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[日期:2007-09-17]   [字体: ]
You should try Chinese traditional medicine.  你应该试试中药。

  A How do you feel today?  Better?
  A 你今天感觉如何?好些了吗?

  B Yes, a little better.  I think the long sleep helped.
  B 是的,好一点了。我想睡的一大觉起作用了。
  A How’s your stomach?  Do you still feel sick?
  A 你的胃怎么样了?你还觉得难受吗?
  B No, I’m OK now.  It was worse yesterday. I feel fine now.
  B 不了,我好了。昨天很不好。现在我感觉好了。
  A Well, if it happens again, perhaps you should try Chinese traditional medicine.
  A 啊,如果你再难受的话,也许你应该试试中药。
  B Thanks. I’d be happy to try that next time.
  B 谢谢。下次我很愿意尝试一下。

  Notes   注释
  1 If you want to ask someone specifically how they feel, you can say: How’s your stomach / How’s your stomach?; How’s your back? / How’s your back? ; Do you still feel sick / ill / bad ? / Do you still feel sick / ill / bad?
  如果你想问某人具体感觉如何,你可以说:How’s your stomach? / 你的胃怎么样?; How’s your back? /你的背怎么样? ; Do you still feel sick / ill / bad ? / 你还感觉难受/不舒服/很糟糕吗?
  2 You can say you are OK by saying: I’m OK now. / I’m OK now; I feel fine. / I feel fine.
  你可以这样说你没事:I’m OK now. / 我现在好了; I feel fine. / 我感觉很好。
  3  Remember you can suggest things by using should / should: You should try Chinese traditional medicine. / You should try Chinese traditional medicine.
  记住你可以用should / 应该来提出建议:You should try Chinese traditional medicine. / 你应该试试中药。
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