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[日期:2009-03-04]   [字体: ]
n I got the experience myself, I was good.too.As good? I don’t know.Who cares? Children are not made of glass.other people ale capable of looking after them besides Mom.
  1.Which of the following does the first paragraph imply?

  A)Men are no longer given the opportunity to stay at home.
  B)In more and more families the wife is earning more than the husband.
  C)The author works at a TV station.
  D)More and more men choose to stay at home to look after their children.
  2.the author decided to stay at home to look after their son eight years ago because
  A)he though the was the better parent.
  B)it was easier for his wife to find a job.
  C)their son Ry liked him better.
  D)he was earning less than his wife.
  3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a thing that a good parent should do with his or her child?
  A)Spending more time with him.
  B、taking him t0 school.来源:www.examda.com
  C)Reading stories to him.
  D)Being able to calm him down.
  4. Women generally are better than men at taking care of children because
  A)they were born with the ability.
  B)they just enjoy doing it.
  C)they spend more time with them.
  D)they have learned to do it at school.
  5.which of the following is the conclusion the author draws at the end of the article?
  A)He is better than his wife at taking care of children.
  B)He is as good as his wife at taking care of children.
  C)Anyone Can take good care of children as far as he has the experience.
  D)Children prefer to be taken care of by their mother than by anyone else.
  标准答案: B,B,B,C,C
  本题分数: 15.00 分,你答题的情况为 错误 所以你的得分为 .00 分
  Some things we know about language
  Many things about language are a mystery, and many will always remain so.But some
  things we do know.
  First,we know that all human beings have a language of some sort.There is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no l
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