第「1」串:be addicted to 对……上瘾
My little brother is addicted to computer games.
第「2」串:turn a deaf ear to sth. 充耳不闻
No matter who tries to persuade her not to join that organization, he just turns a deaf ear.
一次,有位朋友看到书上有篇关于喝酒各种害处的文章,便立 刻拿给他看。
第「3」串:do harm to 对……有害
Smoking a lot will do harm not only to yourself, but also to people around you.
这个酒鬼看到文章是这么写的:“多喝酒会使人产生许多毛病,会缩短寿命。” 惊讶之余,痛下了决心:“这次我算下定决心了!”
第「4」串:life span 寿命
Your life span will be extended if you form some good habits everyday.
朋友说道:“你看,你应该早下这个决心啊!” 酒鬼说:“不,我是说下定决心再也不看书了!”
第「5」串:be determined to do / make up one\'s mind 下定决心做某事
She is determined to enroll herself into the Top Three list.