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[日期:2006-07-30]   [字体: ]

    B: How is your elbow?(你的肘怎样了?)

  N: Well, don't talk about something that reminds me of a pain that I've had in my life.

  B: Ok, just forget it.

  N: Thank you, brian.

  B: J.Are you happier, now?

  B: Excuse me?

  N: Are you happier now? I mean, your girlfriend thing.

  B: I am happy now, just feel kind of isolated and ---- and a little alone.

  N: Alone(孤单的) or lonely(感到孤独的).

  B: I am alone and feel lonely, but most of the time I am happy.

  N: Were you ever, what might be termed "depressed"?

  B: No, I was never depressed. I had a job, a place to live, I was doing what I like, and I know a lot of people who have it worse than I had(不,我从来没感觉到沮丧,我有个工作、有地方住,干的是自己喜欢干的事情,我知道有很多人情况还不如我).

  N: You had a capacity to deal with life.

  B: Everybody had a capacity to deal with life. It's all relative(这都是相对的).

  N: Why don't you just go out and get relaxed?

  B: I AM relaxing.

  N: I mean, why don't you just go to see a film or something like that.

  B: It all depends on the movie. Some have bored the hell out of me. (这完全取决于电影,有的电影简直就是无聊透顶)

  N: What movie would you definitely watch? (你喜欢看什么电影?)

  B: What do you mean?

  N: What movie would you say, this is a good movie? (什么电影你会说,这部电影不错)

  B: I like Marlon Brando(马龙.白兰度).


  N: Oh, yes, he died yesterday.

  B: He was a great actor.

  N: He used to be a charming gentleman.

  B: He is all the time, and he was a giant.



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