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清明节的传统 The Tradition of Ching Ming Festival

[日期:2006-06-12]   [字体: ]

 清 明 上 河 图


    Ancestor worship is a Chinese tradition dating back thousands of years.


    Also known as the Grave-sweeping or Spring Remembrance, Ching Ming ("clear and bright"), is when Chinese families show their respect by visiting the graves of their ancestors to clear away weeds, touch up gravestone inscriptions and make offerings of wine and fruit.



    “清明”依音译为“Ching Ming, 但“节”则依意译为festival,合起来便是Ching Ming Festival, 是音译和意译的混合物。


    “春节”在英文上叫做Chinese New Year's Day, 是意译,字面的意思就是“中国人的新年”;或Spring Festival,即“春天的节日”;或Chinese Rural New Year,即“中国农历新年”
    “端午节”的译法和“清明节”一样,“端午”译为Duan Wu, 节是Festival。不过,许多人也喜欢称之为Duan Wu, 节是Festival。另外,许多人也喜欢称之为Dragon Boat Festival,意为“龙舟节”。
    “中秋节”逐字意译为Mid-Autumn Festival,有时则在前边加上Chinese。亦有人称之为Moon Festival的。
    “重阳节”也和“清明节”、“端午节”一般译法,称为Chung Yeung Festival。由于我们有时也把“重阳”称为“重九”,所以有些英国人也把我们的这一个节日叫做“Double-ninth Day,”不过还是以前者较多用。

扩充阅读一:Chinese Ching Ming Festival

A Chinese holiday, celbrated on April 5th, is the Ching Ming Festival (aka Qingming Festival.) Ching, in Chinese, means pure or clean and Ming means brightness. Most people call this holiday grave-sweeping day because people head to the cemetery to clean graves.

There are many Ching Ming rituals[仪式] which include pulling out weeds around the headstone, cleaning the stone and replacing wilted or dead flowers with fresh ones. People also burn incense[薰香] and paper money. The paper money is for the deceased to use in the afterlife. You'll even see food arranged on headstones but it's not a picnic. The food is an offering to the spirits. Three sets of chopsticks[筷子] and three Chinese wine cups are also placed above the food, close to the headstone.

Other rituals include family members pouring wine on the grave or setting off firecrackers[鞭炮] to scare away evil spirits. The firecrackers also let deceased loved ones know they're there to pay their respects. Legend has it that unhappy spirits wander the earth on Ching Ming day. It's considered bad luck to do important business or have an operation on April 5th. Stick to hanging out in the cemetery and offering your ancestors food and fake money.

The practice of ancestor worship is based on three beliefs:
1) that a person's good or bad fortune is influenced by the souls of his or her ancestors;
2) that all departed[死去的] ancestors have the same material needs they had when alive; and
3) that the departed can assist their living relatives.





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