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着迷英语900句 Book3-8

[日期:2006-08-28]   [字体: ]
      FRANK YAMAMOT Father? 爸?
MR.YAMAMOT Yes? 什么事?
FRANK YAMAMOT Wouldn''t you like to take a walk to the Fair today? 您今天有兴趣到万博会去走走吗?

MR.YAMAMOT It''s Saturday. I have to be in the store. 今天是礼拜六, 我必须到店里去.
FRANK YAMAMOT I''m sure Jim can take care of the store. 我相信吉姆可以照料店里的事.
MR.YAMAMOT I don''t like crowds. 我不喜欢人多的地方.
FRANK YAMAMOT I know, Father, but it''s early. There won''t be many people there at this hour. 我知道, 爸爸, 现在还早呢. 这个时候不会有很多人的.
MR.YAMAMOT I''d rather go on a weekday. 我宁愿平常日子去,
MR.YAMAMOT Saturday is our busy day at the store. 礼拜六是店里最忙的一天.
FRANK YAMAMOT Take a one-day vacation. I''m sure you''ll enjoy it. 休一天假吧, 我敢保证你会觉得很好玩.
MR.YAMAMOT I don''t know, Frank. 我真怀疑, 法兰克.
FRANK YAMAMOT People come from around the world to see the Fair. You''re lucky. You live right around the corner. 人们从世界各地到万博会来参观, 您很幸运, 您刚好住在附近.
MR.YAMAMOT What''s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
FRANK: It''s a beautiful spring day. It would be good for you to spend a day in the sun. 是个美丽的春天. 花一天的时间晒晒太阳对您是很有益的.
MR.YAMAMOT Can I get to the Fair by bus? 我可以搭公车到万博会吗?
FRANK: It''s not far. Take a taxi. It won''t be expensive. 并不远, 坐计程车去, 不会太贵的.
MR.YAMAMOT No. I''ll take the bus. 不, 我要坐公车.
FRANK: OK. Take the number 20. It goes right to the Fair. 好吧! 坐二十路, 它直开到万博会.
MR.YAMAMOT Where is my good coat? 我那件好的大衣在哪里?
FRANK: In the hall closet. But you won''t need a coat today. 在走廊的壁橱里, 可是你今天不必穿大衣,
FRANK: The sun is shining, and it''s going to get warm. 外面是晴天, 而且会逐渐变暖的.
MR.YAMAMOT Are you sure it''s not going to rain? 你确定不会下雨吗?
FRANK: I don''t think so, but anything is possible. Your raincoat is in the hall closet, too. 我不这么认为, 可是天气是无法预料的, 您的雨衣也放在走廊的壁橱里.
MR.YAMAMOT You know, Frank, I''m not as young as I was. 我跟你讲, 法兰克, 我老了.
FRANK: No one is, Father. 我们都老了, 爸爸.
MR.YAMAMOT You''re right. Help me with my coat, Frank. 你讲得对, 帮我将大衣穿上. 法兰克,
FRANK: Have a good time, Father. 祝您玩得很愉快, 爸.
MR.YAMAMOT Thank you, Son. 谢谢你, 儿子.


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