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[日期:2008-09-03]   [字体: ]

Blue is the world’s favorite color. It is also the color most often associated with intellect and authority. Most 1)uniforms are blue. In GREek and Roman 2)mythology, blue was the color of the sky gods. In the 3)Old Testament, God is represented by deep blue. Blue and 4)turquoise is represented by the 5)Islamic religion. It is the 6)dominant color in the 7)mosques of the world. Blue symbolizes truth, peace and cooperation. It is the color of the flag of the United Nations and of Europe.

As the coolest color of the 8)spectrum, it is the 9)hue most likely to have a receding effect. As in the skies and the water that surround us, blue is seen as a peaceful and 10)refreshing color. Blue light has been shown to lower blood pressure by calming the nervous system 11)hence relaxing the body and mind. Blue creates large, cool 12)airy spaces. It makes rooms bigger. 

The wrong 13)shade of blue can be uncomfortable. It can also be cold and sterile unless balanced with warmer colors. Blue bedrooms are restful. Blue bathrooms are appropriately 14)watery. Blue acquires depth with the combination of GREens and reds. Light and soft blue make us feel quiet and protected from all the bustle and activity of the day.

Dark blue represents the night making us feel calm. The deeper the blue, the more relaxing the room. Blue’s apparently calming effect makes it the perfect tone for the quieter zones of your living space.






1) uniform [5ju:nifC:m] n. 制服

2) mythology [mi5TClEdVi] n. 神话

3) testament [5testEmEnt] n. 基督教圣约书,the Old Testament是《旧约全书》,the New Testament是《新约全书》。

4) turquoise [5tE:kwCiz] n. 青绿色

5) Islamic [iz5lAmik] n. 伊斯兰教的

6) dominant [5dCminEnt] a. 统治的,支配的

7) mosque [mCsk] n. 清真寺 

8)spectrum [5spektrEm] n. 光,光谱

9) hue [hju:] n. 色调,颜色

10) refreshing [ri5friFiN] a. 凉爽的,令人喜欢的

11) hence [hens] adv. 因此,从此 

12) airy [5ZEri] a. 空气的,通风的

13) shade [Feid] n. 颜色深浅

14) watery [5wC:tEri] a. 潮湿的,水淋淋的

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