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《War And Peace》 Book7 CHAPTER VI by Leo Tolstoy THE OLD COUNT went home. Natasha and Petya promised to follow immediately. The hunting party went on further as it was still early. In the middle of the day they set the hounds into a ravine covered with thickly growing young copse. (02/25/2008 06:31:23) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第七部 第五章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 与此同时,尼古拉·罗斯托夫站在原地伺候野兽。他凭猎犬追捕野兽的吠声的远近,凭他所熟悉的猎犬的吠声,凭猎犬训练管理人的喊声的远、近与声高,他就能够感觉到那座孤林里发生的情况。他知道,在这座孤林里面藏有狼崽(幼小的豺狼)和大狼(老豺狼),他知道猎犬已分成两群,他们都在某个地方用猎犬追捕野兽,而且知道发生了什么不很顺遂的事情。他时时刻刻等候野兽走到自己这边来。他做过几千次不同的推测,认为野兽会怎样跑出来,从哪个方向跑出来,他怎样用猎狗追捕野兽。但是希望代之以绝望。他好几次向上帝,祈祷,希望有只豺狼向他走来,他怀着那种强烈而真诚的感情做祷告,正如人们为 (02/25/2008 06:31:22) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book7 CHAPTER V by Leo Tolstoy NIKOLAY ROSTOV was standing meanwhile at his post waiting for the wolf. He was aware of what must be taking place within the copse from the rush of the pack coming closer and going further away, from the cries of the dogs, whose n (02/25/2008 06:31:22) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第七部 第四章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 老伯爵一向经营大规模的狩猎业,现今他把一切业务转交给儿子管理,这一天,九月十五号,老伯爵快活起来,也想亲自去狩猎。 过了一个钟头,所有参加狩猎的人都来到台阶的近旁。尼古拉露出严肃认真的样子,表示现在哪有闲工夫去料理琐碎的事,娜塔莎与彼佳正在和他讲话,他却顾不得这么许多,便从他们身边走过去了。他把参加狩猎的各个小组察看了一遍,先行派出一群猎犬和猎人前去围猎,他就骑着一匹枣红色的顿河种马,对他自己的一群猎犬打着唿哨,经过打谷场,向通往奥特拉德诺耶禁伐区的田野出发了。伯爵的马夫牵着老伯爵骑的一匹叫做维夫梁卡的白鬃白 (02/25/2008 06:31:21) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book7 CHAPTER IV by Leo Tolstoy THE OLD COUNT, whose hunting establishment had always been kept up on a large scale, had now handed it all over to his son's care, but on that day, the 15th of September, being in excellent spirits he prepared to join the expedition. (02/25/2008 06:31:20) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第七部 第三章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 那时已是初寒时节,早晨的严寒封住了被秋雨淋得乌黑油亮的土地,秋播作物的幼苗长得茂盛,一条条被牲口踩得变成褐色的越冬麦地、淡黄色的春播作物的麦庄和红色的荞麦地,和那茂密的秋播作物分隔开来,呈现着一片绿油油的颜色。八月底,群山的顶峰和树林在秋播作物的黑土田地和麦庄之间犹如绿色的孤林,这时在鲜绿的越冬作物中间,已经变成金光闪闪的和鲜红的孤林。灰兔的毛已经落了一半(正在换毛),一窝窝的小狐狸也开始向四面八方走去,小豺狼已经长得比狗更大了。这是狩猎的最佳时节。热衷于狩猎的年轻猎人罗斯托夫的猎犬,不仅长了膘,而且获得了信任,于是猎人全会上决定让猎犬休息三天 (02/25/2008 06:31:19) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book7 CHAPTER III by Leo Tolstoy WINTRY WEATHER was already setting in, the morning frosts hardened the earth drenched by the autumn rains. Already the grass was full of tufts, and stood out bright green against the patches of brown winter cornland trodden by the cattl (02/25/2008 06:31:18) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第七部 第二章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 尼古拉回来以后,初时他觉得心情沉重,甚至很苦闷。使他心里难受的是,他必须过问这些无聊的家务,而母亲就是为了料理家务才把他召唤回来的。为了更快地卸下这个重担,在他回到家中以后的第三天,他就怒形于色,问他上哪里去他也不回答,他皱着眉头,到耳房去看米坚卡,叫他把全部帐目摆出来。全部帐目是些什么帐目,胆战心惊的、困惑不安的米坚卡比尼古拉知道得更多。他和米坚卡的交谈、核查全部开销并没有延续很长的时间。在耳房的外间等候的村长、当选的代表和地方行政长官,流露着恐惧而悦意的神态,最初听见年轻伯爵的嗓音越提越高,说话的声音叽叽喳喳,喋喋不休,然后听见一句紧接一句 (02/25/2008 06:31:17) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book7 CHAPTER II by Leo Tolstoy IN THE EARLY PART of his time at home Nikolay was serious and even dull. He was worried by the necessity of meddling in the stupid business matters which his mother had sent for him to look after. To be rid of this burden as soon as (02/25/2008 06:31:16) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第七部 第一章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 圣经上的传说指出,不劳动——无所事事是第一个人①在堕落之前享受无上幸福的条件。在堕落的人身上仍旧有游手好闲的恶习。但是,最厉害的惩罚却压在人类身上,这不仅因为,我们必须辛勤地劳动去挣到自己的糊口之食,而且因为,就道德品质而言,我们决不能游手好闲而又心安理得。怀在心里的声音说:我们无所事事势必有罪。如果人类能够到达一种境地,他无所事事,竟能觉得自己于人有益,而且又在履行天职,那末,他就发现了原始时代的无上幸福的一面。整个阶层——军人阶层享有这种天经地义的、不受指责的闲逸的社会地位。这种天经地义的、不受指责的闲逸,过去是,将来也是服兵股的主要诱惑力 (02/25/2008 06:31:15) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book7 CHAPTER I by Leo Tolstoy THE BIBLICAL TRADITION tells us that the absence of work—idleness—was a condition of the first man's blessedness before the Fall. The love of idleness has remained the same in fallen man; but the curse still lies heavy upon man, a (02/25/2008 06:31:14) [查看全文] 员工要求加薪的英文信VS老板的回信 一封员工要求加薪的英文信,以及老板的回信 Dear Bo$$, In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under $tanding of the need$ of u$. worker$ who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to the company. I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon. Yo (02/25/2008 06:31:09) [查看全文] envisage v.想像,设想2.正视,面对 tumour /tumor n.(c)(肿)瘤,肿块 abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部份) abound v.充满,富于 acclaim v.向…欢呼,公认n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞 accord vt.使一致,给予 accountant n.会计,会计师 addict vt.使沉溺,使上瘾n.上瘾者 adore v.崇拜,热爱 advent n.出现,到来 adverse a.不利的,敌对的,相反的 affluent adj.富裕的 (02/25/2008 06:31:08) [查看全文] He had risen from his chair and was standing between the parted blinds gazing down into the dull neutral-tinted London street. Looking over his shoulder, I saw that on the pavement opposite there stood a large woman with a heavy fur boa round her neck, and a large curling red feather in a broad-brimmed hat which was tilted in a coquettish Duchess o (02/25/2008 06:31:08) [查看全文] |