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[日期:2008-12-20]   [字体: ]

When students move into the accommodations offered by college, they are taught to live in harmony. Harmony in their rooms is crucial to their lives in college days. It can further affect their emotions and even studies. 

  Despite that, many acts conducted by students reflect the disharmony in university residences. For example, most of the boys' rooms are in a mess. The importance of good cleaning habits should be stressed. And sour relations between students living together fundamentally endanger the harmony in college dormitories. Some trivial matters can trigger conflicts. We should view everyone as our friend and respect each other.

  From my perspective, we should drive our efforts to boost the harmony in college residences. This goal is far-reaching. Boarders should take a package of measures to fulfill it. A harmonious dormitory environment can play a positive role in college students’ studies and lives.


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第 1 页: 网络和谐 第 2 页: 美德问题
第 3 页: 公共场所安全问题 第 4 页: 信息安全问题
第 5 页: 压力问题 第 6 页: 城市交通问题
第 7 页: 大学生毕业后的去向 第 8 页: 汽车对生活的影响
第 9 页: 邀请信 第 10 页: 宿舍和谐问题
第 11 页: 大学生的礼貌问题
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