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[日期:2008-08-31]   [字体: ]

Five years ago most Americans had never heard of Judi Dench. But then, in 1997, she landed her first starring role in a movie. She played Queen Victoria in the film, Mrs. Brown. Then, a year later, she played Queen Elizabeth in Shakespeare in Love and audiences around the world sat up and took notice. In the last five years, she has won an Oscar, two 1)Golden Globes, and a 2)Tony. And she’s accomplished all this when she least expected it, at the age of 67.

Dench was only on screen for eight minutes in Shakespeare in Love, but that eight minutes won her first Academy Award. Eleven weeks later, she was on the red carpet again. This time, winning a Tony Award for “Best Actress”for her performance in the 3)Broadway play Amy’s View. 

Interviewer: Is it 4)gratifying to make that kind of step, that kind of achievement, when you’re not in your 20’s and 30’s?

Dench: When you’re so old, you mean? Yes, well it’s extraordinary.

Interviewer: So, it’s never too late?

Dench: No, never too late for anything.

And despite the success in movies, she’s still most comfortable on the stage, in front of an audience.

Dench (points at the edge of the stage): From here, it’s all ours, and from there, it’s all yours. But we have to kind of 5)woo you in, to understand what this extraordinary base is like. They’e done you the service of coming to the theatre and buying the ticket. What you have to do is to give them something and 6)bait them. 

Dench’s career has been anything but downhill. She made her first appearance on stage at nine, in local theatre with her brother and father; a doctor and 7)amateur actor. She went onto join the Royal Shakespeare Company, where she played many classical roles, including Othellia and Juliet, and performed opposite many of the leading men in British theatre. But all of that disappears when she becomes the character on screen, as here, in 8)Iris.(Lines from Iris: I’m trying to help you!)

Interviewer: You revealed the character often with just a look, the face, the eyes; sometimes without saying a word.

Dench: It’s not what you say, it’s what goes on between the lines. It’s the thoughts and on film, well on one deGREe, if you get the thoughts in the right order and up front there, the camera will pick up on it.












1) Golden Globe: 金球奖,全称是Golden Globe Award,始于1944年,由好莱坞外国记者协会(Hollywood Foreign Press Association)每年评选并颁发。金球奖是美国影视界最重要的奖项之一,其宗旨就是奖励优秀的影视作品以及相关人物。

2) Tony [tuni] a. 戏剧年度奖金,美国每年颁发一次,奖给有成就的编导和演员等;得名于美国女演员和戏剧赞助者Antoinette Perry(1888~1946)的别名。注释

3) Broadway Play: 百老汇剧院。位于美国纽约市的百老汇街道,因而得名。

4) gratifying [5grAtifaiiN] a. 令人满足的,愉快的

5) woo sb. in: 追求某人,向某人求爱

6) bait [beit] v. 用饵引诱……在文中有娱乐观众的意思注释

7) amateur [5AmEtjuE] a. 业余的

8) Iris: 《携手人生》,又译《艾里丝的情书》,是一部取材自真实生活原型的传记片,再现了艾里丝夫妇相濡以沫的感人经历。艾里丝·默多克(1919-1999)是二十世纪最伟大的作家、思想家之一,她一生写了三十多部小说和散文,曾获多项欧美文学奖,她本人也被英国皇室授予了两个爵士勋位。朱迪·丹奇在片中扮演晚年的艾里丝,她精湛的演技将艾里丝患上老年痴呆症后的情态栩栩如生地表现了出来。

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