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[日期:2008-08-31]   [字体: ]

1.They put me with this foster father down on pershing avenue.他们让我和住在pershing大街的养父一起生活.
foster-father=养父.  另外step-father=继父

2.Apparently,you were some kind of analyst.That's the job you chose over your family. 显然你是个分析家,你就为了那工作不要家了。

3.Michael,turning on the company put me and you at even GREater risk.Michael,跟公司作对会让你们和我冒更大的危险
  我们常见的turn on是指"打开,拧开",在此处trun on (sb)指"攻击"
  eg.Why are you all turning on me ? 你们为什么都冲我来了? 

  另外,turn sb on=使某人激动或兴奋

4.You must be relieved that it's over. 这事结束了你就解脱了

5.we don't get a whole bunch of homicides out here,and,well,we're trying to play catch-up.我们还没抓到那帮逃犯,我们正努力呢
  a bunch of=一堆,一群 ; homicide=杀人犯

6.we can each sniff out a perp like a hot fart.我们能查觉谁是罪犯,就像闻臭屁一样
  sniff out=闻到;查觉到 ; fart=[俗语]屁

7.I'd be indebted. 我很感激
indebted=感恩的;负债的 字串6

8.I'll do whatever i can to help you nail that son of bitch.我会尽我所能去帮你们抓住那个狗娘养的
   nail=指甲;钉住;[俚语]抓住     (在此句中表"抓住")

9.He got me clean through.他打穿我的身体了
  clean=整个地.       eg.The bullet went clean through his shoulder. 子弹整个儿穿过了他的肩膀

10.it's a backup.这是后备的
   而词组back up=支持;倒退

11.Geary and me had a little dustup over how to go about finding bagwell.Geary和我在对于怎么寻找bagwell的问题上出现了纠纷 

12.All we need to do is find a pharmacy. 我们要找的就是个药店

13.I'll make sure that everybody involved knows that your help was invaluable. 我保证每个有关人员都知道你的帮助是无价的

14.And i want to cut a deal first.我想先做个交易
   cut a deal 并不是破坏一个交易。相反地,to cut a deal就是在做生意方面,或者是在司法方面和对方  达成一个协议

15.A little incentive,and i want it in writing. 以防万一,我要书面承诺。

16.When we found the money,Geary double-crossed me. 当我们找到钱时,Geary出卖了我

17.Now,at this juncture,thing will go a whole lot easier for you if you admit to the crime.事情到这份上,你还是早早认罪的好
   at this juncture=在这个当口上,在这个节骨眼上

18.Bagwell set me up.bagwell陷害我
   set up是一个常用的词组,用法很灵活,有"竖起;排版;创立;张贴;树立(榜样);装置、安放...."一堆意思

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