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One-page Generic Want Ad Letter Ryan Tolbech 4532 Cahilloval San Angelo, TX 76902 (915) 942-9313 December 2, 19-- BT&K 2000 18th Street Suite 300 San Angelo, TX 76902 Attention: Senior Creative Director I am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the May issue of (08/08/2008 08:49:47) [查看全文] 本文是一名英语翻译要应聘某公司翻译职位而给该公司经理写的一份英文求职信。信中介绍了自己的一些背景资料和特长。 Dear manager, I learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire an English translator. I'm interested in this job very much. I'd like to get this job. Now I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Ping. I'm 30 years old. I'm 180 cm tall. I'm health (08/08/2008 08:49:47) [查看全文] 这篇求职信是为了获得一个化学工业公司的总经理的职位。应聘者的职业经历展现了他的成绩和重大贡献...... RANDOLPH B. MANNINGTON 300 East Chaddsford Lane Home: (315) 888- 7755 Briarwood, NY 18337 (08/08/2008 08:49:46) [查看全文] 这是一份计算机专业的毕业生求IT公司实习机会的英文求职信。文中不仅突出了自己的专业技能,还表明了实习目的。 Dear Sirs, I am a senior of computer science in Shanghai University of technology. I would like to work as an intern for an IT company. As I have a wide interest in computer, I will do whatever job assigned to me, in software development or in technical support. One of my strong p (08/08/2008 08:49:46) [查看全文] 求职信分为推荐信和自荐信两种,它是书面表达的重要体裁之一。写求职信可按下列七个步骤进行: 第一步:介绍消息来源 介绍消息来源实际上是求职信的开篇交待句,它可使求职信显得自然、顺畅;而不介绍消息来源,会使收信人感到意外、突然,文章也缺乏过渡、照应。 第二步:表明求职心愿 介绍完消息来源后,应向收信人表明自己的求职心愿,即写信的目的。 第三步:介绍个人 简历 某单位需要新人,求职人也有求职心愿,但这并不意味着这项工作非你莫属。如果你没有干好这项工作的经历、实力,也是难以适应的。因此,介绍个人 简历 是必不可少的。 第四步:摆出求职优势 仅有一定的工作经历而没有自身的优势和特长,也很难求得称心如意的工作 (08/08/2008 08:49:46) [查看全文] 职场中人在找工作时难免遇到一些困惑与难题。比如说你因为健康状况或是复习考研几年没有工作,现在打算要找工作,该怎样对面试官解释你这段时间的空白呢?我们来看看人事专家的建议。 Q: I've been out of the (paid) workforce for a few years, for medical reasons, although I did some volunteer work in my community during that time. I also started a small business based on a hobby of mine. Now I'm ready to go back to work full time, a (08/08/2008 08:49:45) [查看全文] 这是一封非常简短的求职信,求职者在通讯领域有着杰出的工作经验,但是只是一笔带过。建议工作经验不多,尤其是刚毕业的学生最好不要使用这种非常简短的求职信。 Dear Mr. Tomston: Attached is my resume. I am currently seeking a Director level position in the Technical Services area. My background is predominantly Telecommunications with areas of expertise in Training, Publications, and Field Service. If yo (08/08/2008 08:49:45) [查看全文] 看到一份心仪的工作正在招聘人手,你很想去试一下。事实上,你有可能是这个职位的最佳人选,但是如果你的 简历 不能吸引到招聘人员,还是可能会失去机会。一份能给人深刻印象的 简历 将使你在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。试试下面这几个小诀窍吧,再找工作的时候,也许就会完全不同了呢! 回顾过去 首先,列出之前你的工作经历及教育背景。接着,写上所有具体的信息,包括以前任职的公司信息,当时的头衔和职责范围,取得的成绩如何,获得的证书以及教育程度。 表明目标 目标也就是求职要求。你在求职的时候,一般雇主都想知道你的职业规划。这有助于他们了解你是否是此职位的最佳人选。在你 简历 的开头 (08/08/2008 08:49:44) [查看全文] Wilma A. Davidson 102 Senneca Drive Fairlawn, NJ 18227 Mr. Stephen R. Troutsman Vice President MIS lri Star Manufacturing, Inc. 600 Commerce Street Newark, NJ 18223 Dear Mr. lroutsman: Enclosed is my resume outlining more than 15 years extensive experience in corporate telecommunications. In summary, my credent (08/08/2008 08:49:44) [查看全文] Dear Mr. Klein, I am seeking an Operations Management position at the plant, division or corporate level with a major player in the food and beverage industry. Please consider my credentials. As my resume will show, I have had excellent progression in the field of Operations Management with one of the top U.S. consumer products c (08/08/2008 08:49:43) [查看全文] 我们之前讲过如何要求加薪,但是对许多人来说,怎样写好要求加薪的申请是个大难题。下面给大家提供一个例文,希望能对您有所启发。 I'm grateful for the opportunity to work for you and I enjoy doing so. I hope you'll agree that, in the two years I've worked for you, I've become an integral member of your team and accomplished a great deal. For example, in the last six months alone, I've [List of major accompl (08/08/2008 08:49:43) [查看全文] 公司重组,需要裁减员工,这样一封辞退信该怎么写呢?下面就是一封辞退信的范本,但愿诸位不会见到这个。 To: Francis Wu, General Office From: Marc Morgan, Director of Personnel Date: June 5, 2007 Subject: Terminating Engagement Mr. Wu, you may already know that the Directors of the company will soon (08/08/2008 08:49:40) [查看全文] 1987年8月至1989年10月 山东轻工业品进出口集团公司 1989年11月至1992年4月 广东轻工业进出口集团公司 工作范围:国际营销 从意大利进口运动鞋。1988年1989年之间降低购买成本10-15%。 往欧洲出口雨鞋。在1990年和1991年之间增加利润15-20%。 work covered: international marketingimporting sport shoes from italy. decreased purchasing cost by 10-15% between 1988 and 1989. exporting rain bo (08/08/2008 08:49:36) [查看全文] Jessie B. Fairbanks 15 Oakwood Drive / Rego Park, NY 11374 / 718-123-4567 September 25, 2004 Maxwell Jones HR Director ABC Hotel New York, NY 12222 Dear Mr. Jones: In regard to the open cook position you have posted on Monster, I am very interested in the opportunity. Perhaps after reading t (08/08/2008 08:49:36) [查看全文] Bridge Bobo 1428 Main Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Phone: (215)12345678 editor@jxue.com March 15, 2005 Lance Jones VP Business Development McClain Companies 15 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 12345 Dear Lance: I am writing to you as a fellow graduate of Hofstra (08/08/2008 08:49:36) [查看全文] |