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[日期:2008-01-22]   [字体: ]

    The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


    Based on the classic novel by CS Lewis. Four London children are sent to a professors country home in order for protection during World War II. There they find a magic wardrobe which leads to a mystical land called Narnia, which is being ruled by an evil witch. To defeat the Witch, they must join forces with Aslan, the lion God of Narnia, and the GREat battle between good and evil.

    The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    Based on the classic novel by CS Lewis. Four London children are sent to a professors country home in order for protection during World War II. There they find a magic wardrobe which leads to a mystical land called Narnia, which is being ruled by an evil witch. To defeat the Witch, they must join forces with Aslan, the lion God of Narnia, and the GREat battle between good and evil.


Movie Script I 电影对白一: 

Lucy: Were you hiding from me?
Mr. Tumnus: No, I, I, I just didn't want to scare you.
Lucy: If you don't mind my asking, what are you?
Mr. Tumnus: I'm a faun. And what about you? You must be some kind of beardless dwarf?
Lucy: I'm not a dwarf! I'm a girl! And actually I'm the tallest in my class.
Mr. Tumnus: You mean to say that you're the daughter of Eve.
Lucy: My mom's name is Helen.
Mr. Tumnus: You're, in fact, human?
Lucy: Yes, of course.
Mr. Tumnus: What are you doing here?
Lucy: Well, I was hiding in the wardrobe in this spare room...
Mr. Tumnus: A spare room? Is that in Narnia?
Lucy: Narnia? What's that?
Mr. Tumnus: Well, what do you think? You're in it. Everything from the lamppost, all the way to the castle Cair Paravel on the eastern ocean. Every stick and stone you see, every icicle, is Narnia.
Lucy: It snows in the wardrobe.
Mr. Tumnus: What? I'm sorry, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tumnus.
Lucy: Pleased to meet you Mr. Tumnus. I'm Lucy Pevensie. Oh, you shake it.
Mr. Tumnus: Uh, why?
Lucy: I, I don't know. People do when they meet each other.
Mr. Tumnus: Well, then, Lucy Pevensie, from the shining city of wardrobe in the wonderland of spare room. How would it be if you came and had tea with me?
Lucy: Oh, thank you very much. But I...I probably should go back.
Mr. Tumnus: It's really near, it's just around the corner. There is a glorious fire and toast and tea and cakes, and perhaps we'll even bring in the sardines.
Lucy: I don't know.
Mr. Tumnus: Come on. It's not everyday I get to make a new friend.
Lucy: Well, I guess little Pevensie could come for a little while, if you have sardines.
Mr. Tumnus: By a bucket load.


1. faun:(古罗马传说中)半人半羊的农牧神

2. hide from sth/sb 表示:躲避某人某事。
Movie Script II 电影对白二:

Susan: Why are they staring at us?
Lucy: Maybe they think you look funny.
Mr. Beaver: Wait, stop being fussy. You look lovely
Peter: We have come to see Aslan.
Aslan: Welcome, Peter, son of Adam. Welcome Susan and Lucy, daughters of Eve. And welcome to you, beavers. You have my thanks. But where is the fourth?
Peter: It's why we are here, sir. We need your help.
Susan: We have a little trouble on the way.
Peter: My brother has been captured by the White Witch.
Aslan: Captured? How could this happen?
Mr. Beaver: He betrayed them, your Majesty.
Oreius: And he has betrayed us all.
Aslan: Appease, warriors. I'm sure there's an explanation.
Peter: It's my fault, really. I was too hard on him.
Susan: We all were.
Lucy: Sir, he's our brother.
Aslan: I know, dear one. But that only makes the betrayal all the worse. It's maybe harder than you think.


be hard on someone,表示“对某人过于严厉“。例如:Stop being hard on him, he's just a little boy. 别对他太严厉了,他只是个小孩而已。

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