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School 1)volunteers don’t get paid money, but sometimes we receive special gifts. One morning, just before Christmas vacation, I was selling tickets to our grade school’s last evening performance of The Nutcracker. The evening before had been a 2)sellout. People had lined the walls of the 3)auditorium. Some had even 4)peeked in from outside to w
(08/31/2008 09:16:39) [查看全文]
Nineteenth-century life had dealt the ten-year-old London 1)lad a bad hand. While his father 2)languished in debtor’s jail, painful 3)pangs of hunger 4)gnawed at his stomach. To feed himself, the boy took a job pasting labels on 5)blacking bottles in a 6)grim, 7)rat-infested 8)warehouse. He slept in a 9)dismal 10)attic room with two other street
(08/31/2008 09:16:38) [查看全文]
Though it was a bright, hot dawn outside, there were no windows in this part of the castle. Van Ritchten had to provide his own light in the form of a small lantern, which he gripped with a white-1)knuckled fist. He paused at the top of the 2)spiral stair-case, and held the lantern as high as his slight 3)stature allowed. Its 4)feeble glow manag
(08/31/2008 09:16:37) [查看全文]
Controlled attention is the act of 1)coordinating all the 2)faculties of the mind and directing their combined power to a given end. It is both an 3)outgrowth of many of the other principles of success and an important aid to them.
Concentration upon a single idea has been the 4)hallmark of success for countless people and organizations.
(08/31/2008 09:16:37) [查看全文]
Journalist: Your style has been described as "buy and hold", and sometimes it 1)strikes me that Wall Street 2)perverts that 3)notion to get people to invest and forget about what they own. I think you buy and watch. Right? Because you sell if something is no longer working.
Buffet: Oh sure. Sure we’ve sold, well, sell some things. We don’
(08/31/2008 09:16:36) [查看全文]
Neville Chamberlain / 内维尔·张伯伦
Here is the paper which bears his name (Hitler’s) upon it as well as mine. As symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.
Winston Ch
(08/31/2008 09:16:36) [查看全文]
Hit the Ceiling (become very angry)
Don’t father hit the ceiling when he was informed that his son had been detained by the police for disorderly conduct. He became violently angry, since he had often warned his son not to keep company with that group of boys.
(08/31/2008 09:16:35) [查看全文]
Male: OK, you got your verbs, you got your nouns, and you got your pronouns. Then there are your 1)modifiers like your adjectives, adverbs and prepositions.
Female: This half-hour, we’ll discuss pronouns and the many interesting ways people have of messing with them. With pronouns, there are two basic issues that
(08/31/2008 09:16:35) [查看全文]
Where there is so much 1)racket, there must be something 2)out of kilter. I think that between the Negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what’s all this here talking about?
That man over there says that a woman needs to be helped into carriages and li
(08/31/2008 09:16:35) [查看全文]
Question: And so to our first 2)contender. Good evening. Your name, please.
Answer: Good evening.
Question: Your first time your chosen subject was answering questions before they were asked, this time you have chosen to answer the question before last each time, is that correct?
Answer: Charlie Smithers.
Question: And y
(08/31/2008 09:16:34) [查看全文]
ComplicatedUnderstanding what you can acheveUnderrated the one to win,one who believesIf I go away,world you follow meTo that special place of tranquilityWhere the river flows And the fields are golden Come on come on Boom-I’m here to rock you Boom-Never stop no Raise up high
(08/31/2008 09:16:34) [查看全文]
The Road goes ever on and onDown from the door where it began.Now far ahead the Road has gone,And I must follow, if I can,Pursuing it with eager feet,Until it joins some larger wayWhere many paths and 1)errands meet.And 2)whither then?I cannot say. 行路谣漫漫长路,起于家门。路其修远,紧随不息,步履匆匆,直奔通途,歧路迭起
(08/31/2008 09:16:34) [查看全文]
May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home
Mornie Utulie (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie Utulie (darkness has come)
A promise lives within you now
(08/31/2008 09:16:33) [查看全文]
Enya: It was very difficult for me not to be involved with music, because both my parents were very musical. My dad, when he was 14, joined with his mum and dad, and he toured around Ireland. My mum was a music teacher. My dad’s music would be a very sort of variation of 1)ballads, Irish ballads, to 2)Glenn Miller-type of hits that were happenin
(08/31/2008 09:16:33) [查看全文]
Hailed by audiences and critics as the greatest illusionist of our time, David Copperfield has elevated the ancient art of magic to new heights and redefined it along the way. He has vanished the Statue of Liberty, walked through the Great Wall of China, flown through the air. Copperfield’s approach to his venerable art has transformed the way t
(08/31/2008 09:16:32) [查看全文]
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