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[日期:2008-09-13]   [字体: ]
5. 你们公司让人印象深刻。

Your company is very impressive.

6. 我很幸运没碰上这次交通事故。

I was lucky to miss the traffic accident.

7. 你完成这项工作花了多长时间?

How long did it take you to finish this job?

8. 心之所愿,无事不成。

Nothing is impossible to our willing heart.

9. 他非常聪明。

His intelligence is unlimited.

10. 如果不难,就尽快完成。

Finish it in a minute if it is not difficult.


He knows a bit of everything.


1. 莉莉住在一个大城市里。

Lili lives in a big city.

2. 公事公办。

Business is business.


1. 她同时做五个项目,忙的不可开交。

She has five projects going at once,what a busy bee!

2. 她总是很忙。她总是像蜜蜂一样忙碌。

She is always as busy as a bee.

3. 他高兴极了。

He is extremely happy.

4. 我说真的,我是认真的。

I mean it I am serious.

5. 三个星期后在这里见面。

Please meet me here in three weeks.

6. 进步从梦想开始。

ProGREss begins with dreams.


visit limit English ticket specific pretty difficulty busy been build

How is your business going?

Give me a minute.

I'm pretty busy.

A good begining makes for a good ending.

This is a small gift,I hope you like it.

Your company is very impressive.

I was lucky to miss the traffic accident.

How long did it take you to finish this job?

Nothing is impossible to our willing heart.

His intelligence is unlimited.

Finish it in a minute if it is not difficult.

He knows a bit of everything.

Lili lives in a big city.

Business is business.

She has five projects going at once,what a busy bee!

She is always as busy as a bee.

He is extremely happy.

I mean it I am serious.

Please meet me here in three weeks.

ProGREss begins with dreams.
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