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乡村真美。此时正值夏季,田里的小麦都呈现金黄色而燕麦依然青绿。干草被堆放在低洼的草地上,广阔的树林围绕着田野和草地,树林的中央有多处深邃的湖泊,在阳光最充足的地方矗立着一栋老旧的大宅邸。这栋宅邸被一条深长的壕沟所包围,茂盛的 叶子从这栋房子干部上的藤蔓往下长,延伸到河水的边缘。其中有一些叶子很大,小孩子可以拿它们来当雨伞。 在森林的深处有一只母鸭子坐在她的巢中,她的小鸭子们即将孵出来。 终于蛋一个接一个地开始裂了。 (05/27/2011 00:00:00) [查看全文] Peter Cottontail and the Great Mitten Hunt
By Laura Norton Illustrated by Linda Karl and Christopher Nowell 皮得.康顿和大猫亨特 劳拉编写 林达.卡尔和克里斯托福.诺威尔插图 It was the day before Easter and Peter Cottontail was very busy.As the Chief Easter Bunny,it was his job to hide all the eggs for all the Easter egg hunts around th (05/27/2011 00:00:00) [查看全文] There were once a man and a woman who had an only child, and lived quite alone in a solitary valley. It came to pass that the mother once went into the wood to gather branches of fir, and took with her little Hans, who was just two years old. As it was spring-time, and the child took pleasure in the many-colored flowers, she went still (11/21/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] Hard by a great forest dwelt a wood-cutter with his wife, who had an only child, a little girl three years old. They were so poor, however, that they no longer had daily bread, and did not know how to get food for her. One morning the wood-cutter went out sorrowfully to his work in the forest, and while he was cutting wood, suddenly there stoo (11/21/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] "Ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes," growled Bluebeard in Jimmy's dream one night. "There be treasure there! Aawrgh."
So the next day Jimmy began to dig. He dug until the hole was deep and the dirt pile was high. He kept digging. The hole got deeper and the dirt pile got higher. (10/20/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] Three women die together in an accident and go to heaven. When they get there, St. Peter says, “We only have one rule here in heaven……don't step on the ducks.” So they entered heaven, and sure enough, there are ducks all over the place. It is almost impossible not to step on a duck, and although they try their best to avoid them, the f (10/20/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] HOST: Saturdays are fun. Everyone likes to play on Saturday. This Saturday Nick's at Theo's house. It's cold and snowy, and they're going to play.
THEO'S MOTHER: Theo! You can't play in those clothes. THEO: Why? THEO'S MOTHER: Well, look at Nick. It's winter! It's cold! You have to dress for the season. It (10/20/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] Host:
I love food! One of my favorite food is ice cream. Sometime I buy ice cream in the supermarket. I also like to go to the ice cream shop. How do they make ice cream? Let's watch and find out. Documentary: Ice cream. It's fun. It's cold. And it tastes good. Here at Amy's Ice Cream Shop, ice cream is made with lots of (10/20/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] HOST: Look. This is a creature. She` s friendly. She` s also orange! Her name is Carrot. And she has ten eyes! Matt, Kim, and Maria are in school. And they` re making creatures.
MARIA: Here` s my creature! She` s hay. MATT: Here` s my creature! He` s sad. MARIA: Kim, show us your creature! KIM: N (10/20/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] HOST: Nick` s at Theo` s new house. Theo` s unpacking boxes. And Nick` s helping Theo.
NICK: Hey, Theo, where` s the clock? THEO: Uh…it` s in that box…over there. Put the clock on the night table, next to the bed, please. NICK: These are iice pictures. Who are they? THEO: He` s my uncle. And she` (10/20/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] |