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Richard P. Ruby 1128 2nd Avenue South Edmonds, Washington 98020 October 25, 2005Mr. Michael B. Dixon Holland and Hart P. O. Box 2147 Denver, Colorado 80302Dear Mike, I was interested to hear that your firm is considering ways to acquire more capability regarding international business transactions. A (08/08/2008 08:49:35) [查看全文] Bridge Bobo 274 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 (212) 679-0139 February 20, 2005 Mr. Richard K. Dean Richard Dean & Associates 1490 Old Toll Road Madison, Connecticut 06443 Dear Mr. Dean: Presently, I am concluding a public acquisition for private investors--I selected the prospect, structured f (08/08/2008 08:49:34) [查看全文] Bridge Bobo TWO THOUSAND OAKS TOWERS 2000 WEST FEDERAL STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110 (617) 765-9898 January 16, 2005 Mr. Richard C. Forest President California Oil & Gas 330 Primrose, Suite 310 Burlingame, California 94010 Dear Richard: The years since Stanford Business School (08/08/2008 08:49:34) [查看全文] WENDEL B. THOMAS 145 Donovan Court Ridge Pike Apartments Mobile, AL 18337 November 12, 2004 Mr. Walter Chamberlaine Vice President Environmental Affairs Department International Chemical Company 500 Park Avenue New York, NY 17229 Dear Mr. Chamberlaine: I am seeking a position (08/08/2008 08:49:34) [查看全文] RANDOLPH B. MANNINGTON 300 East Chaddsford Lane Home: (315) 888-6979 Briarwood, NY 18337 Office: (212) 678-9870 January 20, 2005 Mr.Richard C. Courtsworth Chairman of the Board Bainsroth Chemical, Inc. (08/08/2008 08:49:33) [查看全文] 144 Baston Lane Homeward, IL 27186 August 29, 2005 Mr. Frederick R. Wickard Director of MIS Whitingford, Inc. Rosewood Corporate Center Tampa, FL 27369 Dear Mr. Wickard: As today's economy and competitive pressures place tighter constraints on business, IT professionals with a diverse backgroun (08/08/2008 08:49:33) [查看全文] CAROLYN A. BEATTY 400 East 7th Street Home: (215) 557-4563 Lansdale, PA 19407 (08/08/2008 08:49:33) [查看全文] PATRICIA M. WAVERLY 135 East Wilson Drive Flint, Michigan 25371 (313)966-1757 May 24, 1997 Mr. David P. Ducket Chief Financial Officer Rathyeon Company 600 Industry Blvd. Hillsboro, MA 98271 Dear Mr.Ducket: If you are currently in (08/08/2008 08:49:32) [查看全文] DAVID C. JORDAN 816 Pintail cliffs Home:(216)886-5147 woodlawn,co 18263 (08/08/2008 08:49:32) [查看全文] Caifeng Wen Shantou International Trade Development Co. Central Jinsha Road Shantou 515041 (0754)888888888 Born: June 3,1969 160cm,58kg Single Excellent Health Native Place: Zhuhai Objective To work as an English secretary at an enterprise with foreign investment in Zhuhai (08/08/2008 08:49:31) [查看全文] Gang Xu 23 South Xianlie South China Computer Company Guangzhou 510060 Tel: (020)7000000 Position Sought: Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Dalian Qualifications: Four years work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation. Professional E (08/08/2008 08:49:31) [查看全文] Resume(Personnel Administrator) Yun Zhao Apt.8888 8888 Taojin Road Guangzhou 510095 Tel: 8888888888888 Born: April 23,1970 Height: 178 cm. Weight: 60kg. Birth Place: Yunnan Marital Status: Single Job Objective: To apple experience and education to po (08/08/2008 08:49:31) [查看全文] 一份出色的Resume,是向外企求职的关键之一。不了解有关的常识和程式,不花费相当的心思来展示,以有纯正娴熟的英文功底,决不能获得单位的青睐。在一大堆错误百出、英文表达能力低劣或平庸,毫无针对性和创造性的Resume中,你的那份若能让人眼睛一亮,成功的机会必将大大增加,以下试着结合一个具体的例子给出说明和评述。 一、读懂招聘广告要求 基本方法选取适当的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet. 例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement 是这样写的: We are looking (08/08/2008 08:49:29) [查看全文] 下面这篇英语招聘广告是来自网站一则真实的广告,本网站选登此广告是为了让网友更好熟悉英文招聘广告的谴词造句和了解国内外招聘市场的最新动态,希望能对你们有所帮助! 公司: 香港汇丰银行上海分行 Job Title: Training and Development Manager Since opening in Shanghai in 1865, HSBC has had a continuous presence in mainland China. In tandem with China’s economic development, the Bank’s services and networ (08/08/2008 08:49:29) [查看全文] 本文是一位United States History(美国历史)课程的老师为他的一名学生写的推荐信,该学生想进入Indiana University(印第安纳大学)做一位老师。这位老师详细描述了该学生的能力并表达了对其潜力的赞赏,他坚信这名学生一定能在自己的工作岗位上获得成功。 Indiana University Office of Admissions 300 N. Jordan Avenue Bloomington, IN 47405 Dear Sir or Madame: It is with great pleasure that I write to recommend Courtney Alexander (08/08/2008 08:49:28) [查看全文] |