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[初二] 全国中学生英语能力竞赛初赛模拟试题(一)选择填空部分

[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]

I.选择填空(Multiple choice)(共20小题,计20分)


1.Mr.White has lived in Beijing for over ten years.

   A.more than    B.only   C.about   D.nearly

2.Are Jack and Jean in the same class?I often see them go to school together.

   A.workers B.students C.friends D.classmates

3.Did you find your schoolbag in the end

   A.at last B.at once C.at first D.at the same tune

4.Robert does well in playing table tennis.

   A.likes B.is interested in C.is good at D.hates

5.Most children in the town are afraid of the old cat

   A.老猫B.脾气暴躁的老太婆 C.旧拖拉机D.怪模怪样的猫


6.His name is Jim Allan GREen.We can call him _______ .

   A.Mr.Jim B.Mr.GREen C.Mr.Allan D.Mrs.Green

7._______GREat Wall is_______ longest wall in the world.

   A.The;the B.A;a C.The;a D.A;the

8.Would you please say it _______?I still can't follow you.

   A.loudly B.slowly C.more loudly D.more slowly

9.—Where is Tom?

   —He's left a _______ saying that he has something important to do.

   A.excuse B.sentence C.message D.news

10.I'd like some water,and he wants _______ ,please.

   A.two bottle juice B.two bottles of juice

   C.two bottles juices D.two bottles of juices

11.I think _______ lesson is the most difficult in this book.

    A.five B.the five C.fifth D.the fifth

12.—Is David at school today?

    —No.He is at home _______ he has a bad cold.

    A.because B.if C.when D.until

13.We couldn't finish our work so early _______ your help.

    A.without B.with C.for D.by

14._______you mend my car?I _______ not start it.

   A.Would;would B.Must;must C.Can;can D.May;may

15.The American girl hopes to _______ friends with me.

   A.take B.make C.have D.do

16.It's raining heavily now.You'd better _______ home.

   A.not to stay B.not stay C.to stay D.stay

17.—May I help you?

    — _______

   A.I'm resting in the shop.B.I don't think it's clean.

   C.No,you may not.D.Yes.I would like some coffee,please.

18.— _______

    —Don't do that.It's not good for your eyes.

    A.I like swimming in the river.B.I like to read on the bed.

    C.I often walk after supper.D.Football is my favourite.

19.—Happy birthday to you!


    A.The same to you B.Happy birthday to you,too

    C.Good luck       D.Thank you

20.Could you tell me _______ ,please?

    A.where does he live B.where lives he

    C.where he lives     D.he lives where


1—5ADACB 6—10BADCB 11—15DAACB 16—20DDBDC

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