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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]


I.Useful Expressions

1.—Could you tell me what happened to you yesterday?你能告诉我昨天你所遇到的事吗?

—All right.When I was crossing the street,I was almost hit by a car.Luckily,I jumped back in time.好的。当我过马路时,差点儿被一辆小汽车撞上。幸亏我及时向后跳。

2.—What did you think at that time?你当时是怎么想的?

—Ihad no time to think.Icalled the fire emergency number 119 immediately.我没有时间考虑。我立即打了火警电话119。

—What did you do after that?之后你怎么做的?

—I took out some towels,wetted them, and put them on me.我拿出几条毛巾,弄湿后放在身上。

3.—Did you experience the war in 1949?你经历过1949年那场战争吗?

—Sure I did.I'llnever forget that.当然经历了。我永远不会忘记那件事的。

4.—When did the accident happen?事故是何时发生的?

—At about three o'clock yesterday


5.—Have you ever experienced a naturaldisaster?你经历过一次自然灾难吗?

—Yes.That was in the summer of 1991. Many villages were flooded in our hometown.是的。那是在 1991年的夏天。我们家乡许多村庄被淹没了。

—What was it like?它的情形如何?

—It's terrible.很可怕。

6.—What hap- pened next?接下来发生了什么事?

—Many people tried to run out.很多人拼命向外跑。

7.—Can you describe whathe is like?你能描述一下他的样子吗?

—Yes.He's about 5feet and very thin.好的。他大约5英尺,很瘦。

8.—Were you frightened at that time?你当时害怕吗?

—Yes.I was too scared to see anything.是的。我吓得什么也没看见。

9.—How did you feel when you saw the elephant?看到大象时你有什么感觉?

—Very excited,for I had never seen it before.很兴奋,因为之前我从没有见过大象。

10.—What were you doing when the earthquake happened?地震发生时你正在干什么?

—I was watching TV at home.我正在家里看电视。

11.—What did you do when the fire broke out?发生火灾时你做了什么?

—First,I ran downstairs.Next,I called the fire alarm.Then,Irushed into the burning house.Finally Irescued two children.首先我跑下楼。之后打火警电话,再之后我冲进燃烧的屋子,最后我救出两个小孩。

II.Cultural Information

Different kinds of questions can help people to remember things that happened.If you want specific(详细的)information,you have to use questions like these:

What happened next?

Why didn'tyou...?

How did you feel when...?

What were you doing while...?

Did you think of...?

Then what did you do?

Did you...before that?

Here are also some expressions that are often used to answer specific questions:

What I can remember is that...

Before that...

I remember it very clearly...

The next thing I did was to...

After that...

So then I think I...

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