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着迷英语900句 Book3-10

[日期:2006-08-28]   [字体: ]
      PAUL And that, Mr. Crawford, is our plan. We''d like your agency to handle the publicity. 郭佛先生, 我们的计划就是这样子. 我们愿意由你的代理商去负责宣传.

MR.CRAWFORD: Good. 很好,
MR.CRAWFORD: Now let me make sure I have all the facts. 让我来确定一下我所知道的整个事情.
PAUL Certainly. 请便.
MR.CRAWFORD: The Brazilian Pavilion is planning a competition for young artists. 巴西馆计划为年轻的艺术家们举办一次比赛.
PAUL Yes, and by the way, the Pavilion will display many of the entries during the final month of the competition. 对. 噢, 对了, 在比赛的最后一个月, 很多应徵的作品要在巴西馆展览出来.
MR.CRAWFORD: I see. Now, the entries must all be oil paintings, correct? 好的. 参加比赛的作品都必须是油画, 对不对?
PAUL Yes. 对.
MR.CRAWFORD: Is there an age limit for the participants? 对参加比赛的人, 有没有年龄上的限制?
PAUL We were thinking of thirty or thirty-five. But you must know more about this than I do. 我们考虑以三十岁或三十五岁为限. 不过, 关于这方面的事, 您知道的比我多,
PAUL You have more experience. 您的经验比较丰富.
MR.CRAWFORD: I think thirty is the right limit. How old are you, Paulo? May I call you Paulo? 我认为三十岁最好, 保罗, 你几岁了? 我可以叫你保罗吗?
PAUL Of course, sir. Twenty-nine. 当然可以, 我二十九岁.
MR.CRAWFORD: You''re the same age as my son Michael. 你跟我儿子麦可一样大.
PAUL Yes. 喔.
MR.CRAWFORD: Forgive me. Where were we? 对不起, 我们刚才讲到哪里?
PAUL We were discussing the rules of the competition. 我们刚才在讨论比赛的规则.
MR.CRAWFORD: Yes. Now, you mentioned a grant. 对了, 你提到了奖助金,
MR.CRAWFORD: What kind of a grant were you thinking of? 你们考虑什么样的奖助金?
PAUL We were going to offer a scholarship, a living allowance, and air fare to and from Brazil. What do you think of that idea? 我们打算发给一份奖学金, 还有生活费津贴 及到巴西的来回飞机票, 你认为这构想怎么样?
MR.CRAWFORD: Excellent. 非常好,
MR.CRAWFORD: What about the deadline for the entries. 参加的截止日期呢?
MR.CRAWFORD: Six months from today? 从今天起六个月?
PAUL Yes. They have to enter by November 1. 是的, 他们必须在十一月一号以前报名,
PAUL We''ll announce the winner the following month. 而我们将在下一个月宣布得奖者.
MR.CRAWFORD: Good. Well, I can have sample brochures ready for you in a week. 好. 我有小册子的样本, 一个星期之内可以给你.
PAUL Fine. 很好.
MR.CRAWFORD: Then, I''ll see you a week from today. Is 2:00 convenient? 那么, 一个礼拜以后见. 两点钟, 方不方便?
PAUL Perfect. 再好没有.
MR. CRAWFORD: Ms. Segura, Mr. Farias is leaving now. Good-bye, Paulo. 瑟姑拉小姐, 法瑞斯先生现在要走了, 保罗再见.
PAUL Good-bye, Mr. Crawford. And we''ll see you and Mrs. Crawford for dinner on Wednesday. 郭佛先生再见, 礼拜三吃晚餐的时候, 我们就可以跟您和郭佛太太见面了.
MR. CRAWFORD: We''re looking forward to it. 我们正期待着.


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