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[日期:2008-09-03]   [字体: ]

The love story behind the Taj Mahal is a tragic one. What you actually see here is a 3)mausoleum, an 4)ex travagant tomb built in the 17th century by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz. They had been married for 19 years when Mumtaz died in 5)childbirth. The heartbroken emperor resolved to immortalize her memory by creating the finest monument ever seen, the Taj Mahal.

Dr. Najaf Haider (Historian, University of Delhi): How deep was Shah Jahan’s love for Mumtaz Mahal can be seen from the reaction the tragedy 6)provoked. His beard began to turn white and he never quite appeared the same thereafter.

It was custom for the emperor to build a mausoleum to ensure his own body’s journey to heaven. But Shah’s love for his wife was such that instead he built it for her. Construction of the Taj Mahal began in the same year as Mumtaz’ death. It took a fleet on 1,000 elephants and a work force of over 20,000 to complete this majestic structure.

Prof. Monica Junejah (Art Historian, University of Delhi): The Taj Mahal was a mammoth project of Shah Jahan’s reign. It was a project which required planning till the very last detail. It was something, which was completed in 11 years which was rather amazingly short for a monument of this kind.

The Taj Mahal itself forms the 7)centerpiece of a 42-acre complex. The cost? Five million rupies. That’s a 8)staggering 104 million dollars in today’s money. But then perfection comes at a price. And today the Taj does look as perfect as it did 500 years ago. What most people don’t get to see is the manpower that goes into its 9)upkeep. The secret to its splendor is all down to traditional methods of marble 10)inlaying, cleaning, and gardening which have been passed down through generations of local people.

Our cameras were allowed exclusive access inside the Taj Mahal normally off limits to visitors. Here you can see where the body of Mumtaz was laid to rest. Her tomb covered in 43 different types of gem. The emperor was determined that everything about the Taj Mahal should be 11)symmetrical. Ironically though when he died in 1666, his son decided to bury Shah next to his wife. That was never meant to happen.

Monica: The only symmetrical flaw in the whole building is the placement of the emperor’s tomb because it’s not in the center.

To rub even more salt into the wound, the emperor had had to spend the last eight years of his life imprisoned in a 12)fort on the Jhelum River. All he could see from his cell window? His finest achievement, the Taj Mahal.

If you’re travelling in India, seeing it for real and up close is a once in a lifetime experience.











1) Taj Mahal [5tB:dVmE5hB:] 泰吉·玛哈尔陵(亦译泰姬陵)由莫卧儿皇帝沙贾汗(1628-1658在位)为其爱妻所建。沙贾汗是莫卧儿王朝鼎盛时期的著名皇帝,他嫔妃满宫而独宠波斯女子蒙泰吉·玛哈尔。她聪明美丽,多才多艺,无论沙贾汗出征还是被放逐都伴随同行。沙贾汗封她为“泰姬·玛哈尔”,意为“宫廷的王冠”。

2) epitaph [5epitB:f] n. 墓志铭,碑文

3) mausoleum [9mC:sE5liEm] n. 陵墓

4) extravagant [iks5trAvgEnt] a. 奢侈的,过分的

5) childbirth [5tFaildbE:W] n. 分娩

6) provoke [prE5vEuk] v. 惹起,挑拨

7) centerpiece [5sentEpi:s] n. 中心装饰品

8) staggering [5stAgEriN] a. 令人惊愕的

9) upkeep [5Qpki:p] n. 维修,维修费

10) inlay [5in9lei] v. 把……镶入

11) symmetrical [si5metrikE] a. 对称的,均匀的

12) fort [fC:t] n. 堡垒,边界上的贸易站

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