cyberize vt. 使网络化;使联网:These days, even hotels are flogging the notion that
anything's better if you cyberize it. 眼下,就连各旅馆也在大力宣传这样的观念:任何
2.人生观 outlook on life; life outlook
例如:树立正确的人生观 establish a positive outlook on life
3.“不相上下地” be equally matched; almost on a par; roughly the same;
neither is better than the other; eye ball to eye ball
4.“需要注意的是……” (need)special attention
价值观values 例如:传统的价值观念 traditional values
世界观world ideology/outlook/view 审美标准aesthetic standards
(fig) Money makes the mare go.
(lit) If one has money one can even make the devil turn one's millstone.
7.:“留学回国人员”怎么说啊 现在有一个通用的说法:returned student(s)
也可以加个解释(one who studied overseas and returned for development)
8.请问:生产资料&生活资料 如何表达?
生产资料means of production 生活资料means of livelihood/subsistence
9.办签证怎么说啊 grant a visa;visa
比如我们说,给护照签证:put a visa on a passport;have/get one's passport visaed
10.对客户说"我将帮你把电话转接过去“怎么翻译 I'll put you through.
先把衣服泡着吧 Let the clothes soak for some minutes in (warm) water.
我建议你翻译的时候用动词短语表达^_^ import/introduce foreign technology
12.请问归一化系数怎么翻? normalization factor
13.请问五角大楼怎么说? The Pentagon
Since the government's attitude is unclear, public confidence in the marget is waning.
核心思想core/kernel/key thought/idea/ideology 另外,指导思想guiding idea/ideology
主导思想dominant thought 中心思想 central/main idea
16.嘉年华英语怎么说? Carnival
17.请问“在线留言”怎么说?多谢! online message
18.请问“经销商”怎么说?多谢! distributor; sales agent; dealer
19.请问锡箔纸怎么翻译呢? tinfoil paper
20. 山盟海誓怎么翻译呀
oaths as high as the mountains and vows as deep as the oceans-solemn pledge of love;
立下山盟海誓,swear eternal love; swear an oath of enduring faithfulness/fidelity;
make a solemn pledge of love
21.Re: 销售目标怎么说呀?sales target
22.”社会实践“用英语怎么说??social practice
23.Re: 请问:把眼光放长远 如何表达?see things in a broader perspective
24.Re: 请问大侠“攻防对抗”怎么翻译?confrontation between offence and defence
25.Re: 从帐户扣除怎么说?...will be deducted from one's (bank) account.
26. Re: 水俣事件、痛痛病事件、伦敦烟雾事件英文怎么说???
水俣事件the methylmercuric chloride poisoning incident in Minimata, Japan
痛痛病Itai-itai disease
伦敦烟雾事件london smog incidents
27.Re: 战利品怎么说?spoils of war; war trophies/booty; loot; capture
28.Re: 请问人在江湖身不由己怎么翻?You can’t control everything in a traits’ world.
29.”心动不如行动“英文如何表达?There is no failure excepting no longer trying.
30.“占的比例大”怎么说?form/constitute a large proportion
31.不懈的努力enduring/relentless efforts 不懈追求、坚持不懈unremitting pursuit
静力学statics 静摩擦力breakdown friction;static friction force
33.Re: 请问“总量”怎么翻译地道一些? total capacity;gross amount
34.Re: 请问"合同到期"怎么说?
1)expired contract 2)The contract has reached maturity.
3)The contract has run out. 4)The contract has expired. 5)The contract becomes due.
35.Re: 请问光辉的荆棘路用英文怎么翻译?
供参考《光荣的荆棘路》The Thorny Road of Honor
36.“随便说说”,怎么说? make a casual comment
37.Re: 接待客人 怎么说? receive/play host to some guests
38.请问 城市燃气 怎么说? 谢谢!! city fuel gas
Your presence and instructions are requested/appreciated.
40.Re: 请问 利用率 怎么说?utilization ratio
41.Re: “心态”应该用哪个词? psychology; state/habit of mind; mental attitude
42.Re: 请问“小五金”“浴帘”如何翻译?
小五金 metal fittings(such as nails, bolts, etc) 浴帘 shower curtain
43.Re: 获得某人的认同 怎么说? 1)approve/endorse 2)identify
44.Re: 上游发展战略中的“上游”怎么翻译啊?
1)upper reaches(of a river) 2)advanced position
45.Re: 投稿用英语怎么说? (转载)
contribute to... send/submit a contribution to ...
46.Re: 请问"人才招聘"怎么说? recruit people with talent
47. Re: “人才培养”怎么翻译 personnel training
48.Re: 请问,如韬光养晦的翻译怎么译呢? hide one's capacities and bide one's time
49.Re: 请问辅导员和学生工作助理怎么翻译呢?
辅导员advisor;instructor;councellor 助理assistant;aide
50.Re: "研究生部"怎么翻译啊?在线等~~急!! graduate department
51.Re: 如何翻译“人事科” personnel section/department
52.Re: 请问“道高一尺,魔高一丈”怎么说?
(lit)If the Tao/Buddha risesone foot, the demon rises ten feet.
(fig)[Originally:]The virtuous are outnumbered by evil doers.
[Now:]One just force outnumbers an opposing force,or,no sooner does one solve one
problemtahn another arises.
53.Re: 通用性 怎么说 急! 多谢 interchangeable/universalize
54.Re: 可编辑的怎么说?? editable
55.Re: 请问开普勒和第谷的英文名是什么?开普勒(J•Kepler)第谷(Tycho.Brahe)
56. Re: “车到山前必有路”如何翻译?
(lit)When te car gets to the mountains, there will have to be a way through.
(fig)Cross that bridge when you come to it.
57.*X公安局*派出所英文怎么说?local police station/police substation
58.Re: 请问“签定合同”如何译?enter into/make/conclude/sign a contract (with)
59.Re: "请多多关照"怎么说?
I command myself to your notice. Many thanks for your help.
60.Re: 掌握××情况的掌握怎么翻译比较好?
grasp;master;know well;have a good command of;have in hand;hold;control
61. Re: 决策理论——decision-making theory? decision theory
62.Re: 并列第二名 怎么说?
我和你并列第二。I tied with you for the second place.
63.Re: 求助:“炼狱”的英文怎么讲?
(1)【天主教】purgatory (2)abyss of misery
64.Re: 请教:(官员或领导)的行政级别 怎么说? (administrative)rank
65.Re: 请教“满足约束条件”的翻译? meet restraint conditons/requirements
66.Re: 问2个中国单位的翻译方法,请帮助!
人事局personnel bureau 劳动社会保障局Bureau of Labour and Social Security
党校Party school 小区housing estate
67.Re: 量化怎么说? 可以用quantify;quantize
常用搭配: 量化分析quantitative analysis 量化管理quantitative management
68.Re: 请教翻译,谢谢
造币厂mint 货币money;currency 爵士knight
69.Re: 半杯水,英语怎么说的
一般我们都说 half a cup/glass of 例如:半杯咖啡half a cup of coffee
70.Re: 人口流动 population shift
仅供参考:... is/are my lifelong companion(s). ... is my whole life and my soul.
72.Re: 请问“悖论”用英语怎么说?谢谢antinomy; antilogy; paradox
73.Re: 局部冲突怎么说?local/partial conflict
74.Re: 请问“时势造英雄”怎么翻译circumstances create heros;times produce their heros
It is the times that produce their heros, not the heros who usher in the times.
75.Re: “电视转播”比较好的说法是什么?
用relay;rebroadcast吧,例如:向全国做实况转播 relayed/transmitted live nationwide
76.Re: "宗教改革"怎么说?
如果是指在欧洲历史上发生的那次宗教改革可以翻译为the Reformation
一般意义上的可以翻译为religious reform
77.Re: 时代的局限性怎么说?limitations of the times
78. Re: “宣誓”怎么说?
有很多种表达,我列举几个经常用的吧:take/swear an oath; vow; make a vow/oath
一般用到的表达有:宣誓就任总统be sworn in as president
宣誓入党take the oath on being admitted to the party 宣誓入伍be sworn into the party
宣誓效忠swear allegiance 庄严宣誓make a solemn vow
79.Re: 逛街怎么说?stroll through streets; go window-shopping; loiter along streets
80.Re: 弱弱的问物理里的永动机怎么说阿???perpetual-motion machine
81.Re: 表示“**思想现在已经深入人心”怎么好啊?
strike/take root in the hearts of the people; be deeply implanted in the hearts
of the people;
strike a deep chord in the hearts of the people.
Peaceful reunification has taken root in the hearts of the people.和平统一已经深入人心。
New ideas are slowly filtering into people's minds. 新思想逐渐深入人心。
The Chinese reform and open policies have won popular support.中国改革开放政策深入人心。
82.Re: 成人仪式——怎么说?Coming of Age ceremony
83.Re: 请问:奥姆真理教 该怎么拼?谢谢! Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult. B.
84.Re: “表面上地”怎么说?
表面上不情愿be seemingly reluctant 表面上生气apparent anger 表面上相似superficial
resemblance 流于表面上的检查superficial inspection 受表面现象迷惑be misled by the
externals 从表面上看outwardly 他表面文静,其实脾气很暴躁。Beneath that ostensibal
calmness is a man of fierce temper.
85.Re: "对某事抱太高的希望"用英语怎么说?put one's expectations too high
86.Re: 右下角怎么说? lower right-hand corner
87.Re: 请问“外因还要通过内因起作用”该怎么说?
External causes become operative through internal causes.
88.Re: 农作物的产量怎么说?(crops) output/production
89.Re: 浓郁的人文环境怎么翻译啊
strongly humanistic atmosphere
90.Re: 请问“贞观之治“如何翻译?谢谢!
Golden Years of Zhenguan, marked by peace, prosperity, openness, and efficient government
91.Re: 请教:违约金怎么说的亚penalty/liquidated damages
92.Re: 请教大家:良药苦口怎么说阿
good medicine tastes bitter; bitter pills have wholesome effects.
常用翻译:良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 Just as bitter medicine cures sickness,
unpalatable advice benefits conduct.
93.Re: 居里夫人发现镭这个事情怎么用英文阐述?
Madame Curie discovered the element radium.
94.Re: 有没有中东问题相应的翻译The Mideast
teach students in accordance with their aptitute;
modify one's way of teaching to suit the special requirements of each class;
offer an individualized quality education for every student
英雄所见略同GREat minds think alike; heroes have similar views
96.Re: 请问,可持续发展怎么说sustainable development
further the sustainable development of the national economy
97.Re: 文化的传承???怎么说
impart and inherit culture; impart and pass on culture
98.Re: 请问奥斯特怎么说呀Oersted
99.Re: 求教翻译大陆法系,英美法系
大陆法系continental law system; Romano-Germanic family; system of civil law
英美法系Anglo-American law system
100.Re: 请问,交换苹果和交换思想是谁说的呀?
Bernard Shaw
"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then
you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea
and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."
101.Re: 请问“不胜枚举”及“合理统一”该怎么说?
不胜枚举too many to enumerate/list; defy enumeration; unable to mention individually。
合理统一 这个词语的翻译得给出完整的句子。
rational/proper unity/uniformity...?
102.Re: “占据越来越大的比例”该怎么说?hold/account for a growing proportion of
103.Re: 请教“快节奏的生活”怎么说?
He was not quite used to the quick pace of life there.
104.Re: 眼光只停留在表面现象上怎么翻译呢?
我觉得用remain/stay on the surface of比较自然一些吧,个人观点。
105.Re: 请问一下圣赫勒拿岛怎么说?Saint Helena Island
106.Re: 社会动荡 请问怎么讲?social turbulence/turmoil/agitation/unrest
107.Re: 问一些翻译。关于道德法律,圣诞老人。谢谢指教!
道德败坏be morally degenerate; be immoral
不道德的思想 也可以用unethical表达
严厉的惩罚 severe punishment可以,用动词表达会好一些,severely punish punishment
作“惩罚;惩处” 不可数,作“刑罚;处罚”可数
限制节目内容place/impose restrictions on;restrict;limit;confine;+programme(item)
提高价格的幅度raise margins of price fluctuation
归根结底 in the final/last/ultimate analysis; in essence;at bottom;boil down
轻视法律的作用 underestimate the roles of law
圣诞老人 Father Christmas; Santa Claus 这两个比较通用,前一个用得比较多。
108.Re: There is no perpetual law是Jeffison说的吗
我原来学英美概况时候背过,Thomas Jefferson说的好像是:
No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law.
109.Re: “代表性”怎么说?
都可以,representative是形容词,representativeness; representation是名词。
110.Re: 知识爆炸的时代怎么说呀?Knowledge explosion times
111.Re: 花边新闻,绯闻如何翻译?花边新闻box news;titbit;news of illicit love
绯闻rumor of a love affair;*ual scandal;amorous affair
112.Re: 富贵病如何翻译呢?costly chronic disease;
rich man's disease (one that calls for a long period of rest and and expensive treatment )
113. Re: 请教“分工日益细化”怎么说?increasingly compartmentalised
114.Re: 【问】生化武器怎么说啊?biochemical weapons
115.Re: 请问“无可厚非”该怎么说呀?give no cause for criticism
无可厚非的行为 irreproachable conduct
116.Re: 请问世界足球先生,日心说怎么说,谢谢!
世界足球先生World Player 日心说Heliocentric Theory
117.Re: 请问“多元化”怎么说?
多元化:become pluralistic
118.Re: 请问对什么什么的认识怎么说
the knowledge about...
We have GREatly advanced in our knowledge about outer space.
awareness of...
This incident have sharpened public awareness of the economic crisis.
Often we have found aGREement.But even when we have not,we have gained insight
into each other;and we have learned to appreciate the other's perspectives on the world.
119.Re: 迫于生活的压力——怎么说?under the stress/pressure of...
120. Re: “审美情趣”该怎么说呀?aesthetic sentiment
121.Re: 北朝鲜核危机如何用英语描述呢?North Korea Nuclear Crisis
122.实现理想和现实的统一achieve/bring about unity of ideal and reality
123. 审美情趣aesthetic sentiment
124.脱离实际be divorced from reality; lose touch/contact with reality
125.经受时间考验 stand the test of time
126.形象思维thinking in (terms of) images or symbols
Conflicts among nations are by no means preventable, thus wars are not
able to be eradicated. Yet all these originate in the human nature.
(1)nature; true disposition (2) quality; markings (3) diathesis (医学上专用)
“节奏” 可以用(1)rhythm(2)tempo
“疾病”disease; sickness; illness; ailment;
old wine in a new bottle;same medicine different prepared; same old stuff
with a different label; change in form but not in content.
保持知名度 keep /maintain/retain one's popularity 失去知名度lose popularity
提高知名度enhance/heighten/increase one's popularity
享有很高知名度enjoy high popularity知名度上升one's popularity increases
知名度下降one's popularity descends/declines/wanes/drops实习生 trainee/intern
131.Re: how to say'知识的广度和深度',width and depth of (sb's) knowledge
132.Re: ask a translation 2 价铁divalent iron 3 价铁trivalent iron
133.Re: 请问适龄儿童,民主党,共和党,日益严峻的怎么说?多谢!
适龄儿童children of school age e.g. enrolment rate for children age 适龄儿童入学率
民主党Democratic Party e.g. Democrat民主党党员
共和党Republican Party e.g. Republican共和党党员
日益严峻的 get/become + worse/deteriorating/worsening + day by day
或直接用动词deteriorate increasingly/day by day来表达。
134.Re: “弊端”怎么表达
常用的有:malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice; ill; pitfall
avoid the rise of malpractices and evils 避免弊端redress social abuses矫正社会弊端
wipe out political abuses根除政治弊端 ills of higher education高等教育的弊端
pitfalls of the system体制中的弊端
135.Re: “生活保障”怎么说呀?
living allowances/subsistence allowances
"two guarantees" (guaranteeing that the for workers laid off from state-owned
enterprises and that the pensions of retirees are paid on time and in full)
subsistence allowances for the urban poor
136.Re: 请指教“英法百年战争”和“法国大革命”怎么表达呢。多谢
Hundred Years' War French Revolution
137.Re: 请指教“新德里”和“旧德里”怎么表达呢。多谢
新德里New Delhi 旧德里Old Delhi
138. Re: 请指教“模拟电视”和“数字电视”怎么表达呢。多谢
模拟电视Analog Television 数字电视Digital Television
139.Re: 请指教“电脑远程会议”和“网上专家会诊”怎么表达呢。多谢
电脑远程会议remote meetings (share a remote computer during a meeting)
网上专家会诊expert's (group) consultation on internet
140.Re: 请指教“被胜利冲昏头脑”怎么表达呢。多谢
Success turned his head. He became dizzy with success.
He was carried away by success. He was puffed up by his victory.
141.Re: 请指教“公共意识”和“社会责任感”怎么表达呢。多谢
公共意识public consciousness 社会责任感The Sense of Responsibility in Society
142.Re: 填空那个的“空”(noun.)英文怎么说?
(1)fill in the blanks,考试中的填空,正规表达"填空题"Colze Test
(2)fill(up) a vacancy; fill a vacant position.
143.Re: [请问]古代皇帝名怎么写
e.g. Tang Dynasty was established by Li Yuan and his son Li Shimin.
144.Re: 生物用creature可否?用organism;living thing/being吧,我们通常用这两个。
protect biological diversty 保护生物的多样性
145.Re: 详细的逻辑评估怎么说? detailed logical evaluation
146.Re: ==“有代表性的”怎么说呀?==
e.g. I think this view is representative.我认为这种看法很有代表性。
147.Re: 请问一下“乐圣”用英语怎么说? master of music同理,画圣master of painting
148.Re: 问一个表达。因果关系颠倒了,请问纯正的说法是什么?
invert cause and effect颠倒因果 causal inversion因果关系的颠倒
149.Re: 请指教“凡高”怎么表达,谢谢 Vincent van Gogh
150.Re: 请指教“清朝”和“商朝”怎么表达,谢谢
Qing Dynasty(1644-1911);Shang Dynasty(1600-1046BC)
151.Re: 请指教“相对论”怎么表达,谢谢
相对论 principle of relativity;relativism;relativity;theory of relativity.
152.Re: 请指教“逻辑思维”怎么表达,谢谢logical thinking
153.Re: 请指教:牛顿说的“如果说我比别人看得更远一些,那是因为我站?
If I have seen further (than you and Descartes), it is by standing upon the
shoulders of giants.
154.Re: 世界文化遗产该如何说 World Cultural Heritage
155.Re: 请问饰演和阿碦硫斯怎么说?就是Iliad里面的英雄
饰演play the role/part of; act the part of;play;act e.g. play a villain饰演坏蛋
这恰恰证明了It exactly proves that
这家公司的业务范围是This company/corporation's business scope is
157.那critical thinking到底是指什么呢?
158.Re: "现场录象"如何翻译 field television video recording
159.Re: 再问一个表达。有相当(多, 大)一部分的××
相当多quite a few 获得相当大的报酬be handsomely rewarded
造成相当大的破坏cause considerable damage to
相当大的利润/高的价格/好的运气 handsome profit/price/fortune
一笔相当可观的钱 a considerable sum of money
160.Re: 请问“划定一个区域作为。。。”怎么说?divide...for...或者fix
e.g. establish a special economic zone
Shenzhen and Zhuhai were made into special economic zones in the 1980s.
161.Re: 请问“这项支出在人们收入中所占的比例”怎么说?
This ... expenditure has constituted... proportion of ... income.
162.Re: 表示“后代/前辈”有哪些词啊?
(1)juniors;younger generation.
e.g. We, the younger generation, should make GREater contributions to the motherland
than our elders.
e.g. Quite a few of his descendants were eminent scientists.
前辈senior(person);elder;older generation;predecessor
革命前辈revolutionary predecessor 同行中的老前辈senior of a profession
163.Re: 既然高人在,我就问几个弱问题到底是human being还是human beings,evidence没有复数
可以用human beings,human being是可数名词,但是如果把它看作整体,一般就用hunman being
(1) This is a book on how to get on with your fellow human beings.
(2)He is a detestable human being.
evidence一般做不可数名词,但也有特例:e.g. evidences of prosperity繁荣的迹象
There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 迹象表明有人一直住在这儿。
164.“毕业生就业率”怎么说 graduate employment rate
165.社会保障体系怎么说?social security system
166.Re: 浅海鱼类 远洋捕捞 等如何翻译?
浅海鱼类fish in shallow marine water 远洋捕捞pelagian/pelagic fishery;deep-sea fishing
深海区abyssal region 捕鱼船fishing boat/vessel
167.Re: 请问 巴士底狱 怎么说?the Bastille
168.Re: 请问决定权怎么说决定权decision-making power
常用表达,有最后决定权 have the final say
169.Re: 请教几个翻译
红潮red tide 酸雨acid rain 周庄 (Ancient Township of) Zhou Zhuang
170.Re: ==请教,中国出现的韩流怎么翻译?==South Korea trend
171.Re: 问“通货膨胀”和“供过于求”的表达方法?
供过于求,可以用很多表达方式,用单词可以用glut/surplus e.g. There is a glut/surplus
of eggs on the market.
用短语:supply exceeds/outstrips demand; have an excess of supply over demand
172.标 题: Re: 基因工程 纳米技术如何翻译?
基因工程genetic engineering 纳米技术nanotechnology
173.Re: 请问达芬奇的那幅“蒙娜丽莎”该怎么说?
Mona Lisa
174.Re: 作文中有好些词组不会写,还有一些语法问题如何改正呢?
社会稳定social stability
经济条件financial circumstances;economic conditions
商业环境business climate
175.Re: 请问“取得专利”和“占领市场”怎么翻译
(1)关于专利:取得专利obtain/take out a patent;
购买专利buy a patent转让专利sell a patent申请专利apply for a patent
拥有专利hold a patent on...专利鉴定patent examination
专利商品patented commercial articles专利说明书patent specification
专利许可证patent licence专利药物patented drugs/medicines
本国专利domestic/national patent发明专利patent for invention
有效专利live patent;patent in force;valid patent
(2)占领市场 dominate the market
176.Re: 基础设施建设如何说?infrastructural construction
177.Re: 生活日益电脑化网络化?
Life is becoming computerized and cyberized day by day.
178.Re: cognition和acknowledgement有复数吗?
e.g. We have little evidence about how the brain functions in cognition.
一般用The acknowledgements放在书或文章前后的谢辞、致谢。
179.Re: 经济基础决定上层建筑如何说啊?
The economic base determines the superstructure.
180.Re: help
登月计划manned lunar landing贫富分化polarization between the rich and the poor
181.诺贝尔和平奖应该是nobel prize for peace还是nobel prize in peace??
Nobel Peace Prize
183. 盛大的狂欢节怎么表达呢?grand carnival
184. 热情奔放的性格怎么表达呢?
be bubbling with enthusiasm(我觉得这里性格不要翻上去比较自然)
185.真理越辩越明怎么表达呢?Truth becomes clearer through debate.
186. 哈佛商学院Harvard Business School
187. 恶性竞争 vicious competition
188.急功近利 be eager for quick success and instant benefit; seek instant
success and quick profits
189.以偏概全take a part for the whole;generalize(about sth) from isolated
190. Re: ==请教:从众心理怎么说?==group psychology
191.Re: 请问文艺复兴怎么说Renaissance
192.Re: 请教“男生和女生的”怎么翻译
boy's and girl's rooms = boy's room and girl's 男生女生各自的房间
boy and girl's rooms男生女生共有的房间
the boys and girls' rooms
应当指出:the boys' and girls' rooms一些语法学家认为也可以接受,但是没有前者好。
193.Re: ==请问:音乐世家怎么翻译?==family of musicians
194.Re: ==因为这样或那样的原因,怎么说?==for one reason or another
195. Re: ==还有挂在嘴边怎么翻译??==
(1)...has become one's pet phrase.
(2) tend to mention/refer to/speak of/talk one's speech
(3) hold … in the tongue
196.Re: 感谢上帝如何说? thanks god?
Give thanks to God. Thank Heaven! Thank God!
Celestial Navigation Theory
198.历史是公正的,会给每个人一个公正的判断History will judge one fairly.
199.Re: 问大牛一个问题
we have/see reason(s)/ground(s) to believe...
没有理由不相信 we have/see no reason to disbelieve...