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[日期:2006-07-18]   [字体: ]

  高级设备  sophisticated equipment  
  高技术产业化  apply high technology to production  
  高架公路  elevated highway; overhead road  
  高架轻轨  elevated railway
  高精尖技术  high-grade, high-precision, advanced technology

  高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想  hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Represents"
  高考  college (or university) entrance examination  
  高科技板块  high-tech sector  
  高难度动作  stunner, stunt  
  高清晰度  high definition  
  高清晰度电视  high definition TV
  高手  master hand, expert
  (精通电脑和网络的)高手  geek
  高危人群  high-risk group
  高消费  high consumption
  高效节能  energy-efficient
  高校扩招后首批毕业生  college graduates who were the first to be enrolled under the college expansion of 1999
  高校扩招计划  college expansion plan
  告小状  secretly report on somebody; rat on somebody
  高新技术产业开发区  high-tech industrial development zone  
  高新技术产业化  industrial application of new and high technologies
  高压手段  high-pressure tactics
  高原反应,高山反应  altitude stress; altitude sickness  
  高知  high-level intellectual
  高指标  high target
  高致病性禽流感  highly pathogenic bird flu
  个案  individual case (involving special circumstances)
  各大菜系  major styles of cooking  
  个股  individual share
  各行各业  every walk of life  
  隔行扫描  interlacing scan
  各尽所能  let each person do his best; from each according to his ability  
  各就各位  On your marks!
  隔离病房  isolation ward
  (公路)隔离带  median strip  
  格列佛游记  Gulliver's Travels  
  革命老区  old revolutionary base areas
  革命气派  revolutionary mettle
  革命伤残军人  disabled revolutionary servicemen
  鸽派  dove faction
  个人成就感  sense of personal achievement
  个人储蓄帐户  personal savings account
  个人购房贷款  individual housing loan
  个人结算帐户  personal clearing account
  个人理财计划  personal financing plan
  各人民团体  mass organizations
  个人收入应税申报制度  the system of the declaration of individual incomes for tax payment  
  个人收入调节税  individual (personal) income regulation tax
  个人数字助理  PDA (personal digital assistant)  
  个人所得税  personal income tax

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