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[日期:2006-07-30]   [字体: ]

    B: That's for how long? (有多久了?)
  N: About one month ago.

  B: That's great, because you sound happy.

  N: I am happy.

  B: That's good for you, nikky.

  N: Yeah.

  B: To have someone like that inyou life, don't you think?

  N: Well, we all want to be happy.

  B: That's what life is about.


  N: Yes, my father told me the same, brian.

  B: Really? Your father is...

  N: He's a pediatrician(儿科医师).

  B: A pediatrician, still, right?

  N: Still practicing. (仍然在工作)

  N: I love my dad, and without his unconditional(无条件的)love I think---my life would have beenvery draining(困难的).

  B: Did you go to college?

  N: Yes, but I don't just like it, though. I mean, I did terrible inschool. I could never get good grades(我永远也得不到好分数). I could just not understand why a negative times a negative is a positive(我就是搞不明白负数乘以负数就得正数). It just couldn't make sense(好象说不通).

  B: So you did terrible inschool.

  N: Yes, but I'm well read, I read all the time(我读了很多书).

  B: So now you hooked up with whom? (你现在和谁谈恋爱了?)

  N: Well, his name is BernCornfeld.

  B: He is how old?

  N: 45.

  B: And you?

  N: I am 29.

  B: You were dating him? (你跟他约会么?)

  N: Yeah. Yeah.


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