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[日期:2008-02-05]   [字体: ]

Decisions determine our lives.
Decosion can be tough to make.
Let me share some advice.
Let's learn how to make good decisions.
Here are some guidelines to follow.

First,analyze the decision you have to make.
Know why you have to make it.
Think about the who,what,where,why,and when.
Weigh all the pros and cons.
Evaluate all your options.
Evaluate possible outcomes objectively.
Determine the issues.
Get all the facts.
Get expert opinions and advice.
Second,establish your priorities.
Establish standards for evaluating.
Try to make a level-headed decision.
Decide what you need.
Decide what you like.
Distinguish clearly between the two.


Trust your intuition.
Trust that "gut feeling."
Just follow your heart and brain.
Third,search for solutions.
Seek the best scenario for you.
Try to find the perfect choice.
Test the alternatives.
Try to simulate and predict.
Try to imagine the outcome of each decision.
Think outside the box.
Think about what could go wrong.
Consider possible outcomes.
Fourth,make up your mind.
Make a decision to act.
Make the right choice and get started.
Follow it through.
Stick to your guns.
Have confidence in your choice.
Don't depend on others.
Be responsible for your choices.
Be committed right to the end.
In conclusion,use careful consideration.
You have the power to decide.
Be a determined person.
Narrow down your choices.
Too many choices are confusing.
No more than two should be the rule.
Thank you all for listening.
Make a decision right now.
Decide to be more decisive today.

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