第「1」串:internet protocol 网络协议
IP is an important technical term used in the network.
第「2」串:give it all one has got 尽其努力
She has given it all she has got to help you. Don\'t complain any more.
诧异 之际,忽然意识到有可能对方在用UNIX上的电子邮件发送中文时忘记了将其编码,于是便热情洋溢的给对方回了一个电子邮件 以说明个中缘由。
第「3」串:encode 编码
Don\'t forget to encode the program, or else the computer cannot read it.
第「4」串:in detail 详细地
Please work out the plan in detail to make us clear about it.
如 此五次三番,正当编辑无可奈何又厌倦之际,一天来了个电话,问他:“你发来的E-mail怎么都是垃圾邮件?”
第「5」串:junk mail 垃圾邮件
Everyday, a lot of junk mails will be sent to my mailbox.