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[日期:2007-09-17]   [字体: ]


We will energetically promote the rise of the central region. We will take full advantage of its strengths based on its geographical position, resources, industries and manpower. We will focus on developing modern agriculture, in particular developing commercial grain bases in major grain-producing areas, developing bases for producing energy and important raw materials, and developing a comprehensive modern transportation system, a modern retail distribution system and a modern market system. We will support the rejuvenation of old industrial bases and transformation of resource-dependent cities and develop bases for modern equipment manufacturing and high technology industries. We will give major cities a GREater role in stimulating the development of surrounding areas.


We will encourage the eastern region to lead the country in development. It should focus on improving international competitiveness, improve and upgrade its industrial structure and enhance its capacity for independent innovation and sustainable development. It needs to pay more attention to environmental protection and the economical use of land, water, energy and other resources, ensure that development is both fast and sound, and lead the country in scientific development. The special economic zones and the Pudong New Area of Shanghai should continue to play their proper role in stimulating development. We will promote the development and opening up of the Binhai New Area of Tianjin.


We will increase support to accelerate economic and social development in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority regions, border areas, and poor areas. We will give more aid to ethnic groups with small populations and continue working to vitalize border areas and enrich the people living there. Developed regions should assist and stimulate the development of underdeveloped regions in various ways.


5. Implementing the strategy of reinvigorating China through science, education and human resources and promoting cultural proGREss



China has entered a stage in its history where it must increase its reliance on scientific and technological advances and innovation to drive social and economic development. Therefore, we must attach more strategic significance to accelerating scientific and technological development. We will fully implement the Outline of the National Program for Long- and Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development to build an innovation-oriented country. We will work quickly to launch a number of major science and technology programs and key projects, focusing on making breakthroughs in key areas. We will continue to strengthen basic research and research in cutting-edge disciplines as well as research in technologies for public welfare applications. We will build major national science and technology infrastructure projects and laboratories for developing industrial technologies. We will strengthen the national innovation system. We will promote reform of the management system of science and technology, effectively coordinate the use of science and technology resources throughout society, and apply more scientific and technological advances in production. We will establish a mechanism to ensure stable growth of government investment in science and technology. This year the central government will allocate 71.6 billion yuan for investment in science and technology, a year-on-year increase of 19.2 percent. Local governments and enterprises also need to increase their investment in science and technology. We will further develop philosophy and the social sciences and break new ground in theoretical research.

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