0:00 from 0:00 until 15 minutes, the director has come to understand the national essence in spring Late in the position. But unfortunately scene emerged. Opera running order: Peking Opera (c), Henan Opera (a section), Shaoxing opera (a section), Beijing Opera (a section). Scrapping days, we have Huangmeixi? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pingju? ? ? ? ? ? ? The three Opera on behalf of the Chinese opera? ? ? ? Revert to the single article denouncing the CCTV. General comments: Let opera, there are 10,000 fans do not understand why such strange scheduling.
29, Blue and White Porcelain (Jay): Jay is a very powerful popular, especially among young people, the director he should be very clever, and this program my son's eyes to see straightened. General comments: directors understand the preferences of the audience, not to the abstract, is to go through investigation and study.
31, 0:00 bell: waiting for this black three minutes, but this did not happen, the chairpersons of the lessons learned long ago, Taiwan's leadership is accountable million exhorted 1000, it is very difficult to fault. General comments: do not make the wrong point, how can sidelights topic?
32, interactive magic (LI Yong): LI Yong engage in the arts for so many years, this program did not join any ideological content, is pure entertainment, not evaluation, dispensable. General comments: tasteless.
33, and more good news (dance): think it is and take care of it after opening with writing the same text, with little on here was not proper.
34, Chengshixiong wind (wushu): It seems that the impact of the previous year, but last year exceeded the doomed, but still display the essence of the Chinese martial arts, is praiseworthy. General comments: If it is not the Olympic Games, for two years to a hope that such programmes.
35, new songs Lianchang (PANG Long): Moderator said that the program is designed for young people prepared for the big night, I look at the bottom of the program is used, out, out, Do not mean, spring Late director must have their own ideas, a few songs are a Banwu people singing, dancing behind a pile of people, a song can be, just read several capitals. General comments: on the moon, except the form of songs performed.
36, and Latin America erhu: In my impression, pull the erhu should not be such a bewitching woman, no way, the development of the times is the case, this is also a kind of reform, otherwise people will say you rigid. But for the end of this program, is not appropriate, section 33 should be more good news programmes才对transferred to this position. General comments: neither fish nor fowl, the theme of the end of a surprise party.
37, unforgettable Jinxiao: This song regardless of what other people to sing, even if the singing is not, can we moved, this song accompanied us for more than 20 years, what is there to songs such cattle?

     Chunwan General comments: This is a promotion of the theme, healthy, proGREssive, united party; This is a proud people, exciting event. The best continuous At the same time, but in some places or slightly less than, if not the opening of new, very awkward drama presentation, the North pieces are dominating the arena have not been changed, borrowing (that is not plagiarism). Not said that the unforgettable Jin Xiao, 09 Chunwan further commentary!








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