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着迷英语900句 Book2-5

[日期:2006-08-28]   [字体: ]
      : It isn''t a large room, and the furniture in it isn''t expensive. 房间不大, 里面的家具也不昂贵.

: At one end of the room, there is a small window. 在房间的末尾有个小窗户.
: Next to the window is a large bed. 窗户旁边是张大床.
: In fact, the only large thing in the room is the bed. 事实上, 在这房间里唯一的大东西就是床.
: There are other things, too; a bookcase, a small night table, a desk and chair, a dresser, and clothes. 也有其他的东西: 一个书柜, 一张小床头几, 一张桌子和椅子, 化妆台, 被褥.
: There are shoes and socks under the bed; shirts, pants, and sweaters on the chair; dirty underwear and ties on the floor; suits, jackets, and a coat in the small closet. 鞋子, 袜子放在床下;衬衣, 裤子、和毛衣搭在椅上; 脏内衣和领带搁在地板上; 西装、夹克和外衣, 挂在小衣橱里.
: There are several cameras, five maybe six, and photographs of women, hundreds of them -- large ones and small ones -- on the desk and on the walls. 有几架照相机, 五架也许是六架, 有大大小小数以百计的女性照片摆在桌上或挂在墙壁上.
: The photographs are smiling, laughing, crying, standing, and sitting. 这些照片上的人有的微笑, 有的大笑, 有的哭泣, 有的站著, 有的坐著.
: One thing is very clear. Pedro likes women very, very much. 很明显的一件事实, 佩德罗非常非常喜欢女性.
: Pedro''s mother doesn''t like to go into his room. 佩德罗的母亲不喜欢到他的房间.
: She does, of course, because she wants to clean, but she is not happy about it. "The room is full of women. He doesn''t need me." she says. 当然, 她还是会去, 因为她必须加以清理, 但是, 她是不十分愉快的, 她说 "房子里满是女人, 他根本就不需要我".
: How old is Grandfather? I don''t know. He never talks about his age. 爷爷多大了? 我不知道, 他从不提他的年龄.
: He''s around seventy, maybe seventy-five. 他大概在七十岁上下, 或许是七十五岁.
: Years ago he was a strong man. 多年前, 他还是个健壮的人.
: He was a farmer, a soldier, and a wrestler. 他以前是个农夫、军人与角力选手,
: He was the pride of his village. 他常以他的乡村为荣.
: Now he''s getting old. He doesn''t see without his glasses, and he can''t lift heavy things. 现在, 他渐渐老了, 不戴眼镜便看不见东西, 他无法搬动笨重的东西,
: His hair is thin and almost all white. 他的头发稀疏而且几乎全白了,
: But he has a strong face. 倒是他有个健康的脸色.
: Grandfather loves his store. He needs the store. It''s his only joy. He has friends, but they are all old. 爷爷很喜欢他的商店, 他需要这商店, 那是他唯一的享受. 他有朋友, 但他们都老了.
: Oh, yes, he has us, the family, and I guess he loves us, but he doesn''t show it. 噢, 对了, 他有我们这些家人, 我猜他是爱我们的, 只是他从不表现出来.
: He lives in the past. All of his friends are living in the past. At least the past can''t change. 他活在往事里, 所有他的朋友都活在往事里, 至少往事不能改变.
: They can''t take it away from you. 你无法把过去拿走,
: It''s always there, and you can close your eyes and see it. 它总是在那儿, 即使你闭上眼睛, 仍能看得见.
: Grandma was a kind lovely lady, and Grandfather''s world is not the same without her. 奶奶是个仁慈可爱的女人, 没有她, 爷爷的世界就不一样了.
: Pedro is attractive. There''s no doubt about it. Women are crazy about him. But he''s spoiled. 无可置疑的, 佩德罗是很迷人的, 女孩们都为他痴狂, 但他被宠坏了.
: I don''t like that. 我不赞成如此.
: It''s not right to break a date. 失约是不对的,
: But, it''s funny, I don''t feel bad about it. 但说来奇怪, 我却不觉得那是坏事.
: I''m sure he breaks dates with women all the time. That''s the way he is. 我确知他经常是对女孩子失约, 那是他的一贯作风.
: Why did I want to go to the party with him? 为什麽我要跟他去参加宴会呢?
: Why not? 为什麽不去呢?
: Why did I change my mind? 我为什麽要改变主意呢?
: A feeling. That''s not an answer, I know. 是一种直觉, 我知道, 那不算是个答案.
: But my feeling was right. I didn''t really want to go out with him. He didn''t really care about me. 不过, 我的直觉是对的, 我并不真的要跟他出去, 他并不真的在乎我.
: I was only a date for the evening. All right, it wasn''t nice, but he certainly didn''t die of a broken heart. 我只是那天晚上一个约会的对象而已, 好吧, 算是不对, 但是他也没有伤心而死.
: Didn''t he go to the party anyway? 他最後不是去了吗?
: Yes, I think he did. I''m sure he did. 对! 我想他去了, 我相信他去了.
: Miguel is different. He is serious and considerate. But he''s young, and he doesn''t know the ways of the world. And he''s going home soon. 米盖尔便不同, 他正经而体贴, 只是年轻而不够世故, 而且他没事便回家,
: Oh, well. 噢, 对了!
: He isn''t very handsome, but he has a beautiful smile. 他不十分英俊, 但他有个很美的微笑.


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