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Rockets and artificial satellites can go far above the ionosphere, and even escape
from the Earth. Yet they are complex and expensive, and in their present stage
of development they cannot lift massive telescopes, keep them steady while the
observations are being carried out, and then return them safely.
(08/09/2007 06:35:56) [查看全文]
Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call
respectively the tough and the gentle. The former method simply consists of
setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of
him. Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of trainin
(08/09/2007 06:35:55) [查看全文]
An earthquake comes like a thief in the night, without warning. It was necessary,
therefore, to invent instruments that neither slumbered nor slept. Some devices
were quite simple. one, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and
thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins. when a sho
(08/09/2007 06:35:55) [查看全文]
In mediaeval times rivers were the veins of the body politic as well as economic.
Boundaries between states or shires, they were crossed by fords which became
the sites of towns, or by bridges which were often points of battle. Upon rivers
the people of that time depended for food, power and transport.
(08/09/2007 06:35:55) [查看全文]
A gifted American psychologist has said, 'Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the
mind catches hold of something and will not let it go.' It is useless to argue with
the mind in this condition. The stronger the will, the more futile the task. One
can only gently insinuate something else into its convulsive g
(08/09/2007 06:35:54) [查看全文]
Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon
equipment, or through hiring it, the total expense can be far less than the cost of
hotels. But, contrary to a popular assumption, it is far from being the only one,
or even the greatest. The man who manoeuvres carelessly into
(08/09/2007 06:35:54) [查看全文]
The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a
small piece of official French War Office notepaper dated March 9th, 1831, and
signed by the then reigning monarch of France, Louis-Philippe. He had been on
the throne for barely eight months when he authorized this measure, which wa
(08/09/2007 06:35:54) [查看全文]
Although truth and justice may be the most powerful impulses to show moral
courage, there are others. Compassion is one of these. Tentatively it can be sug-
gested that this is the main influence upon those who urge the abolition of capital
punishment. It is recognition of compassion's part that leads the
(08/09/2007 06:35:53) [查看全文]
(08/08/2007 10:06:03) [查看全文]
(08/08/2007 10:05:56) [查看全文]
      第一册——零起点;欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者; 希望打牢英语基础的中学生
(08/08/2007 10:05:51) [查看全文]
[ 外研社 ]
(08/08/2007 10:05:38) [查看全文]
在全世界的英语学习者的心目中,《新概念英语》可谓是一部“宝典”级的教材,如今在中国,学习《新概念英语》也已蔚然成风。那么这部“宝典”的与众不同之处到底体现在何处呢?《新概念英语》由英国著名的语言教育专家L.G.Alexander 先生编写,历经半个多世纪而经久不衰,因为它可以帮助学习者在比较短的时间内全方位地提高自身的听说读写译五方面的素质。我就从这么几个方面帮大家分析一下学习《新概念英语》的好处和具体的学习方法:
(08/08/2007 10:05:16) [查看全文]
(08/08/2007 10:04:47) [查看全文]
(08/08/2007 10:04:02) [查看全文]
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