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在两个话题间过渡 -Having dealt with A, I now want to move on to B. -From A, it follows that ...B -You may have noticed that in A,…. now in B. -As a consequence of A..., B... -Although in A we showed..., in B... -One exception to A is ...B -...and this leads us to ... -...which brings me to my next point... -So much for A, let's (06/16/2006 08:47:00) [查看全文] 总结 -To summarize... -Briefly, then... -We have seen that... -The main points, therefore, are... -If I can summarize what I have said so far... -If we can take stock for a moment... -Thus we can see... -It must now be clear that... -I've been attempted to explain here that... -So, to sum up... -To recap, then, ... (06/16/2006 08:47:00) [查看全文] 问:「演讲式英语」教材内容具有何特色,在语言学习 上具有何特质? 答:要说一口流畅的英语,首先必须具备说英语的基本 四大要素「语音、语调、节奏、与连音」,「演讲式英语」具备了这四大要素,而且透过生动活泼的演讲,以提高学习 的兴趣与效果。每一篇演讲稿,以三句为一组,组和组之间巧妙安排,让这四大基本要素不断重现。 问:您认为「演讲式英语」教材,可以让学习英文的人达到听、说、读、写全面的程度吗? 答:背诵英文,对写作有帮助,所谓「熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟」,「读书破万卷,下 笔如有神」,「演讲式英语」不但具备了听与讲的英语优势、同时兼具了读与写的英文特色。 问:国内缺乏讲英语的环境,一旦遇到老外,一紧张, (06/16/2006 08:47:00) [查看全文] 怎样学英语讲演稿 一条是为啥要学,怎么喜欢 另一条就是怎么学了 一:学英语是一种浪费,给我们带来了很多得问题 (但是这个今天不是我们的主题) 二:那么我们为啥要学习呢? 1,社会的大环境:wto,外贸等 2,我们自己的需要,生存的竞争 因此我们必须得学,这个是我们归纳出来得必然得结果。而想学得话就必须用心去学,很多时候我们不能等别人给我么机会,而是要自己创造机会。 三:现社会上的一些学习方式: 1,学校里的应试教育,导致哑巴英语(语法强,但是会使学生学的昏头昏脑,偏) 2,李阳英语的强势场强导致的虚(现在退回到了搞英语杂志,并有传销的试验) 3,洋话连篇,走遍美国等方式通过情景来激发学习情趣。但可能造成就事论事 4,现有的一 (06/16/2006 08:47:00) [查看全文] Method How should I make this presentation?" What approach should you use? Formal or informal? Lots of visual aids or only a few? Will you include some anecdotes and humour for variety? Content "What should I say?" Now you must decide exactly what you want to say. First, you should brainstorm your ideas (06/16/2006 08:34:00) [查看全文] Delivery
'Delivery' refers to the way in which you actually deliver or perform or give your presentation. Delivery is a vital aspect of all presentations. Delivery is at least as important as content, especially in a multi-cultural context. Nerves Most speakers are a little nervous at the beginning of a presentation. So it (06/16/2006 08:34:00) [查看全文] 一. Man’s dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world—the fight (06/16/2006 08:34:00) [查看全文] |