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Notice: April Fool's Day approaching, on April 1 you receive text messages are bogus, meaning exactly opposite, please pay attention. Following is the first: You are handsome styles Yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devil build lover!
Some people see you today, you still as charming, wearing a checked vest, Manyou
(03/25/2008 06:41:00) [查看全文]
[Briefings] February 2
February 2, the traditional Chinese folk festivals. Prevalent in most parts of the country, Miao, Zhuang, Manchu, Dong, Li, yu, Buyi, Hezhen, Ewenki and other ethnic minorities also have this section. This section customs activities more, North Korea has spent Festiv
(02/07/2008 19:59:09) [查看全文]
Thanksgiving Day is a very important troditional holiday in America. On the fourth Thursday of each November,families and friends gather together for the occasion to celebrate with a traditional turkey dinner,usually in the mid-afternoon.Thanksgiving Day originated as a celebration of the year's harvest and is similar to the Mid-Autumn Festival in 
(11/23/2007 08:20:08) [查看全文]
"Singles Day" falls on every November 11th, and as the name indicates, this relatively new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still living the single life. I was a bit surprised when I googled 'Singles Day' on the Internet, to find that China is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles t
(11/13/2007 08:11:42) [查看全文]
1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)
2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)
2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)
3月8日国际妇女节(International Women' Day)
3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)
3月14日白色情人节(White Day)
3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen' Day)
(08/22/2007 08:11:16) [查看全文]
International Day of Peace
(08/22/2007 08:11:16) [查看全文]
Every year between the end of November and the end of December, Jewish people around the world celebrate the holiday of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. Chanukah begins on the 25th day of the Hebrew (希伯来的) month of Kislev (历法:基色娄月,即犹太教历9月,犹太国历3月,在公历11、12月间,共29或30天), but the starting date on the western calendar varies from y
(08/22/2007 08:11:11) [查看全文]
Diwali symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. Celebrated joyously all over the country, it is a festival of wealth and prosperity.
The essence of this light is Shri Lakshmi-arising, at the beginning of time, out of the waters at the churning of the Milky Ocean by gods and demons for a thousand years. Regarded
(08/22/2007 08:11:07) [查看全文]
United Nations Day was established by Presidential Proclamation(总统令) to commemorate the establishment of the United Nations in 1945.
It is celebrated very generally in all states and American possessions, and by all eighty-one countries, which are members of the United Nations for the purpose of informing the people of t
(08/22/2007 08:11:04) [查看全文]
Sweetest Day is always the third Saturday in October. This holiday is much more important in some regions than in others (Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo being the biggest Sweetest Day cities). It is a holiday that is gaining in popularity every year throughout the country.
Sweetest Day is celebrated on the third Saturday
(08/22/2007 08:11:04) [查看全文]
The "Chong Yang Festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the Double Ninth Festival.
Origins: The festival began as early as the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC). According to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the Chinese world view,
(08/22/2007 08:11:03) [查看全文]
Today we take for granted that the world is round. In the fifteenth century, however, most people believed the world was flat. They thought that monsters or a trip over the edge of the earth waited for anybody who sailed outside the limits of known territory. People laughed at or jailed others who dared think that the world w
(08/22/2007 08:11:01) [查看全文]
October 15, 1970 was declared International White Cane Safety Day for the first time by the President of the International Federation of the Blind. This date was adopted at the first quinquennial convention of the IFB, held in Colombo on October 4, 1969. The object of the exercise is to stimulate the general public to a bette
(08/22/2007 08:11:01) [查看全文]
In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 September of each year as the International Day of Peace.
The Assembly declared that the Day be observed as a day of global
(08/22/2007 08:10:59) [查看全文]
The Munich Oktoberfest is the biggest public festival in the world and will be held in 2003 for the 170th time. Each year, the Oktoberfest is attended by around 6 million visitors, who drink around 5 million liters of beer and consume over 200,000 pairs of pork sausages - mostly in the "beer tents" put up by the traditional M
(08/22/2007 08:10:58) [查看全文]
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