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[日期:2006-11-01]   [字体: ]

  How about at 2 this afternoon?

  A Shall we meet later?

  A 我们能晚点见面吗?

  B Yes. When's the best time for you?

  B 好的。什么时间对你最合适?

  A How about 2 this afternoon?

  A 今天下午2点怎么样?

  B Two o'clock is fine for me. Where will we meet?

  B 我2点行。我们在哪里见面?

  A The coffee shop in the hotel. Let's meet there at 2.

  A 在饭店的咖啡厅。2点在那里见面。

  B Perfect. I'll see you there.

  B 好。我在那里等你。

  Notes  注释

  1 To ask someone what is best for them, e.g. about a time or a place, you can say: When's the best time for you? / When's the best time for you? ; What's the best place to meet? / What's the best place to meet?

  要问对某人最合适的时间或者地点是什么,你可以说:When's the best time for you? / 什么时候对你最合适? ; What's the best place to meet? /在哪里见面最合适 ?

  2 Remember, you can also make suggestions by using: How about . . .? / How about . . . ? e.g.: How about 2 in the afternoon? / How about 2 in the afternoon? / How about meeting at 7 this evening? / How about meeting at 7 this evening?

  记住,你也可以这样提出建议:How about . . .? / . . . 怎么样? 例如: How about 2 in the afternoon? / 下午2点见面怎么样?; How about meeting at 7 this evening? / 晚上7点见面怎么样?

  3 You can confirm a future arrangement at a place, or time, by saying: I'll see you there. / I'll see you there; I'll see you at 7 / I'll see you at 7; I'll see you on Friday / I'll see you on Friday.

  你可以这样来确定将来见面的时间或者地点:I'll see you there. / 我在那里见你。; I'll see you at 7 / 我7点见你。; I'll see you on Friday / 我周五见你。

  Key phrases and sentences  重要的短语和句子

  Shall we meet later? 我们晚点见面好吗?

  When's the best time for you? 什么时间对你最合适?

  How about 2 this afternoon? 今天下午2点行吗?

  Two o'clock is fine for me? 我2点行。

  Where will we meet? 我们在哪里见面?

  The coffee shop in the hotel. 在饭店的咖啡厅见。

  Let's meet there at 2. 咱们2点在那里见。

  Perfect.I'll see you there. 好。我在那里见你。


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