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  高级设备  sophisticated equipment  
  高技术产业化  apply high technology to production  
  高架公路  elevated highway; overhead road  
  高架轻轨  elevated railway
  高精尖技术  high-grade, high-precision, advanced technology
  高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想  hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Re
(07/18/2006 09:54:13) [查看全文]
  改革开放  reform and opening-up; reform and opening to the outside world
  改革开放的总设计师  chief architect of the reform and opening up policy
  改革开放和社会主义现代化建设  reform and opening and in the modernization drive
  改革试点  pilot reform; reform experimentation; pilot restructuring enterprise
  盖洛普民意调查  Gallup Poll
  盖帽了  great; excellent
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  疯牛病  mad cow disease; bovine spongiform enceohalopathy (BSE)  
  封杀出局  force out  
  封圣  canonization of Saints  
  丰收工程  Good Harvest Program
  封锁禁运  blockade and embargo  
  封锁消息  block the passage of information; news embargo; news blackout  
  风险防范机制  a risk prevention mechanism  
  风险基金  VC funds  
  风险投资  venture
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  非典疫区  SARS-affected area
  非对称数字用户环路  Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)  
  非法拘留  unwarranted custody; unlawful detention
  非法贸易  illicit trading
  费改税  tax-for-fee  
  费改税改革  tax-for-fees reform  
  非公有制经济  the non-public sectors of the economy  
  非关税贸易壁垒  non-tariff trade barriers
  非国有工业企业  non-state i
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  房产证  property ownership certificate  
  房产置换  buy or exchange houses  
  房虫儿  real estate speculator
  防弹背心  bulletproof vest
  防盗门  burglarproof door; antitheft door  
  房改  housing system reform
  放高球  lob  
  房管  real estate management  
  防洪工程  flood-prevention project; flood control project  
  防护林  shelter f
(07/18/2006 09:54:06) [查看全文]
  发案率  incidence (of criminal cases)  
  发标  bid; tender
  法定货币(由法律规定的可以用于支付债款而且贷方必须接受的有效货币)  legal tender  
  法律面前人人平等  All are equal before the law; All people are equal before the law  
  法律硕士  Master of Law
  发明奖  invention award  
  法人  legal person
  法人代表  legal representative
  法人股  corporate shares  
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  厄尔尼诺现象  El Nino phenomenon  
  恶性通货膨胀  hyperinflation  
  恶性循环  vicious circle  
  鳄鱼的眼泪  crocodile tears  
  恶作剧  mischief; leg-pull
  恩格尔系数  Engel's coefficient--the proportion of expense on food to the consumption expense  
  二把手  second in command
  二百五  a stupid person
  二板市场  growth enterprise board; second boa
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  短线产品  products in short supply; goods in short supply
  短信  short messages; text messages
  断章取义  quote one's words out of context
  对冲基金  hedge fund  
  对等开放  reciprocal opening
  对方付费电话  collect call
  对……毫无顾忌  make no bones about ...  
  对话和合作  dialogue and co-operation
  对奖活动  raffle
  对讲机  talkie and walk
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  低密度住宅  low-density residential buildings
  定编  personnel allocation  
  定调子  set the tone  
  定额计酬  quota remuneration
  定岗  determine posts
  丁克一族  DINKS (Double Income No Kids)
  顶梁柱  backbone; main support
  定期存款  time deposit; fixed deposit; fixed account  
  定向培训  target training; job-oriented training  
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  电话会议  teleconference  
  电话会议呼叫  Conference calling  
  电话留言机  answering machine
  电老虎  electricity guzzler; big power consumer
  点面结合  integrate point and sphere
  点名册  roll book
  电脑病毒  computer virus
  电脑犯罪  computer crime
  电脑校对机  electronic-brain collator
  电脑空间  cyberspace
  电脑聊天  cyberchat
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  敌对势力  hostile forces
  第二产业  secondary industry  
  第二课堂  the second classroom; practical training besides lecturing in the classroom
  第二上市  secondary listing  
  第二学位  second Bachelor's degree
  地方保护主义  regional protectionism  
  地方财政包干制  system where local authorities take full responsibility for their finances  
(07/18/2006 09:53:54) [查看全文]
  大案要案  major cases
  打白条  issue IOU  
  大包大揽  take on all things
  打包贷款  packing credit  
  打包儿  use doggy bags to take food home
  大包干  all-round responsibility system  
  打保票  vouch for somebody; guarantee something
  达标活动  target hitting activities  
  大病统筹  comprehensive arrangement for serious disease  
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  擦边球  "edge ball, touch ball"  
  擦网球  net ball  
  财产税  property tax; estate (or capital) duty
  采购团  purchasing mission  
  采光  lighting
  裁减冗员  cut down on overstaffing ; lay off redundant staff
  采景  choose a location (for movie, TV drama, etc.)
  裁军  disarmament
  彩扩  color film processing
  菜篮子工程  vegetabl
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  踏访 pay a personal visit; visit the actual site
  抬举 flatter
  塔楼 tower
  抬杠 argue for the sake of arguing; bicker  
  太空垃圾 space trash; space junk
  太空时代 the Age of Aquarius
  太空梭 space shuttle
  太空行走 space walks  
  太空站 space station
  台联 All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
  态貌 posture; bearing
(07/18/2006 09:50:24) [查看全文]
  滥发文凭 issue diplomas recklessly  
  滥发纸币 excessive issue of bank notes; excessive note issue
  蓝光光盘 Blue-ray Disc
  蓝盔人员 blue helmet personnel  
  蓝领工人 Blue-collar worker
  烂摊子 awful mess
  蓝牙技术 bluetooth  
  滥用权力 abuse of power
  滥用职权 abuse one's power;misuse one's authority
  浪子回头 return to the fold; turn over
(07/18/2006 09:49:45) [查看全文]
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