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[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]

Some people remember the things by writing notes to themselves. Then they leave the notes in obvious(明显的)places, such as on the table or on the floor in the middle of the living mom. I don't think I like to write notes to myself. Most of the time I lose them or forget to look at them until it's too late. I prefer to use an alarm clock(闹钟)to tell me what I should do. I have ten alarm clocks in my house. They could tell me about things. For example, if I have to make a telephone call at a certain time, I'll set an alarm clock to go off a few minutes early and put the clock by the telephone. or if I want to watch a certain television programme, I'll set an alarm clock at the right time and put the clock on top of the TV set. I can remember almost anything if I use my clocks. However. sometimes an alarm clock goes off and I don't know what it means. I always remember setting it , but not why I set it, If the clock is by the telephone, I know I may have set it to tell me to call someone, but I can't be sure. I might have set it to tell myself that some body was to call me at a certain time.

  (1) Some people like to write notes to themselves so that they can________.

    A. leave them in obvious places

    B. remember what to do at a certain time

    C. watch a certain programme

    D. make a phone earl at a certain time

  (2) I don't like to write notes to myself because________.

    A. they are easy to lose or forget to look at

    B. I don't know where to put them

    C. my handwriting is poor

    D. it gives me too much trouble

  (3) I often use ________ to help me remember things.

    A. a notebook         B. a computer

    C. telephone calls       D. alarm clocks

  (4) Sometimes an alarm clock can't help me because________.

    A. I put the clock in a wrong place

    B. the clock goes wrong

    C. when the clock goes off, I forget why I set it

    D. I'm not sure whom I should call

  (5) In this passage, "go off" means________.

    A. start off         B. get off

    C. go away          D. make a sudden noise

    Key: 24. (1) — (5) BADCD

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