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[日期:2008-06-24]   [字体: ]
























































第 1 集





第 2 集








第 3 集






第 4 集




  孟青和小惠回到海州之后,果然来到东方幼儿园找高雅兰挑衅,而高雅兰的大度让小是吏加不快。高雅兰正是雨儿的老师,她告诉来接孩子的唐静莹 ,雨儿似乎在心理上存在自闭的问题,唐静莹也发现雨儿从不和人交流,更不口说话,不禁为冷峰操心。


第 5 集





  冷峰平时对外工作时的身份是旅行社的经理,曾经和高雅兰有过交往,当时彼此都给对方留下了好印象,高雅兰苏醒以后,认出了冷峰不禁百感交集,可当她看到冷峰和唐静莹之间十分融洽的关系,又显得非常失落,但对追求高雅兰的孟白来说,冷峰的出现不由让他非常敏感 。




第 6 集




  很快,从军方传来次境外间谍组织的行动果然叫“秃鹰行动”,但是他们真正的地点却在遥远的四川,在四川某军事研究所失窃了一只装有绝对军事机密的钛金属盒,厅里判断“秃鹰行动”在海州制造混乱的目的,一定是想借道海州将这只钛金属盒偷运出境。冷峰布置李石尽快突破段世雄,希望从他口中获得有关“秃 鹰行动”有线索。



第 7 集






第 8 集






  冷峰等人第一时间得知有人潜入840研究所,等他们赶到后,潜入的小惠已经离开,研究所的机密也没有被窃 ,虽然没有抓获可疑人物,但知确定防范重点定在了840研究所。


第 9 集





第 10 集




  郑明哲紧急约见了小惠,威胁说,这次行动如果目的是小惠的人手,几乎是易如反掌,小惠终于意识到自己无论如何也斗不过秃 鹰组织,只好乖乖地交出了已经下载的开启程序,郑明哲让她争取戴罪立功,等候组织的新任务。

  冷峰等人很快在海州重新找回搜雪的目标,神秘女人。此时神秘女人似乎也意识到了危险,她冒然拨通了上级的电话求救 ,上级命令她在某闹市区等候接应。通过监听,冷峰可以断定神秘女人的上级一定是他渴望捉拿的“秃鹰”。于是冷峰布置人手死死盯住神秘女人,希望从她身上挖出秃鹰犯罪团伙。不料,神秘女人在街头突然暴毙,经过尸检,法医认定神秘女人死于谋杀。

第 11 集







第 12 集

  冷峰一眼认出对神秘女人实施暗杀行为的是早已被我安全机关掌握的潜伏间谍金正阳,不过这是金正阳三年来第一次实施犯罪活动。这是又一个暴露在我前的间谍分子。冷峰指示务必不能此人,对其实施严密的监控,同时冷峰派遣李石成包了一外装璜公司,利用装 璜公司小老板的身份进行活动。





第 13 集 (电视剧情大全 http://www.tvpad.cn/)







第 14 集


  金正阳果然给唐州的魏琦发出指令,让他把那只旅行箱带州来,存入一个大型超市的保管箱内。李石率人在超市里守候的时候,化妆成中年妇女的小惠突然提走旅行箱,坐出租车扬长而去。正当李石布置车辆进行跟踪时,冷峰突然通知李石放弃跟踪,将拍摄的照片厅里进行技术分析。因为秃鹰亲自同身指挥,而魏琦的旅行箱又费了这么大周折才回到海州,冷峰认 这是一次不寻常的举动,他不想因此惊动敌人,而且,除了金正阳已落入我们的监控之外,这个化妆成中年妇女的女人很可能又是一名关键性人物。

  温柔不负众照片进行技术分析,很快找出了化妆成中年妇女的小惠的真面目,而且在金正阳经常出入场所的录相上,证实小惠也经常同时出现。技术部门经过分析比对,发现与林处长有男女关系的女人也是小惠。冷峰意识到小惠是个非常有目标,立即布置对小惠展开全方位的监 控。当李石和温柔进入小惠所居住的小区进行侦察时,意外地发现孟青新租的房子正巧在小惠住宅的上方,是监视小惠家的最佳视角。冷峰大胆决定和孟青摊牌,借她的房子监 视小惠。孟青提出合作的唯一条件是李石以男朋友的身份住进来。为了工作需要,李石只好硬着头皮答应,又怕温柔误会,心里十分矛盾。


第 15 集





第 16 集








第 17 集





  我方侦察员对小惠进行着全天24小时的贴身盯梢,不料却被 暗中观察小惠的金洪国看出破绽,很快,冷峰等人从监听侦察到金洪国突然给一个被我方监控已久的手机号码打电话,对话中,金洪国请求秃鹰采取备用方案。秃鹰同意了。冷峰一时还不知道这个打电话给秃鹰的人是谁,也不知道备用方案是什么。

第 18 集



  冷峰立即尾随金禾公司运输车队直奔机场,经过再三考虑,冷峰决定冒险放车队进入机场,在他没有判定钛金属混在货物中的情况下,他不愿冒险惊动敌人,同时,他又同民航部门协调,请他们严查这批出境货物。等到所有的货物经过安检准备装 机时,所有人都坐不住了,纷纷请求立即扣押货物,冷峰决定立即密捕章宛臣。

第 19 集




第 20 集





第 21 集


  根据多方江总,可以确认高雅兰正是秃鹰,在冷峰与之交往的过程中,慢慢地冷峰开始警惕起来,直到几乎可以确认高雅兰是间谍分子时,冷峰十分伤感 和痛,也就是在冷峰确认高雅兰有犯罪嫌疑的时候,一直对冷峰身份有所疑问的高雅兰,经过试探,也猜到了冷峰的身份,于是布置郑明哲出逃,同时自己也拿着钛金属盒潜入人群中。


In an unusually sunny day, a street-dong building an empty room, a Qingjun face of the man quietly through the high-power binoculars to observe the bustling streets of exchanges of people. After a while, under the direction of the man, hidden in the crowd, the two reconnaissance officers Buluhenji control of their goal has long been eyeing the 1, however, is at this time of the accident ---- a crazy motorcycle suddenly Regardless of all the goal-to North Korea in an attempt to kill Miekou, the implementation of the mandate of Zhencha Yuan Liu Shan immediately turned to the goal of a safe zone, their killer did not escape the attacks, and will soon be the killer and Liu Shan with the implementation of the mandate LI Shi reconnaissance officers arrested when taking poison himself.
A city nearly a month in a five-day explosion, although each bombings have occurred in the densely populated downtown, but no one casualty. The five explosions in the explosion means of professional and after no traces of the handling of the security sector has aroused the attention of a city to the cold front headed by the Zhencha Yuan were not alert to such goals and objectives of the explosion is not common criminals by , Immediately began a series of sabotage activities in this investigation and tracking, the initial dealing, although they captured one goal, but lost the best Zhencha Yuan Liu Shan. And all has just begun.

Cold front of the old rival outside a veteran spy Condor at a crucial moment to the cold front sent an ultimatum, a Dianming upcoming "final explosion." At the same time, a Xidu Fan directed by the people, every tie full of explosives attempted to hijack Liu Shan daughter of the kindergarten, was found at a critical moment, when the arrest was imminent instructions were killed.

Hostage-taking incident is under Condor to the cold front on the challenges that this is too obvious challenges but the cold front the impression that things are not simply the "last blast" so simple. The cold front this incident also for his comrades in arms Liu Shan to the orphans Yuer Niele Yi cold sweat, the cold front adoption Yuer decision to replace the sacrifice of his comrades take care of child-rearing.

Cold front to pick up Yuer kindergarten, but the defendant's children suddenly disappeared……… ..

Yuer missing not only to the cold front Xinjirufen, affecting all of the nine reconnaissance officer's heart.

Then the cold front, Tang received the news that a spy has infiltrated the expertise of the bursting of the Tang state, the need cold front with aides LI Shi and have special expertise in the new tender, immediately rushed to Tang. Cold front will have to find the things entrusted to give Yuer Qingmeizhuma he GREw up with the iron "Gemen," good friend - a female Secretary for Public Security Bureau of Jing Tang Ying.

Tang, in-bound train, and a cold front with them the same section of the train compartments Soft Sleeper, the Condor effective subordinates Hsiao Hui also aimed at the target has been arranged large-scale military enterprises ---- 840 Lin, Director of the Institute And the Mercedes-Benz on the train to the Commissioner Lin launched a temptation action…… ..

Tang in the state, the cold front, and others in the local security bureau with the help of Jiang Zhen Lei, try to sneak into the spy 312 from the hands of access to the Tang Dynasty, 312 in the goods, to open later found empty on. But at the same time, the cold front through the 312 series of activities, keenly aware of the Condor bursting of the real goal, and uncovered another group outside their hands, Condor was controlled by a group of spies, an extremely dangerous terrorist Elements, in Qianjunyifa time to resolve the crisis in the explosion. Then the cold front also received a telephone call from Jing Tang Ying, Yuer found, and half-jokingly warned the cold front to do a good job mentally prepared for this child Kebu Xiang he imagined as good support.

Song Kouqi on everyone's just ready, I am shocked to learn the implementation of Condor his success ---- the real purpose of stealing a high-tech military secrets with the two titanium metal box! However, due to the cold front timely protection and counterattack, the first Condor transport titanium metal box the action failed.

At this point, not two old rivals met with their respective Zhencha Yuan master, around the relationship between the two military secrets to China of titanium metal box, really can not see the smoke started a battle of intelligence.

Condor started with the contest at the same time, Liu Shan children Yuer also cold front was very Jiuxin. Cold front at home specifically for Yuer meticulous layout of a small room, Yuer home, they found that, Yuer really like Jing Tang Ying said, is not a people worry the children.

In front of his busy schedule to take care of Yuer patience, and Yuer communication, but it seems no proGREss has been made. Yuer still often a person trying to Liuchu kindergarten. Liu Chu kindergarten in a hurried across the road when the car was nearly knocked down, thanks to the president of kindergarten high Arran suicide Xiangjiu. Although Wu Yang Yu Er security, high-Arran is therefore wounded.

So cold front to know the young Jiang Li dignified president, the two talked through the first contact with each other has left a deep impression.

At this time trial through the explosion in the capture, Condor and his gang of terrorists spy control the outcome of the Shixiong also. Shixiong account of the explosion after he completed the next task is to the knowledge of two from the hands of a swap has been an important exchange of the password box.

This password me at this time in this way shipped to provincial towns, the password box is not something that is titanium metal box? »

However, when the cold front, and others to find a paragraph Shixiong accountable by the two "with the shippers," the Condor has been the first step Hsiao Hui ordered his female spy with American dollars stolen the password box.

Hsiao Hui Condor is the effective implementation of this mission go-getters, as is public television director. She Maomei young, good at using American dollars to achieve their goals. Condor layout in the implementation of End to her first mission, according to Hsiao Hui Condor to her the various programmes, departments refused to retain the leadership of Zheng Mingzhe, Zheng Mingzhe submitted his resignation to the report. Her Guizhongmiyou, titanium metal box theft unit 803 Meng Qing, director of the Institute's daughter about the incident, but the misconception that Hsiao Hui's resignation for his Gege Meng is white, we strongly request Gege Meng white to their friends Hsiao Hui an explanation.

However, Hsiao Hui Meng white on the feelings of friends is only feeling that he really liked the people is high Arran.

Hsiao Hui Bangladesh brother and sister have been close to the real purpose is to steal titanium metal box, but to steal the completion of tasks on their own after they found that white Meng move really emotional. Under the instigation of the Mengqing, Hsiao Hui made the first decision calm enough: no rivals who meet her high Arran.

High Arran baffled by Hsiao Hui bluntly that the "visit" inadvertently encountered a cold front for this high Arran lifted the embarrassment. Once again make contact with the two dim sense of their own on the other side does not like the good………

The cold front, who seized in the operation of a number of mysterious Huji was the opening of a sudden call, through the tracking of tension, they found that the opening of Huji who is completely unrelated to the merits and thieves, the trail suddenly appeared suddenly interrupted. But no one has thought through the account of thieves, thieves raided the home of Huji together with the stolen U.S. dollars to the one found on a hidden secret contact numbers.

Cold front immediately ordered a 24-hour monitoring closely the number.

Lengfeng to Yuer birthday, but in the richness of dinner ready Yuer again found missing. According to Jing Tang Ying from the high Arran and the information obtained in the tomb of Liu Shan found sleeping Yuer…………

That night, the cold front in the bed Jing Yu Er Shou night, watching children Xiaolian, the cold front feel an upsurge of ups and downs……… Tian Liang, the cold front received a telephone, found that the number of accidents was a call and response, in response to Huji phone card but after the call was abandoned.

According to the opponents of this contact, the cold front for his subordinates LI Shi, gentle and others identified with this number similar to the use of false identities to apply for registration has never been the opening of a number of telephone numbers, and the implementation of these numbers by 24 Hour monitoring.

At this time, according to titanium metal box theft after analysis, with the case of the list of suspects to the hands of a cold front. Cold front that ranked in the top list of suspects who actually is a titanium metal box theft unit 803 Meng Yuan, director of the Institute, and Meng Yuan Meng Qing is the daughter of his fanatical pursuit of his LI Shi.

LI Shi Meng Qing and the first task of acquaintance. Unknowingly to the LI Shi has a keen interest, in order to close LI Shi, or even take a pregnancy coming to the absurd, Jiaode LI Shi is a headache, but also to the LI Shi harbor the sentiment is very gentle irritated. Mengqing truth on the surface this seems so simple? » She ways closer to what is the purpose of LI Shi » She titanium metal box with the theft have relations »

Cold front is young and Jing Tang Ying Qingmeizhuma GREw up with friends, when they grow up, although both were a different affair, but has not affected the exchanges between the two and feelings. A few years later, Jing Tang Ying divorce, the cold front by the love of the woman because of the cold front had to abandon the special job with the cold front's feelings, Yuanjia others. Cold front and Jing Tang Ying experiencing emotional ups and downs, more deepened mutual friendship. The accumulation of such sentiments, but the two have different effects: For Jing Tang Ying, the love. And the cold front, is the brother of the family in general. Because from childhood grew up with the familiar, but also because Jing Tang Ying豪爽character, the cold front has never Jing Tang Ying there have been beyond the idea of friends, or even often overlooked her female gender, just as most of the Jing Tang Ying Dear brother.

For high-Arran, the cold front and Jing Tang Ying has a completely different feeling. Arran high on many things in unwittingly attracting a cold front……… ..

Jing Tang Ying cold front through the busy, please take care of her Yuer the opportunity to request to move to the cold front cold front home, Wan Wanmo not think of the cold front opening comment, but the villain was Yuer infants fierce opposition!

With the cold front to live together in this period, Yuer has gradually from the inner depths of the cold front to accept this "new father", Jing Tang Ying intervention at this time, Yuer sensitive, small minds stubbornly believe that: this is the Auntie Want to share her cold and the feelings between the father! Yuer early to enjoy the warmth of their fear of being left out in the cold, so the Jing Tang Ying very inconsistent. Yuer the conflict with the Jing Tang Ying from the open side of the cold front, but inadvertently narrow the gap between the high-Arran and the relationship between the cold front………

Then the cold front and Condor to enter the fighting between the Jiaozhuo state.

Hsiao Hui in the Condor frequently under the direction of action, the cold front passed Hsiao Hui action by the clues left by the gradually close Hsiao Hui, also found in another explosion in the exposed surface, but the mysterious disappearance of the woman's whereabouts.

However, in tracking the mysterious woman in the process, because LI Shi cold front and the opposition, had a dispute, LI Shi because of the stubborn errors, so that he lost at a crucial moment with a goal………… but in this mysterious woman From small-time home quietly took away the cold front, who have been looking for the black box password.

When the cold front LI Shi, who once again capture the mysterious woman's whereabouts, the mysterious woman hands me the password has been lost and cold front under the nose of LI Shi, who died suddenly.

Mysterious woman to complete her task was to kill Miekou. Hsiao Hui home found missing after the password me aware of Condor for their own preparedness and calculation of the sky betrayed the people. Hsiao Hui's impetuous speed up her exposed.

Meng Yuan of the suspects were ruled out. Meng Yuan Meng Qing's daughter was again found that very close relationship and Hsiao Hui. So cold front to Meng Qing, who conducted a thorough investigation.

At this time of the Zhengyang is a potential spy emerged the surface of the water, in his arrangement, a black box in a password called Weiqi the hands of the people.

Weiqi in monitoring the time, but because Weiqi units cadres do not know how to defend the security of the Weiqi arrested attempted to direct the Security Bureau and the destruction of the cold front for the plan. But also so that Weiqi is just a smoke bombs, in the Condor operation in no important role.

Hsiao Hui in the comprehensive monitoring of the process, be excluded from the suspects Mengqing again unwittingly involved in the action, and actively cooperate with the LI Shi, who monitor the implementation of………

Increasingly tense battle to the cold front Yuer care less and less time, in order to avoid unauthorized leave Yuer again, in order to protect the safety of Yuer, cold front rest assured that the tender for the Yuer to determine the whereabouts of attacking the bad guys " FLASH eggs. " Unexpectedly Yuer in friction with the children when the misuse of the "flash eggs," Arran so high in order to re-injured children.

Because of this, the cold front and high Arran near the relationship between a step, and the high Arran to their injuries through the "FLASH egg" cold front begin to doubt the identity and occupation, she found that their original simply do not understand this so that their own so the Movable Men…… ..

Cold front and high Arran close to the discovery of a cold front on the high side Arran, and Hsiao Hui, Meng Yuan, Meng Qing are closely related to white men ---- Bangladesh.

Meng Tang is white, the well-known entrepreneurs, the complex social relations, have a life outside the experience of studying abroad. He is not that have been hidden in the shadows of the Condor »

Then the cold front, who frequently cracked the foreign spy agency's secret order issued to Condor, Condor request for a limited time in the transmission of titanium metal box task. All this cold front to realize that the battle he and Condor has entered the countdown stage.

In this important juncture, another a series of unexpected things happen: Women play in a men's man appeared shortly after the murder was Miekou Hsiao Hui, Mengqing attacks were therefore exposed, thanks to Bangladesh was put out by the white, cold front Life in a seemingly simple cropped up again the mysterious girl Silk……….

Things seemed more and more complex, the Zhengyang, Meng Qing, Meng white…… .. one that had been doubted Condor people may be excluded from January 1, but the deep bottom of the Condor also has never Luchupozhan… ……

Until that play a key role seized the men play women's mysterious man ---- the true face of TV boss Hsiao Hui Zheng Mingzhe, everything seems to gradually clear up…………

According to Zheng Mingzhe the various operations and performance, almost all of them that he is the bald eagle, only the cold front did not express any views.

A cold front waiting for the report through special channels to the hands of a cold front. That is a real investigation of a person experienced in foreign countries of the report. Through this report, we find that this person is now open some of the information is completely false. And this person is always another man's face, vice president of high-kindergarten Arran.

Cold front to determine: high Arran is the real Condor.

It turned out that the titanium metal box theft occurred, because the cold front and high Arran Yuer known and familiar. At first, the cold front was high Arran fooled by the camouflage, but in its exchanges and contacts, the cold front with keen awareness of the professional, high Arran aware of the suspicious circumstances, it sensible to adjust their own feelings, with their wisdom Launched a deal.

In the cold front when ordered to close the net, high Arran also began her final dead fish broke the net, make-up, including the hijacking Yuer, kindergarten school bus.

At that time, gentle lessons learned, once again Yuer tailored secret weapons played a role in the unexpected……… ..

But the children's school bus is only one other high-Arran smoke bombs. She sacrificed Zheng Mingzhe an attempt to shift public attention, no one thought she was well aware of the cold front waiting for her Zitouluowang………… ..

Diversity story:
Set 1
Haeju in the East China Sea a downtown, the Provincial Security Director of the Office of nine subordinates Lengfeng is leading the implementation of the suspect's arrest, because just from the public security organs transferred to the National Security System Zhencha Yuan LI Shi's experience in the operation. Insufficient, leading to capture a work accident, nine of the other Zhencha Yuan Liu Shan died a heroic death, leaving only a 5-year-old orphan Yuer. Lengfeng the operation of their command arrangements rather ERA, he decided to assume the responsibility of raising Yuer.

There is a small Lengfeng with the Hongyan that has grown up, the current state of a public security sub-bureau deputy director of the Jing Tang Ying, has recently been deliberately created a series of bombings made no clue, so to a study of the explosive devices Lengfengqiujiao, Lengfeng on the scene after the explosion, sensitive to that series seems to be behind the explosion outside a spy organization's boss, national security intelligence system to support the Lengfeng of this judgement. 9 room in order to increase manpower and distribution of a beautiful young woman gently Zhencha Yuan, LI Shi click on this new female colleagues had a good impression.

National security system within the intelligence and foreign organizations sent an explosives expert, sneaked into Tang. Lengfeng decided to lead the LI Shi and Tang, gentle rushed to the train, and Tang Zhen Lei, deputy director of the National Security Bureau, Jiang common handling of the case.

At the same time, Haeju a young female television reporter outside the organization Hsiao Hui received the instructions, Tang also appeared on the state of the Night-bound train.

No. 2 -

Tang, in-bound train, and Haeju 840 Hsiao Hui Lin, Director of the Institute live a Soft Sleeper cars, customs 10,000 kinds of Hsiao Hui display their various means to finally capture the beauty of her goal.

Tang sent outside the state into the goal, code-named "11", Lengfeng organizations and Zhen Lei Jiang Tang, the elite National Security Bureau will be strong "11", were closely tracking and surveillance, "11", and it seems that Not anxious to action, Leng Feng Jing decided to brake, LI Shi and gentle bear the "11", the whereabouts of the monitoring work.

Lin Tang, the Commissioner is to attend a seminar on military research projects, Hsiao Hui savvy every day waiting for him to have free time wandering out of their hotel in Rendezvous, Xinhuanufang Director Lin Tao Huayun that they have made to find a She's secret lover.

Lengfeng decided to use Tiaohulishan of leads: 11 ", and then personally and Zhen Lei Jiang sneaked into" 11 ", in a room, check the baggage he was carrying. But the" 11 ", half-way alert Biangua to return to hotels, and Zhen Lei Jiang Lengfeng cleverly Do not let get away "11" found breached, but not from "11", the luggage be valuable clues.

LI Shi in tracking "11", in the process of actually surprised to find gentle You Yishou Yirong the skills, she can not help but have further to the good, but in a tracking process, LI Shi because less than a taxi, temporary expropriation Roadside is one of the girls to practice driving the vehicle technology, called Mengqing Unexpectedly, the girls are Juejiang, and LI Shi conflict, to persuade the police not to Qingmian and chased the car to stop LI Shi, the results of their own out of the arm.

Mengqing is Haeju of private entrepreneurs and Bangladesh White's sister, after graduating from the University of idle boredom, happened at this time in Bangladesh-Tang opened a state-prepared to help the GREen, she discovered that this company is basically no public business may So, my brother exchanges were also very complicated, very disappointed and can not help but Lamo.

LI Shi and gentle track "11", prepared his players for the opportunity to Nongzou the password box, Lin Bao Unexpectedly, the thief has been a first start, thanks to gentle response'll finally captured the thief, has been那只password box.

Article 3 sets

Leng Feng, who immediately opened up a technical force password me, surprised to find "11", the players ran articles in the center of the city has a street Tang photo shoot of the main building is the city's most bustling shopping mall. Zhen Lei Jiang Zuobu Zhu, and he worried that "11", the goal is the implementation of this explosion of the downtown public places, once its successful, the consequences would be unthinkable, although Lengfeng feel puzzled, but based on the state property People's lives and security considerations, had aGREed to prepare layout forces captured "11".

Layout Zhencha Yuan in the process of arrest, Lengfeng concerned about the state of Yuer, before his departure asked Jing Tang Ying took care of Yuer, the task of preparing an immediate end to Yuer back to their homes. When he opened Jing Tang Ying phone that day, the sea and there had been an explosion attempt, Lengfeng immediately and decisively to stop the "11", capture the action, he judged outside the organization is not the goal, Tang, He did not panic grass snake. So Lengfeng arranged by the Public Security Bureau who come forward to find the owner, will be returned to the password box intact and the "11". At the same time, Lengfeng after photos of the study that this picture is the real protagonist in front of a shopping mall advertising. Jiang Zhen Lei in the arrangement, the National Security Bureau of the overall advertising Zhencha Yuan will be demolished to go, and after careful screening, and finally found your column on a "search notices" very suspicious, gentle, also confirmed the same day "11" Indeed, carefully read your column.

According to Lengfeng judgement, technical personnel and Zhencha Yuan finally passed a notice little search and found a scientific research institutions, Tang Lu Yuan-Fu, after Lengfeng judgement, Lu Yuan-Fu is not as well-trained spies elements , Is the largest outside of the external organizations, decided the immediate implementation of catch.

LI Shi was requisitioned vehicles and out of the hospital refused to Mengqing out and called Gege Meng white and their lawyers for their support of justice, Bangladesh is the National Security Bureau heard a white person's car, she immediately reprimanded Mengqing Do not provoke security authorities after the people, but personally, and so on LI Shi Meng Qing visit to the wards, LI Shi Meng Qing has been attracted, in love with this young Zhencha Yuan.

Hsiao Hui Meng Qing also came to visit the wards, she is not only a good friend Meng Qing, Meng secretly also like white, Meng Qing told her Mengqing in the state is pursuing a high-Arran is the kindergarten teachers, two states with the same back to sea To visit the high-Arran.

4 Set

Lu Yuan-Fu on the trial of a breakthrough very soon, he has a set of Haeju South Dam Hydropower Station on the design drawings of a church. Soon gentle reported that "11" has already removed the drawings from the church.

"11", after the return to the hotel room, immediately drawing the hydropower station on the calculation that his action was all on our side all the video surveillance tape. Lengfeng side of the sea, the departments concerned to immediately accessible information on the South Dam hydropower station, a technical expert analysis to "11", marked in the mark, technology experts believe that "11", identified the collapse of the dam hydropower station explosion key points. South dam and hydropower station is an important sea power grid, power protection, Haeju on the production and life order very influential. LI Shi Zhen Lei Jiang and again request arrest "11", Lengfeng still do not aGREe, he will wait until the "11", the joint figure.

Sure enough, a call of the people who came to the surface Shixiong, he had been monitoring the long-Lengfeng suspects, the state's private owners, many his hatchet man. Shixiong of a number of his faction came to the Tang Dynasty, and get the "11", marked the drawings. But Lengfeng remained unmoved, his instructions wait and see.

Hsiao Hui Meng Qing and return to the state, really came to the Orient to find high-kindergarten Arran provocation, and the high Arran magnanimity small Canadian officials are displeased. Yuer high Arran is the teacher, she told the children to access the Jing Tang Ying, Yu Er seems to be in existence since the closure of psychological problems, Jing Tang Ying also never found Yuer and human exchanges, I do not speak, can not help Lengfeng to worry about.

Lengfeng judgement has been verified again, Shixiong paragraph of his action and, while "11", suddenly set from the Tang, a ticket to the state, the state intends to secretly sneak into the sea. Zhen Lei Jiang immediately layout Zhencha Yuan track "11", Lengfeng has decisively decided to immediately arrest of "11", and paragraph of his Shixiong. His purpose is to a close the net and see what response there will be opponents the same time, he also afraid of "11", sneaked into the state, once went out of control and difficult to imagine the consequences.

Article 5 sets

In Lengfeng under the leadership of a beautiful catch, all suspects without a Louwang and strict blockade of the foreign news.

After the trial, the suspect is indeed against South Dam Hydropower Station preparing for the implementation of the explosion of crime, Lengfeng instructed subordinates to do the reconnaissance work of the Shixiong, LI Shi lead back to the sea, and gentle.

Early in the morning, Lengfeng rushed to the kindergarten would like to meet Yuer, unexpectedly, from kindergarten Yuer ran out, looking for high Arran Yuer, vehicle accident has been injured, seven are Lengfeng rushed to the hospital to be high Arran .

In the hospital, Lengfeng found that the original high-Arran is to help people.

Lengfeng peacetime external work is when the identity of the travel agency managers, and high-Arran have had contacts at that time gave each other the other side left a good impression, elegant Lan Su Xing, the Lengfeng can not help but recognize the mixed feelings, when she read To Leng Feng Jing Tang Ying and the relationship between the very well, seems very lost, but the pursuit of high-Arran Bangladesh, Belarus, the emergence of Lengfeng he was not very sensitive.

Hsiao Hui Meng Qing has been around, because she knows that the father of Meng Yuan Meng Qing 840 is the director of the Institute, a famous domestic military research experts, has been in the last Xichang Satellite base defense research work. She also white, Bangladesh Institute of the recent frequent and 840 Meng Yuan from some of the students closely, in order to show the determination to pursue her, she resigned from the Italian press is very busy, even Mengqing that she is crazy for love.

Paragraph Shixiong finally could not take the initiative to contact Lu Yuan-Fu, when he learned of several missing after his inexplicable Putiaorulei. Lengfeng would like to think of before, was immediately wiped out the request to the Director of the Shixiong groups, so as to avoid being dragged too much manpower, the Chamber approved the Lengfeng law.

In a lock of the whereabouts of the Shixiong, nine out of all, a paragraph Shixiong capture the action began.

No. 6 -

In Leng Feng led the nine of the paragraph in one stroke Duandiao Shixiong groups.

Trial, paragraph Shixiong understand their sinful Sibu openings, Lengfeng keen to find out the psychological weakness of the Shixiong, layout LI Shi, such as the collapse of his offensive, gradually, of the Shixiong is Zhaojiabuzhu.

Lengfeng Minister congratulated the new proGREss made, but it has some time to Lengfeng outside organizations expressed concern about the dynamic, he judged, outside the spy agency revealed hidden at the espionage elements, Xingshidongzhong is not only against the South Pa Hydropower Station. Haeju is known as the defense research center, said he worried that spy is the target of the city's many military research institutes, and Lengfeng aware of the enemy Shengdongjixi cunning tactics, like the previous Jiao Guoshou a spy, code named "Condor."

Soon, the military came from outside the spy organization, the action really is "Condor", but they really have the location in the distant Sichuan, the Sichuan Institute of theft of a military has an absolute military secrets with the titanium Boxes, Hall of judgement "Condor action" in the sea, the purpose of creating chaos must be like to take this, the state will exit the smuggling of titanium metal box. Lengfeng layout of the LI Shi Shi Xiong as soon as possible breakthrough in the hope that his words were "Condor action" leads.

According to the account of the Shixiong, he is really as "Condor" service, he can simply do not know "Condor" who do not know "Condor" to do, only know that the "Condor" opportunistic layout he destroyed South Dam hydropower station, and is prepared to receive from Sichuan to a metal box, said this metal from a research institute of the Sichuan publicity to the Director-General of the state.

At the same time, small is instructed to immediately replace the paragraph Shixiong receive a metal box.

7 Sets

A study in Sichuan publicity secretary to the Director-General Dahai, a guesthouse, Hsiao Hui again display their beauty dollars, taking advantage of publicity Director-General of the bath, their baggage will be transferred package, removed the baggage of titanium metal box. Leng Feng, who rushed to the time, Hsiao Hui has left the hotel.

According to Lengfeng judgement, Condor has been cleverly used the publicity officer of a research institute evade China's strict blockade, titanium into the city. So Lengfeng has been ordered to monitor his grasp of a phone number, this number will soon begin the use of. But Lengfeng or gain some enlightenment, and quickly calculated Condor operation in espionage elements in case of emergency contact.

Yuer birthday on the day, Lengfeng will Yuer from kindergarten to make up for her to celebrate, just discharged from the near high Arran shy to ask them a birthday, Lengfeng care for her body, the Wanyanxiejue. Arran is high suspicion because of their refusal to Lengfeng Jing Tang Ying, when she came to quietly follow the Lengfeng Lengfeng occupied by the Tourism Bureau quarters, a guard told her Jing Tang Ying has been in Lengfeng home, but left high Arran Dark , Has been found Lengfeng track of your high Arran, out of professional habit, he let LI Shi to check high Arran curriculum vitae. LI Shi Public Security Bureau in the high Arran Hu Zhengke out the resume, the situation is very normal, the analysis of the Jing Tang Ying, LI Shi thought it was Lengfeng in preparation for the谈恋爱, because for discipline, the spouse of Zhencha Yuan Must undergo strict Zhengshen.

Hsiao Hui-lin of the Director of the beauties of very effective, she continually from the forest where the theft of 840 Director of the Institute of internal information, when Hsiao Hui opponents of titanium metal boxes move GREedy, she crossed the Condor directly with foreign spy Institutional linkages for high remuneration, soon Condor Hsiao Hui received a stern warning - to produce the goods, otherwise the consequences own. Hsiao Hui of the brave, Condor warning Haobulihui.

Hsiao Hui Meng White heard that the resignation is because curry favor with their own, can not help but rather Fujiu, in his persuasion, Hsiao Hui Meng finally came to a white friend's company to work. The Jinhe international courier company boss Zhang Wan-chen, immediately become the next prey Hsiao Hui, Zhang Wan-chen people Guban, Hsiao Hui 1:00 difficult to succeed.

8 Set

Hsiao Hui Meng and bent Chengquan white Meng Meng Qing white around his guests for dinner, the unexpectedly high Arran to come to Bangladesh and Belarus are flying, make you break up in discord.

Right after the end date of birth, Yuer seems unusual, she did not take advantage of Lengfeng prepared, suddenly ran away from home, Lengfeng coming to the hands and feet, everywhere looking for Yuer, it is very calm Jing Tang Ying calm and immediately pay attention to layout 110 patrolmen Find, through analysis came back after missing the last Yuer the situation and immediately determine Yuer Liu secretly went to the mountains to the cemetery. High Arran Wentingyuer missing, Xinjirufen, immediately looking for everywhere.

In order to facilitate the national security personnel detected the theft of titanium metal boxes were, separately to the director of Lengfeng introduced the Titanium metal box in the top-secret, the storage of China's important military secrets titanium metal boxes need a special magnetic tension open procedures before Which documents can be interpreted. Lengfeng bold judgement of the enemy titanium metal boxes will be transported to the sea, is not the real purpose of the country, but hope that in the state related to scientific research institutes to get this open process, in the local state of titanium metal box declassified, and then directly from the Internet Transfer to the outside. This industry to the national defense secrets of the GREater threat. Director Lengfeng immediately approved the plan, established transport card will be transferred back the power, the state investigation and related research institutes, to secure magnetic tension open procedures are not stolen.

Lengfeng judgement once again be verified, Hsiao Hui is to open the process to get alone to obtain high-priced foreign spy organization, the organization is very irritated, orders Condor bound by good subordinates. Hsiao Hui has finally received a higher level to meet the requirements of emergency notification. She came to the joints, and other locations, surprised to find that she met and the people actually in charge of their own in the leadership of Zheng Mingzhe television. Zheng Mingzhe the face of the threat, Hsiao Hui still go its own way and refused to produce titanium metal box.

Hsiao Hui speed up procedures to open the theft of the action, she Miyao fans of the Halo Director Lin, Director Lin took away the pass and the key units, 840 Institute sneaked into the night.

Leng Feng, who was the first time that sneaked into 840 research institutes, such as they arrived, sneaked into the Hsiao Hui has left, the Institute has not stolen confidential, although no suspects arrested, but that will identify priorities in the prevention 840 Institute.

Since seen LI Shi side, Mengqing on this young man has been an obsession, the Office asked her to go to the security wall, has been unwilling to feel everywhere Datan LI Shi's whereabouts, a chance opportunity, she finally found LI Shi.

9 Set

Hsiao Hui has failed to exhaust all means to be open procedure, she boldly probing the Director of the forest, aware that this can not be separated from their men, and Lin will direct the Commissioner showdown, asking him to hand over 840 institutes into the database Password, in the fierce ideological struggle, Lin could not acceptable to the Commissioner of the end of the Mei Renguan. Hsiao Hui smoothly into the 840 Institute database, openly download magnetic tension procedures.

Leng Feng, who received immediately after the alarm mounted. Director Lin found, such as in hotel rooms opened, Hsiao Hui has left, and Director Lin is baffling to drown in a small depression in. Lengfeng Commissioner is not drowning, to request an autopsy, the results showed that Lin was Director of procuring a rare drug "VX" Mihun after the drowned. Lengfeng layout immediately find and Lin Director of the relations between men and women are women, and the Institute for 840 personnel conducted a thorough investigation, Peru Peru Lengfeng the long Meng Yuan Meng and his son-and daughter became interested Mengqing, when a LI Shi Meng Qing in finding that after nearly Lengfeng layout LI Shi Meng Qing, unexpectedly on LI Shi has been quite a gentle disdain has produced some jealousy.

Zheng Mingzhe see Hsiao Hui turned a deaf ear to their warnings, could not help but remind her that she even get open process and I do not know how to open the titanium metal box. Small is simply ignored Zheng Mingzhe, continued their own plans, the next step she targeting Jinhe company executives chapter Wan-chen, she hoped that the people of Zaishi assessment, Chapter Wan-chen for her to open the box and titanium Procedures throughout the smuggling abroad.

Mengqing again to the Security Office came LI Shi, Li Shili Lengfeng order to be on the terms of close and Meng Qing, LI Shi we dare not disobey orders, fearing the gentle misunderstanding, very difficult.

Article 10 sets

Through technical reconnaissance, a mysterious woman into the security departments of people's attention, this mysterious woman from the Tang, a call to implement the mandate by the Condor, Zhen Lei Jiang Zhen Chayuan layout of his way to track this person to the state, A small oversight so that the mystery of the missing woman, Leng Feng, who immediately in the state layout search to find this valuable clues.

Hsiao Hui mysterious woman sneaked into the home of stolen away titanium metal box.

Hsiao Hui received superiors at work, to the fax, told her that titanium organizations have been taken away and not allowed to violate the future organizational procedures. Hsiao Hui rush home, find themselves carefully to the preventive measures were easily damaged, titanium is also missing from the box.

Zheng Mingzhe emergency meeting of the Hsiao Hui, threatened that if the purpose of this operation is Hsiao Hui staff, is almost easy, Hsiao Hui finally realize that they never Doubu Guo Condor, had to surrender to the Guaiguai have downloaded the open procedures, Zheng Mingzhe Daizuiligong for her, waiting for the new mission.

Leng Feng, who quickly retrieve it in the sea, snow found the target, the mysterious woman. At this time the mysterious woman seems to be aware of the danger, she Maoran a higher level of phone calls for help and superior orders her to wait in a downtown接应. Through wiretapping, Lengfeng can conclude that the mysterious woman's superiors eager to capture him must be the "Condor." So Lengfeng layout staff stubbornly pegged to the mysterious woman that she was removed from the Condor criminal gangs. Unexpectedly, the mysterious woman in the street suddenly died, after an autopsy and forensic finds woman died of the mysterious murder.

Article 11 sets

Lengfeng at the request of the forensic come to the conclusion that this mysterious woman is not the killing of Lin Director of the perpetrators of the theft of a proceeding, Lengfeng slightly Songlekouqi, which means at least, they will also hold a number of clues to the enemy.

Lengfeng recent moves to LI Shi and gentle people can understand, and so on, it's clear procedures have been opened to download spyware, he asked his Strictly Controlling the institutes and key personnel, and, Lengfeng often worried about heavy speculation within the Condor Group In the end to what happened, why the situation is not as he expected, as development. In order to help subordinates, Lengfeng finally to the LI Shi disclosed that the magnetic tension open procedures to prevent theft, they have parties and high-level joint operations, secret amendments to the database in open procedures, the procedures were so-called bait-made, Lengfeng can not understand why the buzzards get a false After several days, no any action, he urged subordinates must heighten our vigilance and must not take to heart.

Zheng Mingzhe quickly found Hsiao Hui, in the face of the suspected Zheng Mingzhe, Hsiao Hui is innocent, she insisted that his team will not open the summary procedures for packages, the download if the procedure is wrong, she will again start with the goal of identifying, for certain Condor organizations to get open procedure, Zheng Mingzhe told her that the matter has aroused the attention of the security sector, action must be cautious that the addition, Hsiao Hui to another task, the company Wan-chen chapter chiefs dragged into the water.

Yuer gentle to prevent runaway event of danger again, quietly to Yuer done a little thought his tricks could a self-defense, unexpectedly this small thought his tricks could accidentally hurt a high-Arran, Lengfeng quite Fujiu, personally High on the visit Arran, the Lengfeng high Arran is the identity of curiosity, Lengfeng not look like a travel agency manager, because of organization and discipline, inconvenience Lengfeng open their identity, and White came to visit Bangladesh High Arran, the three individuals Quite embarrassed.

Hsiao Hui in every possible way through the teaser, Zhang Wan-chen was unable to block the American offensive, Hsiao Hui conquered.

Gentle finally was assassinated in mysterious woman in the video surveillance of the suspects stripping after camouflage the true face.

Article 12 sets

Lengfeng a mysterious woman identified on the implementation of the assassination of the security organs has long been my grasp the potential of the Zhengyang espionage, but this is the Zhengyang the first time in three years the implementation of criminal activities. This is another exposed to the elements in my previous spy. Lengfeng instructions can not be sure of this, strict monitoring of its implementation, while Li Shicheng Lengfeng to send a package, decoration, decoration companies use small bosses the identity of their activities.

Foreign espionage in the theft of state open procedures have been desperate, they instructed Condor immediately abandon this plan, to implement another plan that will seek to exit the smuggling of titanium metal box, in foreign countries will be decrypted.

High Arran at the shopping malls in the event of a Nvzei, called the Silk of young girls from a high of Arran deplore, she not only police, but will Silk home, she Accommodations and Dining hospitality and Silk Bangladesh White recommended the company to go to work. Silk is very grateful, vowed to repay the high Arran.

The Zhengyang to quickly monitor the proGREss of a spy called Weiqi and yang elements contact, Weiqi the same for my security organs have the potential espionage suspect, first came to the surface, caused Lengfeng on high alert, he Judgement of the enemy at exposed so many hidden elements, we have a strategic adjustment, he is convinced that the enemy has given up looking for open procedures, and began to seek to titanium metal box-export attempt. Director of the judgement in favour of Lengfeng immediately on the strategic adjustment of state to prevent the removal of titanium metal box.

Wei Qi, a metal from the sea texture, the suitcase back to Tang, just in case, Lengfeng decided to immediately arrest of Wei Qi, search suitcase, the suitcase did not cross-titanium metal box, not many clues, Lengfeng Weiqi decided to use for our work, the restoration will suitcase.

Article 13 sets (TV situation Daquan http://www.tvpad.cn/)

Weiqi realize that they engaged in criminal activity seriousness, he thanked the Government to give him a chance Daizuiligong. Lengfeng order the full force into the Zhengyang monitoring the operation.

LI Shi Meng Qing and after the meeting, the love of the LI Shi almost uncontrollable, she LI Shi order to give a good impression that they are not boring Da Xiaojie, decided to move out from their homes, their own independent life, Meng-sister act that Baffling, in order to prevent her sister suffer, he let his friend, television Zheng Mingzhe for rent-Mengqing, Zheng Mingzhe has also introduced the hands of the availability of surplus to the Zhengyang Mengqing said Meng Qing and the Zhengyang contacts, cold Bangladesh peak of the more interested.

The Zhengyang men play women's access to all the places I reconnaissance officers were monitoring January 1, Lengfeng judgement from the Zhengyang, who will certainly be able to identify the enemy breached.

High Arran frequent contact and Lengfeng, LI Shi, gentle and Jing Tang Ying eyes, Lengfeng and the emotional high Arran has gradually become clear by. At the same time, gentle on LI Shi Meng Qing contacts and show more offensive to fault on the LI Shi cynical.

Zheng Mingzhe tell the program is to give up the efforts to find open, immediately accepted the new tasks.

Lengfeng the patience to wait for the results, and so finally, someone claiming to Condor directly to the Zhengyang call.

Article 14 sets

Condor has run such a big risk to the Zhengyang personally call Lengfeng that some extraordinary things, he will layout the day-to-day access to the Zhengyang place a comprehensive surveillance cameras.

The Zhengyang Sure enough, the Wei Qi Tang to give directions, so that he那只suitcase with the state, a large supermarket into the safe deposit box. LI Shi rate of people waiting in the supermarket when the makeup of a middle-aged women suddenly pulls the suitcase Hsiao Hui, the cab ride扬长而去. While LI Shi layout vehicle tracking, Lengfeng suddenly notice LI Shi give up track, photographs Hall of technical analysis. Condor because the same person who command, and Weiqi the suitcase and took such a big twists and turns before returning to the state, Lengfeng recognize this is an unusual move, so he did not want to disturb the enemy, and, in addition to the Zhengyang have charged To our monitoring, the makeup of a middle-aged women are likely to women is a key figure.

Gentle live up to all the technical analysis of photographs, will soon find out the makeup of a middle-aged women Hsiao Hui's true colors, but also in places frequented by the Zhengyang the video, confirmed that Hsiao Hui also often at the same time. After analysis technology sector than the right, and Lin found that the Commissioner of men and women between the women is also Hsiao Hui. Hsiao Hui Leng Feng aware of is a very targeted and immediately started Hsiao Hui layout of the all-round monitoring. When LI Shi Hsiao Hui and tenderness into the living area to conduct reconnaissance, surprised to find Mengqing rent the house happened to the top of the residential Hsiao Hui, Hsiao Hui-surveillance is the best perspective. Lengfeng bold decisions and Mengqing showdown by her house surveillance Hsiao Hui. Mengqing proposed cooperation LI Shi is the only condition to come to live as boyfriend. In order to work requirements, LI Shi had promised to go, fearing the gentle misunderstanding, heart very contradictory.

Mengqing an excuse to house decoration, to lead our technical staff LI Shi Jin Meng Qing living apartments for the installation supervisor, has unexpectedly aroused the suspicion Hsiao Hui.

Article 15 sets

Hsiao Hui will really hit the telephone by a decoration company LI Shi, Fortunately, we already take precautions, not to see Hsiao Hui breached. Hsiao Hui wary but not eliminate, she is personally come Datan, Fortunately, Mengqing alert, with LI Shi take the initiative to dispel the suspicion Hsiao Hui, LI Shi Meng Qing told that she has betrayed her friend Hsiao Hui is because she's on LI Shi Feelings, LI Shi although some moved, but can not accept Mengqing's feelings, mind very Bieniu, Mengqing firmly believe that one day they can win LI Shi of their love.

After several days of surveillance, reconnaissance surprised to find, Hsiao Hui quietly and some artifacts traffickers contacts, Zhencha Yuan Condor may have suspected smuggling through underground channels for titanium metal boxes will be shipped overseas territory. Although the cold that they had misgivings about, but also not the effect, he requested the police to meet some of the key cultural relics smuggling traffickers to monitor. Jing Tang Ying a promised full cooperation.

Hsiao Hui Meng Qing an excuse not to see that breached every day affectionate and LI Shi out double into the right, LI Shi very uncomfortable, but also worried that gently through the monitoring equipment to see him and Mengqing with the situation. This will allow Nanbian his mouth, but can not be refused and Mengqing together.

Hsiao Hui Meng Qing this sudden hand on the boyfriend always worried, she called for LI Shi Meng confirmed that the White Lailu, Meng-an extremely alarmed, immediately find his Mengqing Xingshiwenzui. Bangladesh asked the white face, stated categorically that their love LI Shi Meng Qing, insisted he can not marry. LI Shi claimed that while he is a homeless unemployed, is around their non-Mengqing. Bangladesh White Qide walk out, his decision to provoke a lesson on this small Hunhun Meng Qing, LI Shi Unexpectedly, they are not opponents, they hands in public places has caused a "110" police vehicles, with LI Shi Meng Qing Fled Bangladesh under two white police withholding the.

Article 16 sets

Jing Tang Ying Meng White heard that his fights in public places, but she knows the cold morning to see Bangladesh Belarus is interested, is now trying to take this opportunity to make the trial of his white Meng, a group of Lengfeng help, but some people do not want at this time To the upper behalf of the Bangladesh under the white-out. Leng Feng Jing Tang Ying and feel that there are articles.

Jing Tang Ying under the sea, will soon find out the number of major cultural relics traffickers, and a preliminary grasp of these crimes. Leng Feng Jing Tang Ying request not to take measures, he would like to Hsiao Hui waiting for the next step.

To better meet our Meng Qing, Li Meng Qing Lengfeng instructions a little more care. This allows originally Kan Buguan LI Shi Meng Qing and the more gentle jealousy, also shows that a gentle heart like the LI Shi.

LI Shi Meng Qing see on the care, Hsiao Hui finally put aside the doubts of the heart. LI Shi monitoring fewer bells and whistles to her obstacles.

LI Shi Hsiao Hui from the surveillance video into, Hsiao Hui Leng Feng, who found that supervisors received the joint command.

According to the two groups on the track, the Zhengyang and Hsiao Hui to the same joint locations. LI Shi surprised to find that Bangladesh and a white person named Zheng Mingzhe also in the vicinity, Lengfeng instructions, regardless of Bangladesh to white, stubbornly pegged on the benefits and the Zhengyang. Zhencha Yuan were even more surprised that Hsiao Hui has secretly tracking the Zhengyang and sneaked into the Zhengyang home stolen away bags of luggage, what is loaded inside, do not know, Zhencha Yuan Hsiao Hui tracking found carrying luggage bags into the Jinhe Express.

Lengfeng from Zhencha Yuan described the details of the judgement to Hsiao Hui is not really tracking the Zhengyang, but the Zhengyang intention to guide Hsiao Hui to their homes Quna that luggage bags, this is their way of a transfer of goods. Lengfeng under instructions not to Mangdong, Hsiao Hui wait until a repeat action, and he immediately instructed the Jinhe company chiefs monitor the implementation of Chapter Wan-chen.

Article 17 sets

Through monitoring, we found that really Hsiao Hui Zhang Wan-chen requested help with their company's network of smuggling a few artifacts leave the country, forced to Wan-chen of the chapter aGREed to the request of the Hsiao Hui, Hsiao Hui Leng Feng did not even really want to believe that the smuggling of cultural relics.

At this time, Zheng Mingzhe a link on the Hong called the potential elements, he began to layout tasks.

Lengfeng Ouyu drunk on their way from work in the high Arran, he can not bear to see the high Arran drunken Shitai the way, she was sent back to the home. High Arran he has stubbornly cling. Then Jing Tang Ying has called for an emergency Lengfeng. In fact, Jing Tang Ying under control of a heritage traffickers night suddenly mustered staff, there seems to be action. Lengfeng immediately and the rate of one pair of antiquities traffickers Police laid dragnet.

The group of traffickers heritage has quietly sneaked into Jinhe courier companies, stolen away a luggage bag. Lengfeng fear of unexpected, but it ordered the arrest several heritage traffickers, and blocked foreign news. Order Lengfeng did not expect the luggage bag was really two artifacts, according to Heritage traffickers accountable, is the joint Hsiao Hui and their two precious relics to sell them, other traffickers really knew nothing about the situation heritage. Even Lengfengdounong unknown platinum Zhengyang and Hsiao Hui in the end they want to do.

Hsiao Hui Zhen Chayuan on our side for a 24-hour personal stalking, unexpectedly been secretly observed that Hsiao Hui of the Hong breached soon, Lengfeng and others from listening to the Hong reconnaissance of a sudden to be our monitoring Has long been called the phone number, dialogue, the Hong request of the Condor standby to take the programme. Condor aGREed. Lengfeng do not know this time called the Condor Who, do not know what reserve programme.

Article 18 sets

Bangladesh found Zheng Mingzhe white, told him his Mengqing living alone out not be assured, and was concerned that the LI Shi Meng Qing who is not good man, Li Zheng Mingzhe please go to the Zhengyang, Mengqing rent the house Tuidiao. So to find the Zhengyang on. Faced with the sudden appearance of the Zhengyang, LI Shi Meng Qing and another with a realistic performance Pianguo the Zhengyang.

The Zhengyang Mengqing just left his home on the instructions received, above told him that he may have been exposed, immediately think of ways hidden. The Zhengyang immediately hide in a remote factory hostel. The Zhengyang Lengfeng wonder why this sudden move, he told his contact Security Section and the plant, pay close attention to the Zhengyang. Then a news In the afternoon, Jin He is a charter company transport operations, Hsiao Hui Zhang Wan-chen asked the smuggling of goods is likely in the goods, at the same time, Zhang Wan-chen will be random exit.

Lengfeng Jin He immediately followed the team went straight to the airport transport company, after repeated consideration, decided to take the risk Lengfeng put the team access to the airport, he has not found titanium mixed with goods in the circumstances, he does not want to risk alerted the enemy, at the same time, he also Coordination with the civil aviation department and ask them to prosecute the exit of these goods. Wait until all the cargo capacity of the security preparations, all Zuobu Zhu, have requested the immediate seizure of goods, Lengfeng decided to immediately arrest of Zhang Wan-chen.

Article 19 sets

According to Zhang Wan-chen account, Hsiao Hui is the duty entrusted him with two antiques from the people, he did not know that it is endangering national security espionage. Lengfeng are unwilling to take the risk, ordered the seizure of goods. Hsiao Hui, and other shippers to find the suitcase that open inspection, they found that there really is two antiques and antiquities traffickers from Jin He stole the company is set. People can not help but dumbfounded. While Lengfeng and others at the airport handling Chapter Wan-chen, his call to Zhencha Yuan reported that the plant was the Zhengyang security Niusong to the Office of Safety and Security heard that the factory because the Office is concerned about the safety of people and immediately start arresting the Zhengyang . Lengfeng Cubujifang let this incident. To realize that he has exposed the Zhengyang, Hsiao Hui certainly will not retain his job, when he had to stalking the Zhencha Yuan Hsiao Hui directed the immediate arrest Hsiao Hui, Hsiao Hui of the Hong been killed and the driver fled.

Hsiao Hui Leng Feng keen to find the suitcase is the smuggling of cultural relics from the Tang Wei Qi, to the sea, to the那只, immediately ordered the technical departments on this box were identified,. This is the original one can escape the security of our special material made of metal boxes, with the Zhengyang statements, Lengfeng concluded: Condor organizations original plan was such a special material made of titanium metal box Add to Metal box, this way avoid the security check outside. The Zhengyang provide a set of objects is what they used to test the function of this metal box, Unexpectedly, the money eyes of the boss secretly Hsiao Hui Manzhuo of which two will be sold to antiquities dealers heritage, and the Condor organizations are aware of Hsiao Hui May be exposed, even in her metal box full of functional test after the killings Miekou.

The surface, under the control of all our objectives, the death of death, grasping the grasping, as if all the fault line, Lengfeng think that he is most likely to have the breakthrough clue that this metal box, LI Shi ordering him within three days to find that no trademark, the site has no metal box manufacturers. Lengfeng director of a sudden notice, according to reliable information, a television station called Zheng Mingzhe of a major suspects. Lengfeng also aware that such a deep reservoir of espionage elements, it is not a small role. He was immediately layout forces, strictly controls the Zheng Mingzhe, at the same time, under portraits SIMULATION gentle on the technical analysis, we understand very quickly killed the driver of the Hong Hsiao Hui as the original, this is one of China's security organs have been the Hidden elements.

Article 20 sets

After Zheng Mingzhe surveillance, he found very active recently, he bought a batch of Wangmingzhitu Chunchunyudong, Lengfeng feel that the time has been close to a showdown. He would like to disrupt the enemy's rhythm, for the initiative, therefore categorically decided to capture their lives for the Zhebang Wangmingzhitu Zheng Mingzhe, forcing a forced Zheng Mingzhe, the next step to see how they do. But at the same time, Leng Feng Zheng Mingzhe is also aware of key figures, he urged the LI Shi responsible for stalking and gentle, he in no way can the弄丢.

Zheng Mingzhe suddenly received mysterious phone, that he had exposed, quickly managed to escape, LI Shi and gentle preparation and vigilance, they entered a restaurant tracking Zheng Mingzhe, accidentally hit the Hong As a result, and the exchange of fire in the Hong , Zheng Mingzhe sliding off. Even Lengfeng also did not expect the enemy even at the expense of the Hong Zheng Mingzhe to cover to get out.

At the urging of the Lengfeng, LI Shi Dahailaozhen Side has finally found a metal suitcase manufacturer, along the trail, Lengfeng soon find out that the spy organization breached, after careful calculations and Lengfeng of detectors, And finally to a startling conclusion, even high-Arran is the spy agency's core figure, when LI Shi, who went to arrest the high Arran, they discovered that she had deserted.

After a series of actions, Lengfeng ultimately confirmed by the high Arran Silk help her find a job and care about the lives of opportunity for the Silk unknowingly help her complete a lot of work to transmit information. Arran and the high risk will most likely titanium metal box hidden in Silk home, when the Silk Lengfeng of people to search at home, surprised to find just white motorists to leave Bangladesh.

Article 21 sets

Arran stored in high-Silk things really are missing, in addition to layout Lengfeng who captured the city high Arran, the director of his report on Bangladesh to find a white, white light of the identity of Bangladesh, as well as our fundamental grasp He can not take part in espionage activities of the Organization strong evidence, Lengfeng with his helplessness, he has been very mysterious, so that it Fangbu Xia Lengfeng heart. After carefully listening to Lengfeng director of the doubts, he revealed a top-secret information, Bangladesh and Belarus is our intelligence agencies work directly in contact with the department, the province and directly between the white and Bangladesh, security is the Director of the Office I, it is precisely because the White Meng information, Zheng Mingzhe to the surface.

According to multi-Jiang, confirmed that high-Arran is the Condor, in Lengfeng contacts with the process of starting slowly Lengfeng vigilance, can almost be confirmed until the high Arran is the espionage elements, Lengfeng very sad and pain. This means that, in recognition of high Arran Lengfeng criminal suspects when there has been some doubt as to Lengfeng the high Arran, after testing, Lengfeng have guessed the identity, then fled layout Zheng Mingzhe, while also holding its own titanium Box into the crowd.

Police in the security sector and the many hurdles, high Arran and Zheng Mingzhe suddenly hijacked a school bus to kindergarten, Haeju break the blockade. Lengfeng immediately Shuaizhong Jews as Temple Mount. Zheng Mingzhe in dealing with the time, gentle was installed in the protective measures Yuer finally play a role, we captured alive by Zheng Mingzhe, the crafty high Arran carrying titanium box, get off early and fled to the seaside. Fortunately Lengfeng would have expected the high Arran Jinchantuoke plan, layout LI Shi Zheng Mingzhe, who chase when he led the pursuit of high Arran. After a thrilling contest, high Arran Lengfeng finally captured alive, keep titanium metal boxes, and Yuer psychological trauma has also slowly heal.
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