A: Fu Mingxia became the first Chinese woman with 5 career medals.
A: 伏明霞成为中国首位拥有5枚奥运金牌的女选手。
B: She's a diving Diva.
B: 她是跳水女皇。
A: Yes. Eight years ago, just as a teenager, she owned her first Olympic title in Barcelona.
A: 是的。八年前在巴塞罗那,仅仅是一个小姑娘,她便赢得了她的首枚奥运金牌。
B: So GREat!
B: 太伟大了!
A: In Atlanda she won two diving gold medals in all.
A: 亚特兰大奥运会上,她夺得两枚跳水金牌。
B: Why did she rejoin?
B: 为什么她又复出呢?
A: She said maybe she had a lot of gold medals, but she didn't consider herself special.
A: 她说或许她有许多金牌,但她认为自己没有什么特别。
B: Will she attend the 28th Olympic Games?
B: 她会参加第28届奥运会吗?
A: Maybe.
A: 或许吧。