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(11/26/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文]
阅读下列短文, 并做每篇后面的题目。从四个选项中,  选出能回答所提
    On the evening of June 21, 1992,  a tall man with  brown  hair and blue
eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi'an with his
bicycle. The  hotel workers received him and telephoned th
(11/11/2007 09:10:49) [查看全文]

Becky awoke to find the bright morning sun shining through her curtains(窗帘).
As she rubbed(揉)her swollen(肿起的)eyes,last night's dreadful memory slowly returned.I don't even remember Mom and Dad coming home,Becky thought.
“Hi,honey,”Mom said w
(05/07/2007 10:14:41) [查看全文]

Stonehenge(巨石阵)is a strange circle of very big stones in southern England.
It was built over a period of a thousand years,probably betwee
(05/07/2007 10:14:40) [查看全文]
美国现代著名诗人兼画家依·依·卡明斯(e.e.Cummings 1894—1962)在诗歌的文字形式上进行了大胆尝试,构成了他与众不同的现代派诗歌风格,即突破传统诗歌的分行书写形式,别出心裁地加以排列,用书写形式上的视觉形象来辅助诗意的表达。
(05/07/2007 10:14:40) [查看全文]

British people are always fam ous for their conservative nature.Nevertheless,they also have some interesting ways to enjoy them selves.
(05/07/2007 10:14:39) [查看全文]
The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means(通讯设备).Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. To pollute means to make things dir
(05/07/2007 10:14:35) [查看全文]
  A lawyer,an artist and a musician got lost in the woods.At last they came to a farmer's house and asked if he could let them stay for the night.
“Sure,”the farmer said.“But I've got room for only two of you in the house.The other one will have to sleep in the
(05/07/2007 10:14:34) [查看全文]
Look at the instructions on the bottle of the medicine and then choose the right answers.
John is twelve years old.He had a bad cold and coughed day and night.He went to see a doctor.The doctor gave him some cough medicine.
Cough Medicine
(05/07/2007 10:14:33) [查看全文]
One evening in November, Dr. Berlin received a telephone call from Mrs. Green. “Please, Dr. Berlin, come to my house. I had 5,000 dollars on my desk and it is gone.”
Dr. Berlin arrived at Mrs.Green's house at eight o'clock First he asked Mrs. Green, “
(05/07/2007 10:14:33) [查看全文]

By“dark side”I think you mean the side we never see from earth.We see only one side of the moon because of the moon's special movem ent.It is moving in such a way that it takes the same length of time for each once-around spin(自转)and for each trip around the earth.
The neat r
(05/07/2007 10:14:32) [查看全文]

One day a dog,a horse and a sheep went to a beach.The horse and the sheep wanted to swim in the ocean(海洋).The sheep said,“Do you want to swim with us?”
The dog thought a moment,then said,“No,thanks!I want to stay here and do stuff in the sand.”
(05/07/2007 10:14:31) [查看全文]

Eggs are made from the inside out.That's how the hen gets everything into the shell(壳)!
Inside a hen's body,the yellow yolk(蛋黄)is made first. Next,the yolk slides into a special tube(管)inside the hen.There,clear liquid(液体)egg white(蛋清) is
(05/07/2007 10:14:30) [查看全文]

In Vermont there lived a little boy named Billy who was always unlucky.Because of this he had no friends.His birthday was coming up, so his popular brother,Dan,gave Billy a“lucky charm(护身符)”.This“charm”was nothing more than a rock,but Billy never let go of it.
The next day at
(05/07/2007 10:14:29) [查看全文]

How come you can heart hunder but not see lightning nor see dark gray clouds coming toward you?
By Emily Solomon
In a thunder storm(雷暴雨),we are used to seeing dark clouds with rain and lightning(闪电)followed by thunder .When we do
(05/07/2007 10:14:28) [查看全文]
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