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[日期:2008-10-26]   [字体: ]
  Hello everyone!2008 looks set to be a fantastic year for China. For a long time now Chinese people have been eagerly awaiting this year – the Olympics are coming to Beijing! Very soon now the eyes of the world will be watching China, its people and its athletes in the biggest sports competition in the world. Passion for sport is truly universal and this year promises to be unforgettable.

  In 2007 China hosted the Women’s Football World Cup and some games were held in Hangzhou’s excellent Huanglong Stadium. Although, thanks to Yao Ming and new star Yi Jianlian, basketball remains more popular in China, football is by far the most popular sport in the world.

  Let me teach some phrases you can use next time you play or watch a football match.

  Nice shot! GREat pass! Thumping challenge!

  Finish it! Nice touch. Go on my son!

  Get stuck in! Oi ref! You need glasses!

  Oh come on! My grandma could have scored that! I feel as sick as a parrot. It’s a game of two halves.

  Perhaps the most famous quote of all time is by Bill Shankly when he was manager of Liverpool:

  “Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.”

  See you next time!

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