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着迷英语900句 Book4-4

[日期:2006-08-28]   [字体: ]
      MR.YAMAMOT Excuse me, sir. 先生请问您,
MR.YAMAMOT Can you tell me where the Japanese Garden is? 能不能告诉我, 日本花园在那里?

BILL: It''s quite a long walk from here. Why don''t you take the Fair bus? It stops right over there, in the Plaza of Nations. Between the statue and the fountain. 从这里走到那边相当远, 您不妨搭乘博览会公车, 它就停在那边, 在广场里的 雕像和喷水池之间.
MR.YAMAMOT The statue? Excuse me, I don''t see as well as I used to. 雕像啊? 对不起, 我不像以前看得那么清楚.
ALI: Hi, Mr. O''Neill. 嗨, 欧尼尔先生.
BILL: Oh, hi, Ali. 哦, 阿里你好,
BILL: Would you do me a favor? 你愿不愿意帮我一个忙?
ALI: Sure. 好.
BILL: Would you take this gentleman to the bus stop over there? 请你带这位先生到那边巴士站, 好不好?
ALI: Sure. Hi. Where do you want to go? 好, 嗨, 你要去那里?
BILL: The gentleman wants to go to the bus stop, Ali. 这位先生要到巴士站, 阿里.
ALI: But where are you going after that? 然后你要去那里呢?
BILL: He asks a lot of questions. 他问了许多问题.
ALI: My father says I shouldn''t ask so many questions. 我爸爸说我不该问这么多问题,
ALI: He says it''s not polite. So I''m sorry. But I still want to know. 他说这样不礼貌. 所以我道歉, 但是我还是想知道.
BILL: Ali, the next bus will be here any minute. 阿里, 下一班车随时会来.
MR.YAMAMOT I''m going to the Japanese Garden. 我要到日本花园去.
ALI: Are you Japanese? I''m from Iran. 你是不是日本人? 我是伊朗人.
MR.YAMAMOT I was born in Japan. 我在日本出生.
ALI: I went to the Japanese Garden last week. 我上个礼拜到日本花园去过.
MR.YAMAMOT Did you? 噢, 你去过啦?
ALI: Yes, it''s very pretty. My mother liked it very much. I think it''s too quiet there, 是的, 非常漂亮, 我妈妈很喜欢. 我觉得那边太安静了,
ALI: but I''ll go with you if you want. 不过, 如果你要去的话, 我就陪你去.
MR.YAMAMOT Thank you. But if you come with me, your parents won''t know where you are. 谢谢. 不过, 你如果陪我去, 你父母就会不知道你到那里去了.
ALI: If you wait, I''ll tell my parents where I''m going. 你若能等我一下, 我就告诉我爸爸妈妈我要去那里.
MR.YAMAMOT You are a good boy. 你真乖.
MR.YAMAMOT Maybe some other time. 或许, 改天吧.
ALI: Do you come here a lot? I''m here every afternoon. My father works in that bank. That''s my friend, Mr. O''Neill, the ice cream man. 你常常来这里吗? 我每天下午都在这里. 我爸爸就在那个银行里上班, 那位是我的朋友, 欧尼尔先生, 冰淇淋摊贩.
MR.YAMAMOT Here''s the bus. Good-bye, Ali. And thank you. 巴士来了, 再见, 阿里, 谢谢你!


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