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The Comparison of Family Education between China and Western Countries

[日期:2008-08-02]   [字体: ]


[Abstract]   In the last few years, with the development of diathetic education has stricken root into the hearts of the people, the family education has been a hot spot of society, in which tens of thousands of families' vital benefits and urgent need lie. Because, good family education is closely related to children's quality and behaviour, and related to the future of our country. At present, the situation of family education is good, large number of parents and schools have created successful experience, even many parents study the family education knowledge initiatively, the educational idea has undergone the profound change. Nevertheless, the family education is still a weak link, particularly, As the Western educational thought is penetrating through the East and facing the traditional and modern thought about family education, the Chinese parents are torn between the two choices. Therefore, developing family education is either an opportunity, or a challenge. Moreover, Chinese and the Western family education each has its own good points, but in different aspects, the educational methods are different, so we need to understand the differences between Chinese and Western family education, make up for one's deficiency by learning from others' strong points, and push forward the family educational modernization instantaneously, in that case, China will have the inestimable prospects.

[ key words]   family education   china and the west   tradition  difference   comparison



[   摘要   ]  近几年来,随着素质教育的深入人心,家庭教育已经成为当今社会关注的一个热点,是千万家庭的切身利益和迫切需求所在。因为,良好的家庭教育直接关系到了孩子的素质和品行,更关系到祖国的未来。就中国目前来看,家庭教育的发展态势良好,一大批家长、学校创造了成功的经验,更有许多学生家长主动学习家庭教育知识,教育观念发生了深刻变化。但是尽管如此,家庭教育仍是一个薄弱环节,尤其是随着西方教育思想的传入,中国家长面对传统与现代家教思想,表现出无所适从的无奈。因此,对于开展家庭教育,既是机遇,又是挑战。而且,中西家庭教育各有千秋,在不同方面,教育方法也不同,所以我们就需要深刻了解中西家庭教育的差异,取长补短,并且不失时机地推进家庭教育现代化,这样中国的未来才具有不可估量的发展前景。

[  关键词  ]  家庭教育,中西,传统 ,差异 , 比较

     From ancient times to modern times, family education has been playing an important role in the national educational cause. A GREat man-Xiaoping Deng said, “The basis of a country's modernization lies in talents, the basis of talents lies in education, and the basis of education lies in family. China is a country with emphasis on the home education. The outstanding home education in the deep education culture.” The family education, the school education and the social education are the three big props of education. They are indispensable. Nowadays, increasing attention has been paid to family education by the modern society, and it gets a hot spot of society, which is closely related to tens of thousands of families' vital benefits and urgent need.

     At present, family education maintains a good momentum of growth in China. It gets more and more important to Chinese families. Throughout the ages, many men of insight work delightly in the field of home education, and accumulate quite substantial achievements. And China is an oriental country with a long history, its deep educational culture includes the elements of excellent family education. As we all  know, China’s ancient educatinal thought want through the ancient family educational field.[ “Family Instruction of Yan” ,  Zhitui Yan, Southern and Northern Dynasties] For example: moral instructions first; the respect for old; the care for the young; the cultivation of moral character; example setting; the determination of being strong; learned profound knowledge, careful consideration; and so on. These outstanding thoughts are go back to ancient times.

  Nevertheless, there are still a lot of problems emerging out in that family education, which is still weak. The education expert concerned, who made the long-term pursuit of investigations, thought that 2/3 family education is improper. All the analysis justifies the conclusion : the first, malignant events erupt unceasingly. It not only indicates the importance of family education, but indicates the importance and necessity of carrying on scientific family education; the second, in current home education, there is still erroneous zone. It may be summarized as “three excess” and “one excessive height”: that is , quite some parents are excessively concerned with the children, excessively reatrain and nosed into the children's affairs, excessively chatter and criticize the children, and something excessive is expected of the childern. These problems are in need of immediate solution[ http://www.xjmodels.com/showart.asp?cat_id=36&art_id=322]; The third, under the market economy condition, there is the multiple concept of value, the only child community grows as well as the divorce families increase and so on, all this brings about many unprecedented new situations and new problems; The fourth, rural population account for 80%, the countryside housing disperses, the condition is bad, guardian's cultural quality is somewhat low, the countryside's family education has become the key and difficult point n developing family education .

And at the same time, with the development of educational cause, Western educational thoughts penetrate slowly through the East. When facing the traditional and modern thoughts, chinese parents are at a loss as to what to choose. Therefore, directing at some bad phenomena, we regard it as necessary to make a comparison between chinese family education and western family education.
  But, before the comparison,we need to know about the social background of China and Western Countries. As we all know, China is a socialist country and most Western countries belong to capitalist countries. And, they have different history and cultures. China advocates Confucianism and the western countries advocate the revival of literature and art. But the most important point is that their attitude towards the position of family institution's position is also different. In china's traditional family, parents' authoritative consciousness plays a leading role while western civilizations mainly emphasize struggle, equality, democracy and human rights.[ http://landaishu.com/home/post_read.asp?lei=12&id=5602&Newsid=3566]#p#  Of course, home education is a kind of humanity'seducational practice. China and the Western family education have many things in common. Generally speaking, it can be summed up as follows:[ http://www.lsjjyx.com/Article_Print.asp?ArticleID=227]

 1st, emphasis is laid on family education.
  No matter which country you come from, what nationality you belong to all think the family is a person's first school, and the parent is the first teacher. Either China or Western countries, either the ancient times or the modern times, family education is always in the most fundamental position.

  2nd, family education should be started since childhood, perform the duty promptly.
  Family instruction of Yan said that,“ The parents should do the missionary work, when the infant is young. Judging from his facial expression, we know whether he is angry or happy, then give instructions.”[ “Family Instruction of Yan” ,  Zhitui Yan,  Southern and Northern Dynasties] Because “it’s easy to concentrate a child’s attention. After he grows up, his attention is easily dispersed, so a child must be caught early.” Dewey also thought the family education should be executed early.

  3rd, parents' unsuilable role division in education brings about some bad results.
  Either in China or in the West mother is almost described in many cultures as the main fosterer, and then father plays only a part. The father is the main undertaker who teaches the child to know the rationality education. Mother is responsible for child's food and drink in daily life, the material guarantee, the emotional satisfaction and so on, is also the main undertaker of child’s emotional cultivation. Its result is that the child holds his father in awe and veneration and causes the poor relation between child and father, and thus affects child's perfect development.

  4th, pay attention to the training the children’s longing for knowledge, value reading.
  The Chinese parents of ancient times, fully realized this truth, they guided the childern in reading the Four Books and the Five Classics when they are young, all the various schools of thought, stimulated their desire for seeking knowledge. The western parents also focus on family reading. The childern must listen to section of stories before sleeping, and this is a fine tradition of Western family education.

  5th, attach importance to teaching by personal example as well as verbal instruction.
  The parents are child's models, usually a simple movement is more effective than the inculcation of ten thousand instructions.
  However, the traditional family education in China, on account of the respective differences in more aspects is different from that in the West . They have their own characteristics between regions and cultures.[ http://www.qingdaobilingual.com/Article_Print.asp?ArticleID=200]

  To begin with, the tendency of education is different.

  The Chinese parents lay emphasis on social enlightenment, ignore the growth of children. The Chinese parents take the social compatible enlightenment seriously, but often neglect the development of children's characteristics, they often train the children under established forms , and lay down the broad road for their growth.

  The western parents provide the children a environment for growth resistant to them, and foster their tenacious individuality and the good conduct, and they choose their idea and way of cultivation according to the change of society and the characteristic of children physical and mental.

  Secondly, the value of family education is different.

  The function of China’s family education is forced by the China’s traditional culture. The Chinese traditional Confucian culture emphasize “the cultivation of one’s moral character, the running of one’s family, the administration of a state, the peace and security of the world”. In this directional thought, the family education is bestowed on the direct social significance. In addition, the Chinese traditional culture also regards the family education and children's individual growth as the direct correlative causes and effects. The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child, thinking educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement, but if not, the parents feel shameful. The education's goal is for earning their living, for honor.

  The western family education is different from china in the educational goal. Education is not the preparation for earning their living, but for survival. “The learned education” they emphasize has the value of molding one’s mind, one kind of value which has nothing to do with the utility or the occupation consideration.Perhaps many Chinese parents deny this point, and think that I am talking nonsense and do not respect the elder. But the fact is actually so. As is known, the parents usually discuss their own child, and compare other child with their own child. Especially, the child's study is considered as the object of comparison. I have a neighbor, whose child just goes to the elementary school. But the child has carried his big bag to make up his lesson every day and everywhere. Because, my neighbor had chats with his friend one day, and his friend told him, his child, who had not gone to school, could know 300 Chinese Characters, but also could read the ancient poetry, and let the child perform on the scene. Told of this, my friend was stimulated. Due to his child is same age with that child, he was much more anxious, and brought a book to test the child’s intelligence according to the way in this book. Besides these, if other’s child won the first prize, he would have the nightmare in the evening, because his child always came at the 20th of the list in the elementary school.

 When the child goes to college, the parents’ comparison is more intense. “Which university does your child attend?” If the child studies in Qinghua, Beijing University, or other famous universities, the parents will take a pride in their child; if the child has not been matriculated in a famous university, the parents will feel sad and ashamed of facing relatives. Above all, we can know Chinese parents put their faces in the first place. And in the western countries, these things never happen. An American friend, who is only graduated from a specialized middle school, works in a small store. In my opinion, he is almost below the life’s “the safety line”, and has little to be proud of. But his parents appreciate actually him much more. Why? Because he takes part in the piano performance in the community frequently, and obtains the reward many times. The main difference is that the college chosen by the Chinese children is usually famous one, and the Western children choose the college according to their own likes, instead of taking “famous or top college”as the decision factor.[ http://www.chinafew.com/jjdh/jtgj/jtgj_2005001.htm]

 All this shows that the comparison of the Chinese family is often again studies, the aspect is unitary, and the comparison of the Western family often pays GREat attention to the comprehensive quality. The Chinese family likes to compare their own child's merits with other child's shortcomings, in which the parents may seek self-consolation. The western family often introspect their own child's merits and success, is not accustomed to seeking to do others down. To summarize, China's family often wants to highlight own image, disparages others unintentionally in the comparison; the western family often pays great attention to his own self-respect, self-possession, own happy.

   In fact, Western family does not make the comparison painstakingly, but the Chinese family’s comparison has brought about a serious problem: Competing

  Thirdly, the view of who is the main body of  the family and the reciprocity of education are different.

  The Chinese traditional family culture is following the dominant pattern, displays the family’s internal authority consciousness. It emphasis obedience and respects, takes the external control serious. The chief educator is parents in china’s traditional culture. The Chinese parents' guardian-consciousness is extremely intense. They regard the child as their own private property, regard him as their accessory. Therefore, the parents think highly of shaping the child unlaterally, affects the child's individuality construction. They pay attention to their own image, has neglected the child and adult's interaction, its process and comprenensiveness, so it causes the child to be in the passive position, disregard of the child's individual existence.

  Whereas, the western civilization takes the child as the main body, emphasizes individual struggle, emphasizes equality, democracy and respects the individual right. The western parents think of the child as an equal member in the family, respect the child's personality and dignity, can let the child think independently and choose freely. They respect the child's right, do not do the compulsory education. They respect the child's self-respect, advocate child's instinct development, and the natural development. Parents' responsibility only lies in discovering and guiding the child's interests and potential ties, creating the advantageous environment for the child, paying attention the communication with the child, and the educational reciprocity. In the western home education, the parents are not child's dominations, but his friends.

  Fourthly, the focal point of education is different.

  What the China’s traditional culture grasps is life and morals, so the Chinese value life and the human relations extremely. Therefore, the Chinese parents have regarded the morals as the highest value orientation in the education. Especially, in the Chinese mind, “the good child” is a child who is obedient and sensible at first, aims at the community, liked at first sight. In that case, the guardian trains the child to practice the moral culture, cultivates mental poise, self-restraining, emphasizes reservation, and the idea of social rank. The main connotation of Chinese family education is “the mercy, righteousness, the ritual, the wisdom, the honesty, loyalty, forgiveness”, and the Chinese child was taught by historical story, ethics, loyalty, filial piety and integrity when he was young. The child was influenced by the ice-cold moral law and the rules and regulations, and studied 3-character classic and Younger brother Cuckoo since childhood.

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