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[日期:2008-07-23]   [字体: ]

Shrinking wireless

微缩无线(陈继龙 编译)

Jun 29th 2006
From The Economist print edition

THE miniaturisation of the components of computer chips has proved unstoppable. In each new generation, those components are smaller and more tightly packed than they were in its predecessor. (1)ProGREss has been so rapid that chip designers are approaching apparently fundamental barriers to further reductions in size and increases in density.One of these is imposed by the need to wire the components in a chip together, so that they can exchange signals. But, in a miniaturised version of thes_______①to wireless communication in the macroscopic world, a group of researchers led by Alain Nogaret of the University of Bath, in England, think they can make chips whose components talk to each other wirelessly.

At present, the electronics that transmit and receive the radio waves used in wireless devices are too large to be used within individual chips. But Dr Nogaret believes he cano________②this. Last week he and his colleagues at three other British universities, another in Belgium and a research institute in France won the money to try to build such a device.

The researchers intend to use the standardlithographic[1]techniques employed in chipmaking to coat a semiconductor with microscopic magnets. (2)These magnets will generate local magnetic fields that point in opposite directions at different points on the chip's surface.Electrons have a property calledspin[2]that is affected by magnetic fields, and the team hopes to use an effect called inverse electron-spin resonance to make electrons passing through the chip emit microwaves.

The technique they are proposing is ther_______③of the process in medical magnetic-resonance imaging. (3)In MRI, the patient is placed in a strong magnetic field that causes some of his body's atomic nuclei, which act like tiny magnetised spinning tops, to align[3]themselves with the field.These nuclei are thenzapped[4]briefly with a second magnetic field that knocks them out of alignment with the first one. The coils in the scanning apparatus detect these magnetic changes, which are used to build up a map of the part of the body being examined. After a few seconds, the nuclei realign themselves with the field, radiating small amounts of energy as heat or, more rarely, as radio waves.

In chips, Dr Nogaret proposes to use the spin of the electron rather than the spin of the atomic nucleus. Electrons flowing through the chip would “see” a magnetic field that flips from one direction to the opposite every few hundred nanometres (billionths of a metre). This is the equivalent of zapping a stationary object with anoscillating[5]magnetic field of the sort used in MRI. The changing magnetic field would force the electrons to oscillate, too, but would not allow them to radiate heat. As a result, they would be forced to emit radio waves—or, rather, microwaves, which ares________④but of shorter wavelength.

(4)Dr Nogaret envisages GREat advances that would stem from the success of his work, and these are not confined to the possibility of packing components yet more tightly.In today's chips, the failure of a single connection can put the whole circuit out of action. This should not happen with a wireless system because it could be programmed tore-route[6]signals. Manufacturers could thusr_______⑤their standards and produce chips that were cheaper than, but as reliable as, their predecessors.

______________________.(这个项目不会是一帆风顺的。)Generating microwaves powerful enough to transmit data reliably will probably involve stacking several layers of magnets and semiconductors together and encouraging the electrons in them to oscillatein unison[7].But if it works, a whole new wireless world will be opened up.

1. 根据首字母以及括号内的词性提示和英文释义填入单词(注意复数、时态形式变化等):
①s________(n. a change in the way people think about something, in the way something is done etc)
②o________(v. to successfully control a feeling or problem that prevents you from achieving something)
③r________(n. the exact opposite of what has just been mentioned)
④s________(adj. almost the same)
⑤r________ (v. to make a rule or law less strict)
2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):

1. lithographic adj.平版印刷的
2. spin n.自旋
3. align v.排列
4. zap v.打击;轰击
5. oscillate v.持续振荡,摇动;摇摆不定
6. re-route v.变向发送;改道
7. in unison完全一致;完全协调


 ①shift 转变,转换(表示“一种情况逐渐转变为另一种情况”的词有:transition转变,过渡,跃迁 • shift变化,移转 • trend趋向,通向 • move移动,迁移 • movement)
②overcome 克服(conquer)
③reverse 相反,反面
(1)表示“相反的意见、言论等”:opposite n.& adj. 相对的,对立的(事物)• opposing adj.对立的• diametrically opposed 完全相反• on the contrary 正相反• just the opposite/reverse恰恰相反
(2)表示“完全不同于别的人或事物的某人或某事”:the opposite 对立面• the reverse反面 • the other way around 相反(方向)地• vice versa 反之亦然• go to the opposite extreme/go from one extreme to the other从一个极端走到另一个极端
④similar 类似的
⑤relax 放宽

3.The project will not be plain sailing.(注:答案肯定不是唯一,但至少你可以学习作者的写法)
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