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This part is primarily in three sections (click to jump to topic); HACCP, microbiological criteria and microbiological risk assessment. But first I’ve written a prolog with links to reports covering the current and future issues in food safety control:
Guidelines for developing harmonised food control systems "Terrorist Threat (07/01/2006 12:53:02) [查看全文] ICMSF The International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF 2002) has revised its previous categorisation of microbiological hazards in foods. These are tabulated below.
The severity of the illness and duration should be compared with the information on p. 142-192 in the book ’The Microbiology of Safe Food’. Additiona (07/01/2006 12:53:02) [查看全文] The WHO have a useful factsheet on food safety and foodborne illness (factsheet). See Food poisoning micro-organisms for more details on specific organisms Food poisoning statistics The general public perception of food poisoning numbers is that outbreaks and numbers of cases are increasing at an alarming rate. Wh (07/01/2006 12:53:02) [查看全文] Safe food production does not only refer to microbiological hazards. There are also chemical (ie. pesticide residues) and physical hazards (ie. shards of glass). Nevertheless the two books concentrate on microbiolgoical hazards. Chapter 1 of ’The Microbiology of Safe Food’ gives background information on manufacturing safe (hygienic) food, the pers (07/01/2006 12:53:02) [查看全文] 美式的食物作法都很簡單, 而且口味也不錯, 唯一的缺點就是通常熱量高了點, 不然為什麼美國的胖子那麼多, 還不是都是吃出來的. 這次我們仿照上菜的順序, 先來介紹一下美國菜中的附餐, 也就是老美口中所說的 side dish. 通常你去像是肯德基這種速食店點套餐或是去餐廳點牛排都會讓你選 side dish. 看過這篇介紹之後, 下次來美國用餐就不會霧煞煞了. 馬鈴薯類 1. Fries 薯條. 只要去過麥當勞的人都知道薯條是什麼東西吧? 薯條的全名應該是 French fries, 但一般你說 fries 大家就知道了. 另外有些人比較偏好粗一點的薯條, 像是肯德雞的薯條就比麥當勞的粗很多, 所以它們有另外一個名字叫 potat (06/25/2006 00:15:46) [查看全文] 调味品类(Seasoning,condiments,relish): Brown sugar 砂糖 dark Brown Sugar 红糖 Rock Sugar 冰糖 Maltose 麦芽糖 Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点) Icing Sugar 糖粉(可用在打鲜奶油及装饰蛋糕外层) Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽(light)及老抽两种 Vinegar 醋 Cornstarch 太白粉,玉米淀粉 Sesame Seeds 芝麻 Sesame oil 麻油 cooking oil 菜油 olive oil橄榄油(植物油) Cre (06/25/2006 00:15:45) [查看全文]
phenylalanine-free food
physical hazards, food-related
腌菜,泡菜 (06/25/2006 00:15:45) [查看全文]
snack food
snack foods
sorption curve
吸收曲线[食品中水分和活性水分之相关曲线] (06/25/2006 00:15:45) [查看全文] 花椒粉 Paprika powder 孜然粉 Cumin powder 姜粉 Ginger powder 麻椒粉 Spicy hot powder 去皮姜块 Peeled Ginger Pieces 月桂粉 Cassia powder 香味粉 Bay Leaves powder 胡萝卜粉 Carrot granules 丁香粉 Ground Cloves powder 葱片 Shallot flakes 蒜粉 Garlic powder 甜椒粉 Sweet chilli powder 黑胡椒粉 Black Pepper Powder 甜青椒 sweet green chilli powde (06/25/2006 00:15:45) [查看全文] |