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[日期:2008-09-13]   [字体: ]

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second is one of Britain’s most famous and observed persons. Her wardrobe is a key element to her public image. 

The Queen is an 1)icon, simply 2)by virtue of the job she has in her life. She’s in a way beyond fashion, but inevitably, wherever the queen goes, the first thing most people boast about is what she is wearing. 

3)In commemoration of the Golden Jubilee, the Museum of Costume in Bath currently displays fourteen dresses worn by the Queen on official occasions between 1950 and 1980. 

This dress was made for a royal visit to Pakistan in 1961 and what the designer, who’s name was Norman Hartman in this case, has done, as the Queen has obviously worked with the designer, is to honor her hope because GREen and white are the colours of the Pakistan flag. This 4)bubble gum pink dress really pulls the point that the Queen wears her dresses on more than one occasion, and in fact, we know that she wore this particular dress on at least seven occasions. You can see that it is very, very 5)feminine, and sort of very light, almost girlish touch. And if you look at this design, it just drops away terribly terribly simple, but for all of that very effective. It was actually designed by Harvey Amis. 

Sir Harvey Amis was one of Britain’s famous dress makers before and after the war. Based at Saville Road, the center for the tailors of London, he has been a supplier to the Royal wardrobe for more than three decades since 1951. Her Majesty was seeking some new ideas for the royal wardrobe and Sir Harvey 6)was privileged to be invited to come up with some ideas.







1) icon [5aikCn] n. 偶像;崇拜的对象

2) by virtue of 凭借;由于,因为

3) in commemoration of 为了纪念

4) bubble [5bQbl] n. 泡沫;气泡

5) feminine [5feminin] a. 女性的;妇女的

6) be privileged to 有幸;有特权

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