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IV. Word Spelling

[日期:2008-04-02]   [字体: ]

IV. Word Spelling(10 points,1 points for two words)

36.主题,主旋律 n.  t­ _ _ _ _                37. 方式,流行样式 n.  f _ _ _ _ _ _

38. 九月 n..  S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                39. 滑稽的,逗人发笑的 a . f _ _ _ _

40. 紧(身)的  a . t _ _ _ _                 41.省,领域 n . p _ _ _ _ _ _ _

42. 逗乐,提供娱乐 v . a _ _ _ _       43.尽管,任凭 prep . d _ _ _ _ _ _

44. 提醒 v . r _ _ _ _ _                      45.浪费,废物 v . n . w _ _ _ _

46.巨大的,巨人 a . g _ _ _ _                 47.谦虚的,适中的 a . m _ _ _ _ _

48.真诚的 a . s­ _ _ _ _ _ _                    49.平等(的),等于 a .v .  e _ _ _ _

50.责备,指责 v . b _ _ _ _                   51.允许,许可(证)n .v . p _ _ _ _ _

52.灯 n . l _ _ _                             53.合作,协作 v . c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

54.西方的 a . w_ _ _ _ _ _                    55.单独的,仅仅 a .ad .  a_ _ _ _

V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point each)

56.Tom has the _____(able) to carry out the task by himself.

57.She was _____(frighten) when she heard about the accident.

58.Although he was a bit slow, he did the work _____(accurate) .

59.The rumour brought about _____(need) anxiety among people living in the neighborhood.

60.I am working here now, but I _____(teach)  at Harvard this time next year.

61.He looked worried because he was still _____(certain) of the victory.

62.The schoolmaster says the money will be used _____(buy) equipment for the school.

63.We know very little about him because he is _____(willing) to say anything about his past.

64.She said that she wanted to forget everything_____(relate) to her school years.

65._____(finish) the homework, John went home by bus.

VI.C-E Translation (15 points,3 points each)






VII.E-C Translation (15 points)

   Children are encouraged to “leave the nest” at certain age and begin their own life. After children leave home they will establish social relationships and look for financial support outside the family. Usually parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Yet, even if children choose their own husband or wife, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.

   In many families, children are encouraged to make major life decisions themselves. Living away from parents does not mean that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in American families.

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第 1 页: PART ONE 第 2 页: Ⅲ. Reading comprehension
第 3 页: Passage Two 第 4 页: Passage Three
第 5 页: IV. Word Spelling 第 6 页: 英语(一)试题答案
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